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Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

Delft, February 2019

Student manual to

ID4190-16 / ID4290-16 / ID4390-16

The IDE Master Graduation Project

Edition February 2019

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Herewith, the Graduation manual for students, 30 EC project, edition February 2019, is

updated to its full version.

In this edition, more complete and updated information is available when compared to

the May 2018 edition. Nothing changed regarding the setup of the course, and its


The following changes were processed:

1. You might have noticed the cover page has changed, now depicting the process

of initiation, execution and finishing of the graduation project.

2. The rubric and assessment forms are available (final versions) and included as

appendix A. The forms are also downloads on the graduation website;

3. A link to the newly launched expertise finder tool is added (p 9) to support you

in the search for supervisors.

4. Appendix A is updated (see 2)

5. Over the full manual, minor text adjustments have been made, some pictures

are included to further improve readability, and some email addresses needed

to be updated.

Next to that, documents that are referred to are updated:

6. The model contract again, is updated, with adjusted list numbers, and the

contract now is also available in Dutch. Both are single downloads from the

graduation website.

7. All Post Green Light communication is updated (email address changed)

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Introduction to IDE Graduation Project manual 5

1 Course Overview 6

1.1 Quick info / course characteristics 6

1.2 Position in educational programme 7

1.3 People involved, roles and responsibilities 8

2 Project requirements and learning objectives 11

2.1 Project and subject requirements 11

2.2 Learning objectives 11

2.3 Personal (learning) ambitions 12

3 Deliverables and assessment 13

3.1 Deliverables of the Graduation Project 13

3.2 Handing in of deliverables 14

3.3 Assessment 15

4 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; from idea to kick-off

meeting 16

4.1 Check: Requirements and conditions to start 16

4.2 Find a project and supervisory team 17

4.3 Define your graduation project 18

4.4 Prior to the kick-off meeting 20

5 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; from kick-off meeting to

midterm evaluation 21

5.1 The kick-off meeting (day 1) 21

5.2 Prior to the midterm evaluation 21

6 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; from midterm evaluation to

green light 23

6.1 The midterm evaluation (day 40) 23

6.2 Prior to the green light meeting 24

6.3 The green light meeting (day 80) 25

7 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; from green light to

graduation day 27

7.1 After getting a green light 27

7.2 Prior to the graduation day 27

8 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; the graduation day 29

8.1 The graduation day procedure 29

9 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; after the graduation day 31

9.1 Un-enrolment as student 31

9.2 Publicity 31

9.3 Career Centre 32

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10 General Conditions 33

10.1 Student registration and tuition fee 33

10.2 Double Degree graduation project 33

10.3 Executing a graduation project abroad 34

10.4 Student rights and duties 35

10.5 Models and prototypes 36

10.6 Liability (client project) 36

10.7 Confidentiality (client project) 36

10.8 Rules and Regulations concerning admission 38

11 Contact information 39

11.1 Course coordinator / course management 39

11.2 Graduation support 39

11.3 Other IDE staff members / chair and mentor 40

APPENDIX A; Rubric and assessment form 41

APPENDIX B; Final attainment levels of IDE MSc programmes 43

I. Attainment levels of the TU Delft master programmes 43

II. In addition, as an Integrated Product Design graduate 43

III. In addition, as a Design for Interaction graduate 43

IV. In addition, as a Strategic Product Design graduate 44

APPENDIX C: The Midterm Evaluation Form 45

APPENDIX D: Instructions for uploading documents to Brightspace organisation 47

D.1. Manual for uploading Midterm form to Brightspace 47

D.2. Manual for pre-checking your graduation report on plagiarism 47

APPENDIX E: The Dutch Patents Act 50

APPENDIX F: Embargo request 51

APPENDIX G: Requirements video and poster showcase 52

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Introduction to IDE Graduation Project manual

This is the IDE Graduation Manual. It covers the procedures, organization, and requirements

for starting and completing the course Master Graduation Project within the Faculty of

Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). We (obviously)

encourage you to timely study this manual, to prevent any misconceptions about the course,

the project and its preparations.

Chapter 1 allows you to get a quick overview of the course, and will link you to various other

chapters in this manual, and to other sources that apply. Chapter 2 will elaborate on the

expected content and the course’s study goals, where Chapter 3 addresses the deliverables

and assessment. From Chapter 4, you will be guided through the project step-by-step,

explaining possible approaches together with procedures and paperwork from start to finish.

In addition to this manual, there is another manual available with regard to the project; the

Graduation manual for clients.

If, after reading these manuals, you still have questions, there are several ways to reach out for

support. The different options are further defined in Chapter 11.

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1 Course Overview

The Graduation Project at IDE is the final culmination of your Master programme. In this

project, you will demonstrate your capabilities as an Industrial Design Engineer to the

University, the outside world, and to yourself. The emphasis of this project is not only on

testing your competences, but also on developing (new) knowledge, understanding, and skills.

You are expected to apply what you have learned, learn new things, and to operate as an

independent Industrial Design Engineer while executing this project. This course comes with

great opportunity ánd responsibility.

Quick info / course characteristics 1.1

To graduate, an IDE master student must successfully complete the Graduation Project.

The Graduation Project is a full-time course, and accounts for 30 EC. As 1 EC

represents a study load of 28 hours, 30 EC represent a course’s study load of 840 hours

(= 20 weeks of full time work = 100 days)1. Any project you are preparing to start,

should be doable within this time frame, something to keep in mind when drawing up

the project’s planning.

The course allows you to set up your graduation project to your individual wish, but

the execution of the project should match with its study load of 30 EC. This means, as

individual wishes and needs differ from one another, projects also differ a lot in

activities, results, and planning, while they all have to comply with a number of

predefined procedures (Chapter 4), criteria and goals (Chapter 2).

Your project’s set up should be summarized in the so-called Project Brief (see

graduation website, under Downloads), which will guide you in setting up your project,

facilitate discussion with your supervisors, and finally, on some aspects will have to be

approved by the Board of Examiners.

You can start your project at an individual time and date2, once you have met the

requirements to start with regard to study progress (see paragraph 4.1), and you have

completed the organisation of your project.

The course is scheduled in the second semester of the second year of your Master.

Please take into account that initiation of some types of projects require more lead

time, and more lead activities, than others. Preparing your graduation project is not

included in the run time of the course itself, but should only require a small effort from

time to time, given that you start preparing in time (during your third master semester

at the latest), e.g. by following up on the Master Plan you prepared in Manage Your

1 Keep in mind, that at the IDE Faculty, a regular, full time study week encompasses 42 hours. 2 This implies, the starting date can deviate from the start of a regular education period.

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Master. If you don’t succeed in starting preparations in time, project initiation could be

perceived as a big effort at once! It is your responsibility to move into action timely,

and an elective course is offered to support you in this (see 1.2).

You don’t need to enroll in Osiris to start. Instead, you are required to register as

graduation student with your chair’s departmental secretary.

After your project is approved by the Board of Examiners, you are automatically

registered as a graduating student within the faculty, and you will be enrolled in the

IDE graduation Brightspace community. he full procedures can be found in Chapter 4.

Fig. 1.1.1 A flyer is available to quickly inform you on the full process.

See downloads on the graduation website

Position in educational programme 1.2

The Graduation Project is the concluding course for all IDE’s master programmes. Two courses

have a direct relation with the graduation project, aimed at supporting you in the lead

activities and organization of your graduation project.

