Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

lixyU, 1943 70 EVENING GAZETTE SPAEHS 1 Veiling Ritea Are Held for last Thertiy.trrsisa rlta 113. E. R. XXc? r-1 The csw cisrs wee trts2a lnduiin lis. Jean TcEsfca, president; Mrs.

S.f Gxraer, first vice present; X2 Tediy KlciB. second vise prerll-t; Mrs. E. R. Elihcp, secretary; las.

CATHARINE N. HERGEN, ATO Mothers Hold Ted it Chapter House Alpha Tau Omega ITothers club sponsored a tea at the chapter house last week with a large number of members and friends in attendance. Refreshments. ere served from tat covered with a lace cloth and centered with a silver service, and red roses. Pouring were Mrs.

R. Thompson, Mrs. Starr Hill, Mrs. CL L. Good.

Mrs. J. A. Fuller, Mrs Preston Smith, Mrs. Sam Francovich and Mrs.

J. P. Hart. Mrs. Ruth Kerr was in charge of the session.

Featured during the afternoon were songs by the Mackay day song team of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Members of the song team are Earl Fremont, accom panist; Malcolm Short, John Hen-ningsen, Raymond Alzola, Peter J. CaseUa, Buck "Wells, Stanley Among" those who attended were Mesdames Rufli Kerr, president, Starr Hill, M. A. Williams, W.

W. Short, Ray S. Frazer, E. Reed, Leonard Savage, H. SuttonrW.

a Hinckley, I GcocHarry Swanson, Allen Rives, William Raggio, A. C. Johnson, George R. Magee, Minnie Branch, Fricke, Chris Cairistoff ersen, Clarence Henningsen, James Cusick, Charles Early, Ben Raggio, Al Adams, R. Thompson, R.

D. Overholt, Charles W. Brooks. Memorial Tea Held Thursday -i At Southside School Honors ITwo Former Reno Educators Troc? CI Ccrti, crtxr-tiiatJ at a tzzl Crr.n Friisy evesJs at -the CI tJL was i fcn2d ty Cris hfih school. Pttociirx Patrons trJ nitrcrai were Mr.

and llrs. J. IZZzr, lira. Gar ence TJlzy.lZit. Urs.

IL Hairas and J. C. Davison. About CTty cocia cf schocl attrL The proceeds froa tie tree wZl be used to Bsgacrs with tUir summer citTrp tuition. Chijter PEO sisterhood, net at the home of Mrs.

Al Akorn last Wednesday, evening. The mothers of the members were honored guests. Each mother was presented with a corsage and gift Mrs. E. W.

Swayne presided. A social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served. Those present were Mesdames Margaret Hart, Ernest L. Schroe-der, C. J.

Christensen, I H. Davis. Fred T. Shaver, Avys Pease, Lila Kennedy, Henry P. Schneider, George Paragini; Al.Alcorn, Harry S.

Foote, Vincent Keele, Carl Short, Clarence Risley, E. W. Swayne, Walter Trabert, Archie L. Cross. Misses Evelyn Mantle, Doris.

Shaver. The Women's Society for Christian service of the Methodist church will meet Wednesday afternoon with the retiring officers hostesses. A dessert luncheon will be served at 1:30 The new officers will be installed, Nevada Stars No. 547, auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, will meet Tuesday evening at the Masonic temple with Mrs. Florence Diedricksen presiding.

The annual birthday party will be enjoyed, and members having bilthdays in May will be honored, The members of feather River lodge at Portola, have been invited to attend and members of the B. of R.T. will join the group for refreshments; The junior-senior high school Parent-Teachers' association met Gas Heating lasfelletioM gas sdvice SALES and REPAIRS Frsd G. Rtichaiee Phone 7754 Gray Ladies Red Cross Lady veiling service held in th Twentieth Century club house Thursday, evening featured an impressive ceremony presided over; by Mrs. Harry Foote- Gray 2ay chairman.

The Invocation was given by The Rev. Dasa Daugherty, end the history of Gray Lady service la Washoe county was given by Mrs. Howard Doyle, one of the orll2al nine Gray Ladies in 1S33. 7 Denver Dickerson, recognition chairman; gave highlights of the national history of Gray Lady Services and related the rapid growth of this service not only to veterans hospitals but participation in community wide projects. Mr.