The compulsory course Manage Your Master (ID4060) requires you to prepare for the full

second year of study, and expects you to explain how your graduation project fits in. The

course supports you in preparing for the graduation project in time, and provides tools, e.g. by

organising workshops, to enable you to get informed and inspired on possibilities and topics.

During the course you work on your Master Plan (mandatory MYM deliverable), in which you

share and display your personal passions and ambitions. When starting to initiate your

graduation project, and contacting potential supervisors, you can use this Plan to inform them

about your ideas, skills, and sources of inspiration.

The elective course Initiate to Graduate (ID5080) continues on MYM and the plan you

composed in this course with regard to your graduation. ItG will provide you with tools to

independently initiate the project. The deliverable of this course is a completed, (ready to be)

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signed Project Brief. During the course you will therefore work on the preparation of your

project, the organisation of your supervisory team, and possibly a client and client mentor.

If you aim for execution of, or participation in, a faculty initiated project, preparations can

already start in your 3rd master semester by doing a Research elective (ID550X). In this elective,

you can set up your own research project, and facilitate yourself to get acquainted with IDE’s

research groups (e.g. the Delft Design Labs) and topics, and already focus on a topic of your


People involved, roles and responsibilities 1.3

As all IDE master students must successfully complete the Graduation Project in order to

graduate, the general course set up fits within each master programme. However, the

Graduation Project is different compared to the majority of IDE courses that are often

predefined in detail, because in this course it is your responsibility to organise, plan and

execute the project. The course also accommodates for individual exploration, expression and

stimulation of talent and personal growth. You are the project leader of your project, and are

expected to act like such.

Student responsibilities 1.3.1

Regarding (initiation of) the project

As explained above, it is your responsibility to organise, plan and execute the project. Being

responsible within this context means, for instance, that it is your job to initiate your

assignment and the project as a whole. You are expected to be in charge of setting goals,

scheduling meetings and activities and preparing these, and to manage your time. Equally, it is

up to you to compose a supervisory team (not to be underestimated!), and to make sure you

clearly agree on the conditions in case an external party is involved. Naturally, it is also up to

you to initiate the development of content in the project, and to keep your supervisors


In the search for supervisors, it will not be uncommon if you have several talks with different

staff members. For the sake of clarity and civilization, it is expected that once you have

composed your supervisory team, all other staff members consulted are notified of that.

Within the given structure, you will need to play your role, and to take your responsibilities.

For some, this might be the first time individual responsibility is expected to be taken for such

an extensive project. This all will contribute to the challenge the graduation project might

comprise. But, given that you have come to this stage in your studies, you are (considered to

be) well equipped. This project is a great opportunity to be set up in accordance with personal

interests, motivation, ambition and skills!

Regarding conditions

At the start of your graduation project, and at the time of green light, requirements with

regard to study progress need to be met (see paragraph 10.7). It is your responsibility to timely

check whether your courses are registered correctly, and whether all available information is

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Fig. 1.3.1 The IDE domain

up-to-date 3. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to make sure all administrative and

procedural activities are being processed and continued on.

The Supervisory Team 1.3.2

The Supervisory Team is organised by the student, and consists of a TU Delft chair and mentor,

who both have about 30 hours to supervise you. The team's expertise should more or less

cover the field(s) that the graduation subject applies to.

To learn about IDE staff qualified to act as a chair and/or mentor, you can consult the ‘List of

chairs and mentors’ which is available on the graduation website (-> downloads). Your chair

must be selected from the chairs in this list. In case you wish to involve a mentor from outside

IDE Faculty, the chair has to submit a substantiated request for approval to the Board of

Examiners 4. The proposed mentor will need to have experience in the academic field and


Both chair and mentor are required to be present at all important meetings in the project. You

will determine together to what degree, and in what way, you will stay in touch outside of

these meetings.

When a chair and mentor wish to take part in your supervisory team, they are expected to

cover different field(s) of expertise your graduation subject relates to, or to be complementary

otherwise. Industrial Design Engineering builds on the

convergence of people, technology and business,

which should be reflected in your project and the

supervisory team involved. Next to that, there cannot

be a potential conflict of interests, because your

supervisors should be able to operate as a team,

independent of potential relations they have outside

of the project.

In general, this means you should select two

supervisors who are not from the same departmental

section 5. In the situation you wish or need to have

both supervisors from the same section, this must be

motivated in the Graduation Project Brief (see

graduation website).

3 In the situation exam programme information is not correct, you should get in contact with Study Programme Administration: [emailprotected]. In the situation you might miss a course grade, get in contact with the responsible course coordinator. 4 In case a mentor from outside IDE Faculty is proposed to be member of the supervisory team, the chair’s request should include a short explanation of this person’s relation to the subject, and her/his CV. The request should be sent to: [emailprotected]. 5 In the ’List of chairs and mentors’ an overview is provided of staff members who are qualified to supervise the graduation project. The members are organised in accordance with the organizational structure of our faculty, and therefore placed under IDE’s departments and their subsections. In general, people who contribute to a similar field of research and knowledge are brought together. The list of chairs and mentors is to be found on the graduation website io.tudelft.nl/graduation -> downloads.



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Similarly, in the situation an external party is involved in your project, and one of the

supervisory team members has an interest in this party outside of the scope of your project,

you should opt for another supervisor who can act (more) independently.

The difference between a chair and a mentor is that the chair plays a formal role in the

procedures and administration of your project. The administration runs via the departmental

secretary of your chair. Depending on personal preference and task approach, you might

perceive more differences between your supervisors during project execution. Next to

supervision by your chair and mentor, you can always consult other faculty members to get

advice on a specific topic or part within your graduation project.

Information on staff members’ expertise is available on the Personal Profiles pages (graduation

website -> links), where you will also find the expertise finder tool.

Third mentor from external party 1.3.3

Many projects involve a third, external party, such as an association or company (a client). If

your project does, you will also need a third mentor who represents the client, and guides you

in applying their viewpoint into your project. In the assessment of your work, the client mentor

can function as an advisor to the supervisory team, but (s)he cannot determine the grade,

because (s)he is not authorized to act as an examiner. As a student you are assessed by the


When involving a client and client mentor, you need to make sure it is understood that your

graduation project is an academic proof, and not a commercial project 6. Your client mentor

cannot have a primary interest in the project (meaning that his or her job is on the line

depending on the outcomes of the project), and your client cannot force you on the delivery of

tangible results within a set amount of time. Nevertheless, a client can expect you to try hard

to come up with the best results for your project, and to put reasonable effort in achieving


To support you in explaining the IDE Graduation Project to the client, a ‘Graduation manual for

clients’ is available, which you will find in the downloads section of the graduation webpage.

You can provide it to the client when more detailed and background information is wished for,

after you first have explained the project to them in all respects.

6 Besides the educational aspect, this also comes forward from the BNO Code of Conduct (Gedragscode Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers BNO) the IDE Faculty complies with. Unfair competition and corruption of the market should be prevented. Therefore, the student should not be regarded as a full-fledged employee. See also io.tudelft.nl/graduation -> downloads for the full code of conduct.

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2 Project requirements and learning objectives

Next to being a regular course, the graduation project is the final project by which you

conclude a full Master’s programme. Therefore, doing the project should enable you to show

your knowledge, understanding and skills at an academic level, and you should have the

opportunity to independently plan and execute a 20 weeks project. You are expected to show

you can adapt to new developments and results from analysis, and that you are capable of

defending your choices. Moreover, your graduation project must have the potential to be a

fitting culmination of your master’s programme, in terms of content and complexity. In

appendix B you will find the final attainment levels of the three IDE Master programmes. These

levels reflect the content and competencies to develop within your specific Master.

This chapter defines the project and subject requirements, and learning objectives of the

course. Next to that, it explains the possibility to identify personal learning ambitions.

Project and subject requirements 2.1

When looking for a suitable subject, and while initiating your project, take the following

requirements into account:

The subject you will work on must fit within the domain of Industrial Design

Engineering, which integrates the three pillars Business, Human and Technology in

your project;

The subject should be relevant to the mission of the IDE Faculty: Design for Our


The project must be feasible to be executed, given the knowledge, insights,

competencies and skills you have acquired in your master programme, within the

given runtime of 100 days in total.

Learning objectives 2.2

The learning objectives describe what abilities you should be able to show to master, in, or at

the end of, the graduation project. These are the objectives that the graduation project is

assessed on. On completion of the project you, and every other student doing the Graduation

Project at IDE, should be able to:

1. Effectively collect, analyse, integrate and generate knowledge required for the project;

2. Justify your choices with respect to used methods and/or approaches used in the


3. Deliver a relevant project result. For design output this might mean a persuasive

argument for the desirability/feasibility and/or viability of the design. For research

output this could be originality and/or generalizability;

4. Effectively and thoroughly communicate to, and discuss with, stakeholders involved in

the project;

5. Manage a design/research project independently within the given time.

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Personal (learning) ambitions 2.3

You are given the opportunity to point out specific elements that you wish to put emphasis on

in the execution of your project, or that you wish to learn; your personal (learning) ambitions.

You are challenged to make clear and explicit why and how this particular project resonates

with you, and by doing so, enable all involved stakeholders to understand your project

approach. You could e.g. indicate the ambition to learn a specific method or tool, to deepen

knowledge or skills in a specific area (e.g. apply VIP, program a working prototype in Arduino,

…) or other. Definition of personal (learning) ambitions is optional, not mandatory, and counts

a maximum of five. These can be defined on the project brief, where space is reserved to write

them down.

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3 Deliverables and assessment

Deliverables of the Graduation Project 3.1

The following graduation project deliverables are defined, which are similar for all IDE

graduation projects. All graduation project deliverables need to be prepared in English.

i. A graduation report (thesis)

In your thesis you document the process followed and results of your graduation

project. It is an important part of the assessment of the project, and it is expected

to meet the accepted academic standards regarding content, structure,

referencing, and language. It should provide a good insight into the project in

terms of objective, methods and results, revealing core information in the report’s

body, supported by appendices. The thesis needs to be provided in .pdf format,

and next to the above, it must include

- A summary of 500 words max, supported by visuals, graphics and

pictures, showing process and result.

- The original project brief, as it was approved by IDE’s Board of

Examiners (include as appendix).

ii. An information presenter/showcase

You are required to prepare some form of deliverable that clearly demonstrates

the result of your work in context, the core value achieved for each of the main

stakeholders involved, and the critical (scientific) insights gained. You can think of

preparing a video of e.g. a demonstration of a prototype, an animation or a

recorded presentation, or a poster that clearly demonstrates the result in its

context. Which shape will fit best should be determined in consultation with your


For the preparation of a certain type of showcase (video, poster or

prototype/model) additional yet important guidelines and requirements are to be

found in appendix G.

iii. If applicable; a separate appendix report, containing the confidential client


Confidential information that was shared with you by the client, and that you used

in the process e.g. by taking it into account when making certain decisions, can be

included in this separate report. In that way, your supervisors can have access to it,

while it remains confidential.

iv. A public presentation

In this presentation, you are required to explain the objective, methods, concepts

and result(s) to a non-professional audience, within a maximum of 30 minutes.

The presentation is open to public and therefore you should consider how to

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handle information that is confidential, or under embargo on publication 7.

Location will be at IDE Faculty.

Handing in of deliverables 3.2

On the day of your graduation, you give your public presentation (iv).

All other deliverables: The graduation report (including appendices) (i), the showcase (ii) and

the confidential appendix report (iii) need to be handed in no later than 1 week prior to the

graduation date. The following handing in is required:

Hand in with supervisors 3.2.1

To enable the supervisory team to prepare the graduation, and to assess the project, you need

to hand in deliverables i + ii + iii with each member of the supervisory team. The deliverables

should be available digitally. Discuss with your team whether you should also provide a hard

copy version of the report.

Hand in with the faculty / upload to Education Repository 3.2.2

Next to handing in deliverables with your supervisors, you are required to upload graduation

deliverables i + ii to the TU Delft Education Repository 8.

When uploading the deliverables, other data will be asked for to provide, such as general

information on the project and a summary (which you already prepared and included in your

thesis). You can upload a maximum of 10 files. Providing this information and uploading the

files is mandatory at all times, even if there is an embargo request to keep your work

confidential 9.

A timely upload of the deliverables will be checked by IDE Faculty, and the Master’s degree

certificate will only be issued if you have met all the above mentioned conditions.

On the subject of copyright, submitting the thesis and appendices to the TU Delft Repository

implies that:

o The author (you) grants the TU Delft Library the licence to perpetually publish the full text

of the thesis on the Delft Repository website;

o The author retains the copyright to the thesis;

o There are no obligations whatsoever which prevent the publication of the thesis on the

Delft Repository website;

o The author is responsible for all statements in the thesis.

7 In your public presentation, you cannot share, or make visible, any confidential background information. Please see paragraph 10.6 for additional information on confidential information. 8 The Repositories of the TU Delft Central Library are an online database containing the academic output of TU Delft. The repositories are part of a nationwide network of scientific repositories, coordinated by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). 9 If an embargo is asked for, or granted by IDE Faculty, the report will not be accessible for the duration of the embargo. Only meta-data (data that defines your project, and by which it can be found by search engines like the author’s name, date, institute, and title) will be visible. If an embargo applies, you should send proof of this to [emailprotected] before uploading the report. See Appendix F for more information on embargo request.


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Assessment 3.3

Assessment Criteria 3.3.1

By completing the graduation project, you will simultaneously complete your master

programme and attain the degree Master of Science. For each master programme, final

attainment levels are defined. They are part of the faculty’s Teaching and Examination

Regulations (TER), and included in this manual in Appendix B. Although no formal assessment

on these programme objectives will take place, it is in line with expectations that some specific

programme objectives are addressed and/or demonstrated within the project.

As mentioned in paragraph 2.2, the learning objectives are what the graduation project is

assessed on. An explanation of the assessment criteria for the course is available on the

assessment form. The assessment of each learning objective is based on predefined criteria

and a scale, which together compose an assessment rubric. Both the assessment form and

rubric are to be found in appendix A, and on the graduation website.

Formative and summative assessment 3.3.2

In this project, both formative and summative assessment is applied. The project is always

assessed as a whole, taking into account the deliverables, your behaviour in meetings, and

other activities that can be observed by the supervisory team.

During the project, the following formal assessment moments are applied:

a. The midterm evaluation (day 40), see paragraphs 5.2 and 6.1

b. Green light meeting (day 80) , see paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3

c. Graduation ceremony (day 100) , see Chapters 7 and 8

Intermediate (formative) assessments are applied in the supervisory meetings, in the midterm

evaluation, and in the green light meeting. Based on (part of) the rubric, feedback will be given

on your work, indicating the actual level and quality of it. Although these assessments have no

official weight in the final assessment of the project, they can imply a revision of the planning,

the project’s outcomes, goals and/or your attitude, when the quality of work or progression

achieved is considered insufficient. When any prospects are lacking, you might be forced to

stop the project.