Dickerson and Mrs. McCuistion, presented to the class most recently receiving their cer tification, Mesdames Et J. Allard, Hadley Beedle, E. H. Christensen, H.

P. Dayton, Phillip: Deitz, William Edwards, Howard Farris, George Hemminger, J. Richard Hughes, Orrin Johnson, O. E. Neil-sen, Warren Neubaumer, Rod Perkins, E.

Piersall, May Peter sen, A. S. Pryor, Clarence Risley, T. J. Salter, May Solveson and J.

F. Wintermute. After the veiling ceremony the ladies marched in formation Jo form a Red Cross, as the ladies stood at attention, the Rev. Daugh-erty, accompanied by Jack Kramer sang The Lords Prayer', in benediction. Other Gray Ladies at the cei monial, and also friends -and relatives present included Mrs.

Orrin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mrs.

George Fawcett, Mrs. Richard H. Cowles, Mrs. James W. Airhart, Mr.

and Mrs. Phfllip Dietz, Mrs. J. B. Mrs.

Celestia B. Coulson, Mrs. J. F. McCuistion, Denver Dickerson, Mars Harry Foote, Mrs.

Howard Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marks, Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Horgan, Mrs. Forrest Lovelock, Mrs. Forrest Eccles, Mrs. Emory A.

Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Hughes, Mrs. C.

C. Risley, Mrs. Rex Dul- gar, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nue-baumer, Dr.

and Mrs. William A. Edwards, Capt. and, Mrs. S.

V. Tleber, Mr. and H. Davis, Maytor H. McKinley, and Mrs, Lee M.

Allaire. There are about 18,000,000 washing machines in this country. tuisseu west. Mrs. Eishcp, the reCrtj pred-t, thanied'the iabers fcr their cooperation the past year.

Roy Gomm, prtcram chairman. Presented the Th pan- band of the Mothers club troop 2, Eoy Scoots, in several imeical selec- It was voted to sponsor a girl-and boy to girU state and boys' j. Refreshments were served by Miss Lucile Stone and Mrs. G. W.

MasonhalL Queen Esther Rebakah iodge No. 9 will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the Masonic temple with Mrs. Effie Rock presiding. There will be entertainment and refreshments will be served by Josephine Morrow and her committee. Mrs.

Janet Fredericks will leave tonight, for Cleveland, Ohio, to visit her brother and family. 1 iost AFGHAN HOUND Mole, large black and fan. Probably in Washoe Reward. Cox 321 tr.M TTftms ill 0'Finn StrMt, Mtf Hyde All Outside Rooms Tab and Shower SIngti from Doubts from ft I Dining Room Drive-ln Garage ITfcJUrrf f. letttt.

Cmil Jfwmf STDTVAtlT Oowntown Gswy St, sbovt HmM Witti Slnito from 1100 mis I DM19M now sue WttfMut SKicia; ISM 0mW Excellent Dinta? Rooaa at Moderate Prieea TO BE 0 BOss Mary hom*o, daughter of Mrs Paul CUrando- of Virginia City, whose engagement was annonneed recently to Frank- E. Besaschl, Jr of Reno. Mis Rosso is graduate of Stoi oonnty high school and Is now employed by the veterans admhrtstratten to Beflo. Mr. Rosaschl Is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Rosasehi of Beao, formerly of Terington. He Is a graduate of the University of Nevada, where he was a member of Alpha- Tan Omega fraaernlty. Daring the war he served In the United States navy with the rank of lieu-tenant, and spent SO months In the PacUlo area. He is now district governor of the 20-SO dub of Nevada, and Is in the Insurance business In Reno.

The couple plan be married in September at St. Thomas Aquinas cathedral in Reno. (Paffrath studio) Traditional affair of the South' slide Parent-Teacher associtation Frances Frey-Carrie! Sp3raner Memorial tea given at the school auditorium on Tnursday 7 'afternoon. City school officials, past presi-t dents of the Southside association, iteno PTA heads, relatives and friends, joined with the member ship at its final meeting of the -year in paying tribute to the two former leaders. Welcoming the guests were Mrs.