The final, summative assessment is applied on the graduation day, as part of the graduation

ceremony, and defines the final grade for the course, which will be expressed in a whole mark

or a half mark from 1.0 to 10.0. To get a ‘pass’ for the course, the minimum result required is


Cum Laude 3.3.3

The distinction Cum Laude is an honour that might be rewarded if you have shown exceptional

competence which at least is reflected by;

o An average mark for the master programme’s courses of at least 8.0 (out of 10);

o A length of study which does not exceed 30 months (2,5 years);

o The graduation project being rewarded with at least a 9.0 (out of 10).

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4 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork;

from idea to kick-off meeting

From time to time you are expected to meet with your supervisory team, so your chair and

mentor can stay involved, and you can discuss findings, doubts, progress and proceeding steps

and your supervisors can provide intermediate feedback. The meetings are scheduled

according to the preferences of you and your supervisory team.

For the graduation project to function well in practical sense, quite a number of predefined

agreements, deadlines and procedures also need to be followed. This includes completing

formal paperwork. In this, and the following chapters, the different steps within the course will

be elaborated on, and the formal paperwork that comes along with a certain step will be

addressed in the separate textboxes.

Check: Requirements and conditions to start 4.1

Before you can start, be sure to meet up to the following starting conditions:

- You have finished at least the full first year of your master programme (60 EC);

Because the graduation project is considered to be a full time course, and to ensure

that you have the requisite level of ability at the beginning of the project.

- You are registered as a full time student of the IDE Faculty

During the full course of your project you need to have a valid student registration,

otherwise your diploma cannot be created.

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Fig. 4.2.1 Different paths to initiate a project

Find a project and supervisory team 4.2

Different kinds of projects can be considered, of which each has its own kind of character.

Along with this character goes its origin, in other words: different paths are to be distinguished

towards the (initial) project setup, as summarized below.

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Define your graduation project 4.3

Set up your project by using the Project Brief template 4.3.1

When setting up your project, you should use the project brief template. Best, you start using

it as soon as you have the chance to start thinking about graduation, as the questions in the

form will conveniently guide you in the process. You should also try to involve you chair and

mentor as soon as you can, since they can provide you with information on how to set up a

decent graduation project, and they have a key role in getting the project approved later on.

Agreements made between you and your supervisory team with regard to your graduation

project are established in the project brief. Next to that, the document facilitates the required

procedural checks that have to take place within IDE Faculty, and by that, enable you with a

correct formal start of the project.

Get people involved 4.3.2

Once your project is more or less defined in the template, the project brief can also function as

a tool when discussing the project with (potential) supervisors, or people within a company. It

can support you in getting people interested and involved.

Get your supervisory team and project confirmed. 4.3.3

Details on the supervisory team are provided in paragraph 1.3.2.

Assigned chairs and mentors are listed in the list of chairs and mentors which is

available on the graduation website (see Graduation website -> Downloads)

When there is a client involved, a third, external mentor should be appointed, to

represent the client.

Already discuss, and work on the content of your project brief with the people

involved (chair, mentor, if applicable client mentor). Use it as a tool, to start a


Form: Format for Graduation Project Brief (see: Graduation website -> Downloads)

When and where to hand in: Prior to your Kick-off meeting, share with involved


On the personal project brief you explain what the project is about. Next to information on

study programme and progress, you are asked to provide the following project information:

Introduction, problem definition, the assignment, planning and approach, motivation and

personal (learning) ambitions. The project brief is the starting point of the Kick-off meeting.

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External party involved, prepare graduation contract 4.3.4

When an external party is involved in the project, it is strongly advised you operate on the

basis of a graduation contract. A model contract (IDE Graduation Contract) is available to

support you in coming to agreements with the client (see Graduation website -> Downloads).

As you will see, neither TU Delft nor IDE Faculty are party in this agreement, which is set up to

protect your rights as student as well as the client’s. As student, you should be able to hand in

the graduation project deliverables in the end, to have the work assessed and to enable

graduation, where the client should be allowed to continue with your results.

Regardless of any provision made between you and the client, TU Delft will, in accordance with

its tasks and objectives as laid down by law, execute its rights regarding use and publication of

the results of the graduation project (i.e. for educational and research activities, or publicity

purposes) taking into account the interests of all parties involved.

Form: Workplace application (to collect at IDE’s Service Desk)

When and where to hand in: If applicable, as soon as your project is confirmed, with

IDE’s service desk.

When there is no external party involved in your project, or they don’t provide a working

place, you can apply for a desk space at IDE Faculty by means of this form. You can collect it

at IDE’s Service Desk, where you can also hand it in. Work places are limited and shared; you

have a desk for 2,5 days a week, and it might take some time to get one appointed.

Form: IDE Graduation Contract (see: Graduation website -> Downloads)

When and where to hand in: The model contract is provided to support you in

negotiations with an external party. It comprises an agreement between you and the

client, and does not involve the faculty nor TU Delft. Therefore, it does not need to

be handed in.

When there is an external party (client) involved, in general a graduation contract is used to

record agreements between you and the client. In some situations, the client might offer you

an ‘internship contract’, or refers to you as an ‘independent contractor’. Because of the

objectives of the graduation project, these contracts should be carefully reviewed by

comparing them with the IDE Graduation Contract. If you, after comparing, still have doubts

on what is stated in an offered contract, or the client has made adjustments to the model

contract in a way you are not sure about, you can consult Graduation Support or IDE’s

Valorisation office. See Chapter 11 for contact information.

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It is important all parties involved are aware of the special situation of a student as a graduate

with a client. The primary objective is the learning situation, and the benefit of this working

situation for the client is derived from that. With the focus on graduation, there is the

obligation to achieve results that meet academic standards as well as the requirements for

obtaining the Master’s degree.

Prior to the kick-off meeting 4.4

Schedule a meeting with all people involved together, and prepare by making sure each of

them is sufficiently informed on the project you are about to start. Complete your personal

project brief (see 4.3.1.), and share this with the people invited, prior to the meeting.

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5 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork;

from kick-off meeting to midterm evaluation

The kick-off meeting (day 1) 5.1

The formal start of your graduation project, and the last opportunity to adjust the project brief

and get it signed by your chair.

At the kick-off meeting, you, your supervisors, and possibly client mentor, together go over the

proposal for the project, to make sure it is clear to everyone involved what you plan to do, and

which outcomes are aimed for. Any proposed adjustments can be discussed and carried

through during the meeting. When you all agree on the proposal, your chair signs the brief, so

it can be handed in with the departmental secretary of your chair to get it approved by the

Board of Examiners. After their approval, you are officially registered as graduating student for

the faculty, and you will be enrolled in IDE’s Graduation Brightspace organisation. This formal

approval might take a few weeks, but should not keep you from starting to work as planned.

At the kick-off, all stakeholders are present. Therefore it is strongly advised to grasp the

moment to fix all formal meeting dates as proposed in your planning. Make sure to already

schedule the midterm evaluation, green light meeting and graduation date.

After the kick-off meeting, you hand in the signed project brief with the departmental

secretary, who will bring it further to have it checked and approved. You should not submit it

yourself to any other department than your chair’s! Once you chair has signed the brief,

discussion related to content or process will, in the first place, be between chair and Board of


Prior to the midterm evaluation 5.2

Work on the project as planned, with regular coach meetings and by keeping your supervisors

involved. After (around) 40 working days, a midterm evaluation meeting has to take place.

Aim of this meeting is, to have a formal evaluation moment with your supervisors (chair and

mentor). Prepare for the midterm evaluation by evaluating for yourself where you are in the

SUBMIT: Personal Project Brief, signed by chair

When and where to hand in: After kick-off meeting, hand in with departmental

secretary of your chair.

The departmental secretary will make your proposal be checked by E&SA-ESC on study

progress, and that it is discussed by the Board of Examiners to get it approved.

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project, and whether you are on track, or that it might be necessary to propose some changes

to enable graduation on the scheduled day.

Form: Format Midterm Evaluation (see: Graduation website -> Downloads)

When and where to hand in: At least 3 days before the midterm evaluation meeting,

send it to your supervisors so they can prepare.

On the midterm evaluation form you are asked to provide information on progress and in-

between results. You are asked to reflect on quality, planning, personal ambitions and also

on supervision.

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6 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork;

from midterm evaluation to green light

The midterm evaluation (day 40) 6.1

The second formal moment in your project, and the first assessment is the midterm evaluation.

You have been working on the project for several weeks now, and most probably have more

understanding of the subject and your project. This review moment is scheduled with your TU

Delft supervisors (chair and mentor) who will assess you on aspects as can be found in the


The midterm evaluation form you provided your supervisors with a few days before this

meeting, will be leading.

There are different outcomes of this meeting which will affect the way you can proceed:

- Continue; you’re on track, and it is realistic to expect you will be able to finish the

project with good result within the available amount of time. You can continue as


Plan green light meeting for day 80, maintain provisional graduation date (as

defined on project brief) around day 100. Between green light and graduation

there should be minimally four weeks of time.

- Adjust; some adjustments should be made. You are more or less on track, but due

to various reasons (e.g. the project as proposed appears to be too comprehensive

or complex) you should adapt the assignment, aimed for outcomes, and/or

planning, in such a way it will be realistic for you to finish the project with good

result within the available amount of time.

Revise activities but keep 100 days runtime. Adjusting activities is considered

good management, unless it is caused by lack of intellectual capacity or lack of

time spend on the project.

- Discontinue; you’re behind schedule without any clear reasons, or the level of

your work is far from satisfying. It is highly unlikely you will be able to meet the

learning objectives within the 60 days that are left, thus to finish the project with

good result within the available amount of time.

Your supervisors will decide to stop the project there and then, and you will

need to start over with a new project. You are going to be referred to the

Graduation Progress Team 10 which will advise you in study progress, planning

and how to proceed.

10 The Graduation Progress Team can be contacted via Graduation Support (see paragraph 11.2).

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Prior to the green light meeting 6.2

Check on study progress 6.2.1

A green light can only be provided if you have finished all courses of the first three semesters

(60 EC in the mandatory programme + a minimum of 30 EC of elective courses), and have them

registered as such, prior to the meeting. The only unfinished course in your exam programme

at that time can be the graduation project. A last check on study progress will be performed

just before the green light, and any courses finished after that check cannot be part of your

courses list.

SUBMIT: Completed midterm evaluation document, signed by you, chair and


When and where to hand in: After the midterm evaluation, upload the form to the

IDE MSc Graduation Project organisation in Brightspace. You will be enrolled in this

organisation once your project brief is approved by the Board of Examiners.

After your graduation project brief is approved by the Board of Examiners, you will be

enrolled in the IDE Graduation organisation in Brightspace. It is your responsibility to upload

the signed form to this organisation. Upload of the form will be checked by IDE Faculty.

Instructions for uploading to Brightspace are to be found in Appendix D.

Form: I - IDE request declaration accomplishment Master courses (see: Graduation

website -> Downloads)

When and where to hand in: One week prior to your green light meeting, send the

request to E&SA.

This form can be downloaded from the graduation website - > Downloads -> Pre green light

meeting documents.

It should be submitted to E&SA: [emailprotected] one week prior to your green light

meeting. From E&SA, your chair (you in CC) will receive a formal declaration in which is

stated whether or not you have passed all compulsory, and sufficient elective courses, to

finish your studies.

After the meeting, and if you are given the green light, your chair will personally need to

show or forward this message to the departmental secretary.


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Thesis preparation 6.2.2

The green light meeting is scheduled 4 weeks prior to your graduation date. This implies, that

if you get green light, there will be 20 days left to finish all graduation project deliverables. To

support you in getting this done, it is required to have finished at least 80% of your thesis in

final state at the green light meeting.

Because your final thesis will be checked on plagiarism, a tool to pre-check it yourself is

provided by the faculty. You can upload your (80%) thesis to the IDE MSc Graduation Project

Brightspace organisation, and use Turnitin to check it on plagiarism. See appendix D for

instructions on how to upload and check.

The green light meeting (day 80) 6.3

The third formal moment in your project, and the second assessment. Your supervisors will

give you a green light when they do expect, with reasonable certainty, that you are able to

complete you graduation project within the next 20 days/4 weeks.

At the meeting, expectations with regard to the completion of the graduation project and

preparation for the degree audit are discussed and recorded by the chair. Getting a green light

is not a guarantee that you will pass the degree audit, although a student who has obtained a

green light seldom fails.

Aspects that will be assessed on are derived from the learning objectives (see paragraph 2.2),

and specified in the rubric. There are different outcomes of this meeting, which will affect the

way you can proceed:

- Green light / All is well: You are on track and if you continue working like you did

till here, you will be able to finish the project with sufficient result within the time

that is left.


o Confirm the graduation date (that was already defined on the project brief

around day 100);

o Agree on the shape of the showcase, which is a mandatory deliverable;

o Agree on the shape of deliverables that you are required to hand in with

supervisors (digital and/or physical). (See also Chapter 3 on deliverables)

- Red light / No go: If the progress or standard of the project is deemed to be

unsatisfactory, you will not get a green light, and another green light meeting will

be scheduled at which a new or improved draft of the final thesis must be



o Cancel the provisional graduation date;

o Allow an extra 4 weeks of work, and schedule a new (provisional)

graduation date around day 120;

o Plan a new green light meeting for day 100;

o Since managing time of project execution is embedded in the learning

objectives, the extra time taken might affect the grade (see rubric).

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(If applicable) The next/second green light meeting (day 100) 6.3.1

Being allowed an extra 4 weeks of time, it is expected this shows off with an improved draft of

your final thesis and/or improved project quality. Expectations with regard to the completion

of the graduation project are discussed as explained above.

There are different outcomes of this meeting which will affect the way you can proceed:

- All is well now: You are back on track, and you are expected to be able to finish

the project with sufficient result within the time that is left.


o Confirm the rescheduled graduation date (around day 120);

o Agree on the shape of the showcase and deliverables to hand in with your


- Another red light: If you fail to get a green light another time, a new green light

meeting must be scheduled.


o Cancel the second provisional graduation date;

o Schedule a green light meeting for day 120, and a new provisional

graduation day around day 140;

o Consider a meeting with one of the academic counsellors to discuss your

situation (see paragraph 11.2.3).

o Since managing time of project execution is embedded in the learning

objectives, the extra time taken will affect the grade (see rubric).

(If applicable) another green light meeting (day 120) and beyond 6.3.2

See the description in paragraph 6.3.1, which applies until a green light is granted.

The extra time taken for project execution will affect the grade, as is explained in the rubric.

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7 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork;

from green light to graduation day

After getting a green light (post-green light document pack) 7.1

After the green light meeting, your chair needs to personally inform the departmental

secretary on your green light, and show, or forward, the ‘Declaration of accomplishment’ as

received from E&SA-ESC on your request. The secretary will, in consultation with you, book a

suitable graduation location on the proposed graduation date. For graduation ceremonies

there are 4 fixed time slots a day, see the table below. In Chapter 8, you will find more

information on the different steps of the ceremony.