J. Capurro, president, -'and Mrs. Pearl G. Dominguez, school principal. General chairman for the tea was Mrs.

Ernest Cer-' 'veri, vice-president, assisted by Mrs. Albert Casazza, hostess chairman, and their committee of room mothers who have served this year their respective teachers. "-Biographical notes on Miss Frey rand Mrs. Traner were read by Miss Echo Loder, retired principal of Northside junior high school, and Mrs. Ted Sherman, youngest of Mrs.

Traner's daughters, who has taught at Southside the past year. Members of a pioneer Nevada family, the late Miss Frey was principal of Southside school from 1912 until her death in 192a In 1929, the Frey Memorial library was begun by Mrs. Carrie Traner and others in recognition of her great love of books and the ob-vkws benefit to her pupils whose numbers were increasing far more It rapidly than the volumes in the ff Bbrary. rV. Herself a former teacher, Mrs.

Traner was the wife of Dr. Fred JV. Traner, now dean of the de- apartment of education at the Uni-versify of Nevada, and was closely associated with the school for many years while their. five were enrolled there. She died in 1938 and her name was added to jthe memorial in 1939.

With Mrs. Carl MacPhee, of United Parent-Teacher officiating, new officers MARRIED H. Elliott, Ralph Irwin, Grable Mitchell, Charles P. T. Pedersen, Lois Bicknell, Earl Wooster, Darrel Swope, William Smyth, N.

Newell, O. L. Rupp, Misses Beulah Singleton, Alphon-sine Liotard, Frances Humphrey. MEET TONIGHT Dot-so-la-lee post No. 12, Amer ican Legion, will meet in the ante-room of veterans hall, 7:45 p.

m. today, Tuesday, May 17. E. Martie, department commander, will speak; Mrs. E.

M. Yates, commander, will preside. Convention News Features Meeting Of PEO Chapter 4 State convention reports were presented at the final meeting of chapter F. PEO sisterhood, on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Olin Rupp on Margrave avenue, Mrs.

Darrel Swope and Mrs." William Smyth, delegates the convention held in Fallon on May 13 and 14, spoke on the activities of the state meeting. Supreme and state chapter officers were present during the convention and Swope and Mrs. Smyth reported that they urged PEO members to, work actively for the promotion of world Chapter was: honored in having Mrs. Swope elected to the office of state treasurer. During ithe business meeting, Mrs.

Earl Houghtaling was presented with a parting gift. Mr. and Mrs. Houghtaling will leave soon for Schenectady, N. where they will make their home.

At the close of the meeting, refreshments were by the hostess. Attending were Mesdames M. W. Deming, Earl Houghtaling, Society Editor, Tdephcae 3161 care chairmen were Mrs. tL Rodgers and Mrs.

Melvin Webb. Frey family members present were Mesdames Charles J. Sadlier, William Sanford, Leland Hill and Ed Hand. Miss Edith Hurd and Miss Jessie Beck, who were on the original teaching staff, were also present. Mrs.

Charles H. Burke was introduced as one of the found ers of the parents' association and long-time friend of the schooL Past presidents attending in cluded Mesdames B. R. Adden-brooke, Lawrsnoe Gulling, Mar garet Turano, W. O.

Bay, Frank Bunker, W. J. Shinners, George Southworth, and Perry W. Hayden. Representing the aty parent- teacher associations were Mesdames George Buchanan, T.

W. Morton, Elton I. Morris, T. Harper, TL Hilsabeck, Ross Ba- rengo, Charlotte Bath and Sigvard J. also Oscar Jen sen, past president of United Par ent-Teachers.

School system guests were Mes dames Raymond E. Marks, Randall Ross, Darrell Swope, Ellis Min- shall; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wooster, Mr. and Mr.