Graduation timetable (estimated)

Public presentation

Q&A session Degree audit Evaluation Awarding the degree

End of ceremony

With whom

student, supervisors & audience

student & audience

supervisors only

supervisors & student

supervisors, student & audience

Slot 1 08:45 09:15 09:15 09:45 10:15 10:30

Slot 2 10:45 11:15 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:30

Slot 3 13:45 14:15 14:15 14:45 15:15 15:30

Slot 4 15:45 16:15 16:15 16:45 17:15 17:30

The secretary will send the IDE Chair Examination Application Form to E&SA-ESC, who, on their

turn, will send a letter to you, with a request to complete and return some appendices as soon

as possible.

Prior to the graduation day 7.2

Deliverables 7.2.1

At least one week prior to the graduation day, the following graduation project deliverables

need to be submitted to your supervisors, and to the TU Delft Repository;

i. The thesis

ii. The showcase

iii. The confidential appendix report11

See Chapter 3 for a full overview of all deliverables, and the way they should be submitted. To

enable the supervisory team to assess the project, and to not obstruct any final checks

11 The confidential appendix report, with confidential background information, does not need to be uploaded to the Repository.

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performed by the faculty, your graduation deliverables need to be finished, complete, and

submitted at the time indicated being; at least one week prior to your graduation day.

After having submitted your final deliverables, you are still required to prepare the last

deliverable; your public presentation.

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8 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork; the

graduation day

The graduation day procedure 8.1

The faculty will check whether all deliverables are handed in in time. If these are, the steps in

the last week, and on the last day are as follows (see also the estimated timetable, Ch. 7.1);

1. Thesis, and other material: prior to the graduation day, your supervisors will assess

your thesis, and decide on a preliminary mark independently, by means of the

assessment form and rubric;

2. Public presentation: on the graduation day, you give a public presentation, based on

the thesis (30 minutes);

3. Q&A session: after presenting, your supervisors will leave the room while you lead the

Q&A session with the audience (15-20 minutes);

4. Degree audit: a session in which your supervisors mutually determine the final mark,

based on their preliminary marks and your presentation (15-20 minutes);

5. Evaluation: after the Q&A session with the audience, you join your supervisors who

will inform you on the final grade, after which you evaluate the project together (30


6. Awarding the diploma; together with your supervisors you will return to the audience

where will be declared whether you passed the course and succeeded in reaching the

Master’s degree.

Public presentation 8.1.1

Prior to the public presentation, your supervisors independently establish a preliminary

indication of the grade, based on the thesis, showcase, and process, according to the

assessment criteria for the course. The client mentor has no formal say in the preliminary mark,

but is allowed to share experiences and findings on your performance with your supervisors.

You are required to present your project to everyone involved, and you can also invite family,

friends and other interested persons to join the presentation. Within a maximum of 30

minutes you can explain what you have done and which the outcomes are.

The presentation should be given in English, is organised at the IDE Faculty and is open to

public 12. Communication of the project is a topic in the rubric.

Q&A session 8.1.2

After you have finished your presentation, your supervisors most probably will have some

questions for you. After answering these, they will leave the room for the degree audit. You

will be left with your audience, and are expected to continue the Q&A session, so the audience

too can ask their questions about the work performed and the result achieved.

12 If an embargo on your project is requested and granted, the audience present at the public presentation can be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which will be provided by TU Delft. A request can be made at IDE’s Valorisation desk (see paragraph 11).

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Degree audit 8.1.3

Your supervisors retreat from the public Q&A session to start a 15-minute session in which

they finally assess your project, using the course’s assessment form and rubric. If the

graduation project was executed to the satisfaction of your supervisors, all requirements of

the master examination are met, and they will decide on the final grade.

Evaluation 8.1.4

After determining the final grade, the supervisors will ask you to join their session for an

evaluation of max. 30 minutes. The strengths and weaknesses of the work performed will be

discussed by means of the assessment form and rubric. Your supervisors will share the final

grade with you. Together you will return to the audience.

Awarding the degree Master of Science 8.1.5

Provided that your supervisors have reached a positive assessment, in presence of the

audience the degree certificate will be awarded immediately 13. Your supervisors will declare

you passed the course, and with that, the Master programme, and by passing the Master

programme, you are eligible to the title MSc. No grade will be announced in the public

ceremony, and your chair might take the opportunity to address a few personal words to you,

the newly pronounced Master of Science. To make its status legal, you have to sign the degree


Within two weeks of the examination, the mark for the graduation project will be added to the

official list of marks on the diploma supplement by E&SA. It will be signed by the Board of

Examiners, and sent to you as a supplement to your degree certificate.

13 Your TU Delft supervisors (chair and mentor) are mandated by the Board of Examiners to serve as examiners, not only of the graduation project, but also of the Master programme as a whole.

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9 Step-by-Step course structure, procedures and paperwork;

after the graduation day

Un-enrolment as student 9.1

After successfully having concluded your graduation project, and after all festivities of the

graduation day, it is important you un-enroll as a student. This will not be done automatically,

but requires your active handling. Un-enrolment can be done on the StudieLink website

www.studielink.nl .

If you have paid a full year’s tuition fee in advance, but you e.g. graduate on the 18th of

February, you are entitled to a reimbursem*nt for the months after the month you have

graduated in. See for more information on un-enrolment and restitution:


Or apply for this directly at the Contact Centre / Student Administration TU Delft, Jaffalaan 9,

2628 BX, Delft.

After having un-enrolled, you still have access to some student facilities. For three more

months you will keep access to your TU Delft student email address, and your marks in Osiris.

Publicity 9.2

Nice publicity 9.2.1

It is not unlikely your graduation result will get attention. Industrial Design Engineering is a

creative field, that often brings forward interesting everyday life solutions and designs. It

therefore is an attractive field for journalists to focus on.

In the situation the public presentation appeared not to be the only spotlights for you, and you

are e.g. invited for an interview or will get attention otherwise, you should not forget to also

bring to the attention the context in which the project was executed, as it was an educational

project within a master programme of IDE Faculty, TU Delft. You were supervised by two TU

Delft supervisors, who might have justified expectations you will mention their names.

‘Beware’ publicity 9.2.2

Unfortunately, not all attention is nice and harmless. After uploading your thesis to the

repository, chances are you will be contacted by an office that claims to publish your thesis for


Offices that act like this aim for collecting copyrights of academic work, without paying for

those. On the internet, e.g. by using Google, you can find a lot of information on these kinds of

businesses. When you are approached by an obscure agency claiming to publish your fantastic

work for free, be careful! Look up their name on the internet, to see whether something

comes forward before dealing with them.

Whenever you have questions, or just want more information on publication with (trusted)

parties, you can consult TU Delft Library https://www.tudelft.nl/en/library/ .

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Career Centre 9.3

The TU Delft Career Centre provides a range of

career workshops and programmes to support you

in building your employability and career

management skills. Next to that, the Centre offers

several resources to support you in starting your

alumni life. Learn more on what they offer by taking a look at their website:


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10 General Conditions

The Graduation Project spans all three IDE master programmes, which makes several people

and departments are involved in procedures, rules and regulations of the course. Continuing

on those already explained in this manual, some additions and summaries are presented in

this chapter.

Student registration and tuition fee 10.1

When executing your graduation project, you are still a regular student, and you need to have

a valid student registration. The type of project you work on makes no difference.

When you start your project in a certain Academic year and execution continues to a next

Academic year, you therefore need to re-enroll for the new year, otherwise you cannot

graduate. Even when your graduation date is set on e.g. the 1st of September you will need to

re-enroll for this new Academic year!

With regard to the tuition fee, you might have the option to pay it monthly 14. If not, any

tuition you paid in advance will be refunded to you from the month after you un-enroll as a

student (after graduation!). For more information on this topic and your particular situation

see: https://www.tudelft.nl/en/student/administration/unenrolment/

Double Degree graduation project 10.2

If you are doing a double degree, you don’t need to execute two different projects to graduate

on each master separately. You can setup one diversified project, in which both of your master

studies have a part.

Combined IDE masters’ Double Degree 10.2.1

In total, the project you initiate must comprise 45 EC, which equals 30 weeks/150 project days.

Other project requirements to start, are quite similar to those for single master graduation

projects, meaning:

- You will need to have one faculty chair, and one TU Delft mentor who supervise you in

the project. Depending on whether a client is involved, you will also need a client

mentor. (See also paragraphs 1.3.2. and 1.3.3)

- You will need to explain the project in the Graduation Project Brief, in which you are

also required to include your project’s planning. Because your project’s setup might be

wider, and the planning more extended compared to regular projects, you should not

forget to explain that your graduation project is setup to finish a double degree

programme, and the masters that are involved.

14 This is an option offered when the TU Delft is authorized to automatically cash in, from a European (SEPA) bank account.

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- At the kick-off meeting, together with your team, you schedule the formal assessment

moments: the midterm evaluation (40 days after the kick-off), the green light meeting

(day 130), and the graduation day (day 150).

- You will need to hand in one single pack of deliverables (like described in Chapter 3),

and schedule a public presentation at IDE Faculty, at the graduation day.

- The graduation day procedure applies as described in Chapter 8.

One IDE master, and one other faculty’s master Double Degree 10.2.2

When combining one of IDE’s masters with a master from another faculty, the organisation,

execution and finishing of the project might be different from what is described above. This

will depend on requirements for execution of a graduation project that are set by the other

faculty. For the IDE master to graduate on, regular requirements apply, as they are described

for finishing a single master’s programme:

- You will need to have a faculty chair, and one TU Delft mentor who supervise you in

the project. Depending on requirements for graduation set by the other faculty, this

might imply that you will need to work with multiple chairs and/or mentors.

- You will need to explain the project in the Graduation Project Brief, in which you are

also required to include your project’s planning. Because your project is more

extended compared to regular projects, you should not forget to explain that your

graduation project is setup to finish a double degree programme, and why your

planning is as it is.

- At the kick-off meeting, together with your (IDE) team, you schedule the formal

assessment moments: the midterm evaluation (40 days after the kick-off), the green

light meeting (at least 4 weeks before graduation), and the graduation day.

- You will need to hand in the deliverables as described in Chapter 3, and schedule a

public presentation at IDE Faculty, to finish the IDE master.

- The graduation day procedure applies as described in Chapter 8. Depending on the

other faculty’s regulations, you might need to organise multiple presentations, and

receive two final marks; one for each master programme.

Executing a graduation project abroad 10.3

If you choose to execute your graduation project with an external party abroad, you are

subject to the general procedures and rules in relation to graduation, as described in this

manual. In addition to these, general rules for studying abroad are applicable. Preparations

include attending to practical matters relating to foreign language and culture,

accommodation, funding, insurance, vaccinations, visa and work permits, and scholarships (if

applicable). For information on these matters, see the relevant web pages on TU Delft’s and

IDE’s Student Portals:



Because of the possible absence of peers, and the geographical distance to supervisors and

faculty, excellent planning skills, discipline and autarchy are some of the qualifications that you

should recognise in yourself, to successfully execute a graduation project abroad.

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Student rights and duties 10.4

Payment 10.4.1

When doing a project with an external, commercial client, you might receive an allowance per

month for execution of the project. If the client has no fixed regulations, together you can

discuss a reasonable fee. The IDE Faculty will not intervene in this discussion, however

discourages graduating students from executing a project while being offered a full salary. This

might give the impression the company is entitle to demand tangible results within the given

time, while your only commitment is to put reasonable effort into the project. If, for any

reason, payment by the client is not possible, other agreements can be looked for, e.g. you

might keep (part of) the IP-rights on the work (see paragraph 8.2.2.).

During the project, costs for models or prototypes, the thesis, the presentation, travelling

expenses, and even housing expenses may occur as a direct result of a client’s involvement. It

is the responsibility of the client to reimburse these costs to the graduating student.

Unwillingness to do so on the part of the client could jeopardise the progress or results of the


In any other situation, e.g. when executing a project within the faculty or for yourself, in

principle allowances will not be paid, so make sure to address the topic and come to

agreements on it before starting the project.

Intellectual Property (IP) and IP rights on the result 10.4.2

In principle, IP rights belong to the true creator of the work, where the crucial argument is

whether the work is original and new. When no commissioning party is involved, you, as the

true creator of your original and new work, are the owner of it. Therefore, you are strongly

advised to refer to yourself in your thesis as the author.

However, when executing a project with an external client, or when working on a project that

was offered by TU Delft, the IP on your work most likely is transferred to the commissioning

party. The commissioning party then will become owner of the work, and has the exclusive

right to use and/or to further develop your work.

What should be excluded from this IP transfer are:

- The copyright on your thesis;

As the University has the legal obligation to publish all its academic output from which

also your thesis is part, you, as author of the work, need to give the University

permission to do such. To be able to give this permission, you need to keep the

copyright on the work.

- As your graduation work is part of your study at TU Delft, and under supervision of TU

Delft supervisors, the University has the right to use your work for its own education

and research, and publication and PR activities independent of which party is owner of

the work.

Apart from the copyright on the thesis, and the rights of TU Delft as referred to above, it is

possible to make alternative arrangements on the basis of a written agreement between you

and the commissioning party.

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Models and prototypes 10.5

Depending on (the goals of) your project and assignment, you may wish or need to build a

prototype or model. Whether this is required should be discussed with your supervisors. Take

into account that prototypes or models are the property of the party that bears the costs.

Thus, prototypes or models which are paid for by the client are the property of the client,

where prototypes or models built at the faculty’s expense are the property of the faculty (and

can be sold to the company at the production costs). If there is no commissioning party

involved, you are to bear the costs yourself.

Start-up voucher 10.5.1

If you are working on a self-setup project, and if you aspire to

bring the result of your graduation project to the market to

start your own business, you can apply for a ‘start-up fee’ by

using the start-up voucher. This is an opportunity to get some

funding to build a prototype by which you can communicate

your design to other parties.

Liability (client project) 10.6

When you are doing a project with a client, IDE Faculty and TU Delft cannot be held liable for

any damage caused by you. It will be your responsibility to ascertain how liability between you

and the client is regulated, which includes legal liability and health insurance. In some cases,

you can be insured through the client.

Next to that, you, neither IDE Faculty nor TU Delft can be held liable for any damage or injury

that comes forward from the use of the results of your graduation project.

Confidentiality (client project) 10.7

A commissioning party (the client) may ask you to not make public specific information. This

might involve both, confidential client information that you have access to (background

information), and confidential graduation project results; the results of your work.

Confidentiality regarding background information 10.7.1

Background information is information the client provides you with for the purpose of working

on your project and assignment. Background information already exists independent of your

graduation project. Most background information cannot be found in the public domain, and

you can only use it for the purpose of the graduation project.