Neil Scott and Roger Corbett. Hr v.i Glee- club members included Betty Rodgers, Niki Record, Alma McCruden, Kathleen Karstens, Bobbie Gordon, Dickie Hoy, Glenn Ingraham, Jerry Isaacs, Artie Herman, Ben Cauble, Roy Killgore, Sjiros Anastassatos, Grant Reese, John Zuelzkey, Chuck Southworth, Robert Brown, Robert Firth, Joyce States. Betty Barbara Rink, Charles Sechrist, Patty Mattice, Norma Georgia Ravlakis, Helen Jaunsaras. Darla Aimone, Tommp Gal- braith, Sue Hamilton, Lee Hors-chman, Carole Howton, Donna Howton, David Hoy, Denny Jones, Patricia Kitts, Leah Larson, Norma Lund, Richard Maffi, Lindley McClure, Melvin Murry, Howard Neilsen, Dickie Rees, Jimmy Rod-rigue, Muriel Shapiro, Karin Slom-ka, Betty Spring, Lily Stevens, Donald Trimble, Judy Schneider, Judy Beaudoin, Linda Gaylord, Diane Nuttall, Glen Chadwick, Patricia Dickow, Barbara Swart, Pat Mock, Sandra) Stri, Dale Record, Nancy Everett, Judy Buck and Carolyn Minetta. Other guests and teaching staff members were Mesdames J.

R. Carlton, Bob Williams, Roy Schmidt, John R. Hills, Daniel Jay, Harry Nielsen, Gloria Bowman, O. T. Grundy, I.

J. McCollum, H. A. Watkins, W. J.

Howton, R. Howton, A. Minetto, R. L. Horschman, Paul Rubin, Norman Lund, Jack Blakely, J.

McClure, Selma Truscott, Howard Browne, B. M. Zimmerman, M. Buchanan, Heunick, Merrie Jo Picollo, Maxine A. J.

Fetner, H. A. Tarlow, Milton Brown, Elizi- beth Doxey, Gregory McCulloch, Roy Pizorno, Joe Sierra, Estelle Bothst, P. A. Hayden, J.

F. Dwyer, Irving Slomka, R. A. Trimble, Ben Maffi, John Solaro, Ralph Hoy, W. Barum, N.

Shapiro, Joe Bawden, Frances Rosa, Bird Brown, A. W. E. P. Rees, H.

P. Schneider, E. Wolcott, V. ImeL H. Reynolds, E.

D. Hamilton, George Harris, Josehine Yparraguirre, Dolores Grady, Marguerite Molk, A. T. Spring, Hazel Gray, Darrel Wilson, N. Willis, J.

McGill, Amy; and Misses Alyce Savage, Dorothy Trimble, Charlotte Mit-ton, Angela DeNevi, Eileen Dillon, Helen Hanley, Emilie F. Yparra-quirre, Florence Canonic, Winifred fThomas and Alice Halley. Nobody knows who first made glass, but glass beads have been found in Egyptian graves believed to date back 4000 years. JUST ARRIVED A FLURRY OF fadrics IN RAYON PRINTS AND FLORALS COOK'S 24S WEST FIRST ST. PHONE 2-3203 for Southside were installed with Mrs.

Ernest Cerveri. named president, Mrs. H. E. Rodgers, first Slvtce president; Mrs.

Pearl G. Do- 'r-minguez, second vice president; retary; Mrs. David J. Mattice, corresponding secretary; Mrs. 43- SPECIAL PURCHASE! sr.iAsm::G LOU PQICES! Ernest Brooks, Florence Watson, J.

Leslie Carter, Pearl B. Carter. Also Mesdames CL. Noble, A. R.

Caprio, Minnie Bigham, Kay Banovich, Esther Linabary, W. O. Welty, J. H. Richardson, George F.

Smith, Robert S. Griffin, Samuel S. Arentz, Thomas Buckman, Ormande Bell, Charles Priest, Charles Engelke, Charlotta Glenn Calkin, William Gadda, Samuel N. Curtis, Nellie Corle, Nick Francovich, R. F.

Fisher, Charles Short, Phil Hursh, James J. Hill, T. Taylor, J. O. Beatty, Roy Torvinen, William Mayo, Vin cent P.

Gianella, H. A. Tarlow, Matilda McCuistion, Carl Short, John DuPratt, Obren Gluso-vich, E. A. Settelmeyer, Mable Rapson, Addie Reinken.

Also Mesdames Dean Duke, Thomas Cook, H. R. Cook, F. By- ars, Robert Griff en, Ralph Douglass, William Smyth, W. A.

Saxton, Herbert Clark, A. M. Smith, Joe Melcher, Russell Mills, W. F. Reading, John O.

Moseley, J. W. Locke, Earle L. Crevehng, E. J.

Waite, Viola Ginocchio, WU-liam Forman, Albert P. Basse-mier; Misses Alice Savage, Patsy Clark, Margaret Settelmeyer, Elaine Mobley. GIRL SCOUTS To outline plans for the mem bership and fund drive which will begin on May 25, Girl Scout lead ers, council members and cam paign members will meet Wednesday, May 18, at 7:30 p. m. in the Girl Scout lounge at 303 South Center st.

John R. Hills, chair man, will attend to explain the proposed campaign-which is -designed to raise money for the summer camp development, i TUT I PHESERUED 1 lit I Hi-- house conon ccietiille Pincolini, treasurer; Mrs. i ni Melvin Webb, auditor, and Mrs. Marshall Guisti, welfare chair-si-man. They were presented with aa carnation corsages by Mrs.

Ca- purro, as were the retiring of-J were advised by Earl wiWooster, city school that the new Veterans' Me-v morial School in the southeast dis-" trictwiH be ready for occupancy Tin September. Entertaining at the tea were the chOdren of the Southside glee Vk-flub, introduced by -Mrs. Pearl pominguez, principal. Selections included "The Papaya Tree," Fillers pino folk tune, "Shine, Glorious Sun "Barcarolle" and "Some- iiARr.iorjY REG. 3.98, SAVE 32c I 81x103 Inch Size Waffle Check c) il jx1 end Hobnail Soft cotton tufting I stitched In popular check design, varand -tor Lightweight, can be washed easily and will no ironing.

All or lovely solid col- prs dyed with sturdy cotton background cloth for matching. Size about 81x1 03 inches. Colors: blue, aquamarine, white, federal gold or valley rose. frosty white on rich pastels FLUFFY COTTON CIIEL'ILLE FORBIERW? JjMJLsli 'v White pattern stands out against rose, blue, rosewood arounds. 1- Where Over the Rainbow," from 'Wizard of Oz." Direction was by i.Miss Alice Twaddle and Mrs.

Bar 'bara Broomhall. followed a spring Zo theme, the tea table featuring a "'IMaypole surrounded by storybook dolls and baskets of pink roses -flnd bridal wreath, the flowers be ting repeated in tha stage decora io" tions and elsewhere in the audi In charge were Mes Cdames -W. Aimone, Spencer Mock, Elmer Sir! and Harold Jen room mothers. Guests were seated informally small tables with appointments in pastel colors, and which centered with candy baskets made by Miss Angela DeNevi's i Following the tea, Mrs. Cerveri, introduced others of the room mothers' committee on serv- Ing and refreshments including Mesdames Don Campbell, Fred Reil, John Rauch, Frank Tomsic, Sanford, Frank White, George Cate, William Hart, Mar- uuisu, uick lTuscott, Mel vin Webb and Guido Pincolini.

Mrs. Melvin Ruedy. corresDond ing secretary, handled invitations, Til TYPrtcrrnmc in tViA inhnnl miIkm of blue and white were by Mrs. Forrest Bibb. Door and child ueen.

1 oil white. Fluffy pile, firm sheeting. Full evervdav use. aqua or Qfl "Also in Reg. 6S0 Save 61c! czlsn faBstse -v5 1 A hat adoring father does not cherish the memory of his child's first brave, trembling step- long for some souvenir of those fast-vanishing baby days? There is only one "first" pair of shoes only once can you have, diem made into a lasting heirloom.

So give him the satisfaccioa of owning the best give him a Mason Muterpitc, his baby's shoes with every precious scuff and wrinkle pte served forever in precious bronze, silver, or gold. From Order TODAY to be rare of cTeTrery in time for Father's Day, June 19 Complete Interior Decorating Service for Town and Country Houses, Offices, end Ranches. All Paint-'V and, papering' personally, supervised expert -u and Perfectly Made Slip Covers. Hand Made Draperies. BY APFOINTMXNT CUVt CALL 78S4 xro One of Sears bicest values In cotton chenille spreads.

Rich color and designs usually found in more costly spreods. Soft rose, gold, blue, peach and white. Sparkling i rhyltlcolor florals; cvtrby tufting hichlicht th solid color bcckcrcxid chsnJJIa dyed with bciprrrd clCh fcr ptrfrct rnctshirg. All ccttca Wash U.xzs, Cjzty rccs, prcch or 7lJ V' .4 to- GRAY RE13 WRIGHT CO. FIRST AT SItA.

Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.