The client can ask you to keep part of the background information confidential (= to not

publish, or otherwise share with parties that are not involved in your project). The client has to

be very clear on this, and has to explicitly inform you on what information should be kept


TU Delft supervisors involved in your project are obliged to treat all confidential information

they become acquainted with, with utmost confidentiality. In the situation a client asks you to

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sign a statement of confidentiality (Non-Disclosure Agreement - NDA), it should be clear that

this statement does not affect your supervisors’ rights to have access to all background

information required to monitor project progress, and to assess your work, even if this is

designated as confidential.

Confidential background information and your thesis 10.7.2

Confidential background information of the commissioning party can be added to the thesis in

a separate Confidential Appendix (not to be confused with the regular appendices of your

report!) which you make available only to your supervisors (see Chapter 3, deliverable iii). In

your thesis you refer to the confidential information in said appendix, while making sure the

content of your thesis is still sufficient and readable.

For obvious reasons the confidential background information should not be shared in your

public presentation (deliverable iv) either.

You are strongly advised to work with a Confidential Appendix from scratch, and to have the

commissioning party check interim reports on confidential information. It will save you, and

the commissioning party, time not having to check and adjust the full thesis at the end of the


Adding a separate confidential appendix to your thesis is free of charge, and is only applicable

when confidential background information is involved.

If the commissioning party is of opinion using a Confidential Appendix is not feasible because

the issue of confidentiality affects the entire project, then the project should be considered

not-suitable for an IDE graduation project. The commissioning party should reformulate the

project in such way, the resulting thesis can be uploaded to the TU Delft Repository for


Confidentiality of project results (embargo) 10.7.3

In principle, your thesis, including your research and project results, should be accessible by

public shortly after uploading to the TU Delft Repository. TU Delft has a statutory duty to

provide public access to results of research and teaching, for students and teaching staff in

particular, and society in general.

When, while determining the scope of the project, the client is of opinion an embargo on

publication of the thesis will be necessary, the project must be considered not-suitable for an

IDE graduation project. The project should be reformulated in such way it can result in a thesis

that can be made public shortly after uploading it to the TU Delft Repository.

At the time of green light, the results of your project have taken shape, and if the client at that

point considers the results of your research or project to be extremely valuable to them, the

client can ask for a delay of the TU Delft publication of the results of your research or on the

results of your work (= embargo).

By a granted embargo request, public access to the thesis is prevented for a certain period of

time, with a maximum of two years. Because an embargo in fact obstructs TU Delft in

executing its statutory duty, it is a situation that is not desired by the faculty. Next to that, it is

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a legitimate assumption additional benefits are involved for a client when delay of publication

is wished for. Therefore, IDE Faculty discourages an embargo request by setting an embargo

fee of 3.000 Euros for a one year, and 5.000 Euros for a two year embargo, both excluding VAT.

Exceptions concerning the embargo fee can be made only by a motivated request. See

Appendix F for more details on how to apply for an embargo.

Rules and Regulations concerning admission 10.8

Admission requirement (with regard to study progress) for starting the Graduation Project

It is essential that the student meets the admission requirements before actually start working

on a Graduation Project. This is to ensure that the student has the requisite level of ability at

the beginning of the project. Students may start the graduation project on condition that they

have finished the mandatory first year courses of the MSc programme.

Requirement (with regard to study progress) before granting Green Light

The student can only receive a green light to graduate on condition that all mandatory and

elective courses of the Master’s programme (except the Graduation Project itself) have been


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11 Contact information

Course coordinator / course management 11.1

Because of its double objective, being a course and an educational programme’s concluding

project at the same time, course coordination of the graduation project lies with each master

programme’s director. As a result, there are three people responsible for the project 15;

- The programme director of IPD; Dr. ir. A.J. (Arjen) Jansen

- The programme director of DfI; Prof. dr. E. (Elisa) Giaccardi

- The programme director of SPD; Dr. G. (Giulia) Calabretta

Each programme director is graduation project coordinator for the students of her/his

particular master programme.

Graduation support 11.2

Graduation Support (GS) provides advice and expertise to students who are in the process of

orientation on, making arrangements for, or execution of a graduation project. GS can also be

consulted by staff members who have questions about the execution of a project by (one of)

their students.

GS comprehends a network of specialists within the faculty. Although the office normally is

staffed by one person, the full network covers different disciplines. Topics to consult GS for are

e.g. orientation on a graduation subject, questions concerning procedures, contracts or

intellectual property, (Erasmus+) scholarship or planning, or when you just don’t know how to

start. During execution of your project, GS functions as a helpdesk. Students and staff who

during the graduation project run into problems that cannot be solved within the team, are

also urged to consult Graduation Support. Graduation Support can be contacted by sending an

email to: [emailprotected] , or by passing by during office hours, regularly on

Tuesday afternoons between 13:00 – 16:00hrs 16.

Contract support / IDE Valorisation 11.2.1

Within the network of Graduation Support, IDE’s Valorisation team has an important part

concerning the topic of graduation contracts and other legal issues. If you have any questions

with regard to e.g. a graduation contract, NDA or embargo, you can contact Michelle

Nahumury: [emailprotected]

Sparring partners 11.2.2

For each master programme, sparring partners are available to discuss your ideas with, or to

ask your questions concerning project content and/or topic, how to set-up your assignment

15 Names are known programme directors at the time of writing. Appointed programme directors might change over time. For actual information on who is coordinator of your master programme you should consult IDE’s webpages. 16 Regular office hours might change over time. For actual information on GS office hours, you can consult the IDE graduation support webpage.



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and who might be a suitable supervisor in such project. At the time of writing, the following

sparring partners are appointed, who can be contacted directly, on their personal email

addresses. For a faster reply, make sure to put ‘graduation support needed’ in the subject line.

Appointed sparring partners are 17 :

IPD – Arjen Jansen or Ruud van Heur ( [emailprotected] / [emailprotected] )

DfI – Stella Boess or Gert Pasman ( [emailprotected] / [emailprotected] )

SPD– Sylvia Mooij ( [emailprotected] )

Academic counsellors 11.2.3

The IDE academic counsellors can provide you with general information about your study

programme, and with personal guidance and advice regarding the specific situation you are in.

You can contact them with all sorts of questions by sending an email, or by making an

appointment via the IDE Service Desk.

See https://www.tudelft.nl/en/student/faculties/ide-student-portal/organisation/academic-

counsellors/ for more information on getting in contact.

Other IDE staff members / chair and mentor 11.3

IDE staff 11.3.1

When you wish to initiate a graduation project, or when you are looking for a subject, IDE staff

might be the first group of people to consult. Our staff members can play an important role in

initiation, also for projects that include an external client. Faculty staff members do have wide

networks which include people from in- and outside the academic world. You can contact staff


- For orientation and acquaintance;

- When you have found a subject or project, and are looking for guidance or


- When you are looking for a subject or project, and have a preference for a

project within the area of expertise of a specific IDE staff member.

You can learn about expertise, research topics, course involvement, or other interests of staff

members by consulting the personal profiles pages on the IDE webpage:


17 The sparring partners listed here, are the appointed sparring partners at the time of writing this manual. Sparring partners might change over time. For actual information on who to consult as sparring partner for your master programme you can check the IDE graduation support webpage..






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This form is also to be found on the graduation website -> downloads.

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APPENDIX B; Final attainment levels of IDE MSc programmes

A programme’s final attainment levels describe what you are able to when finishing an

educational programme. The levels are defined for all students that graduate on one of the TU

Delft master programmes (10.1), furthermore, there are some specified for you particular

master programme (10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

I. Attainment levels of the TU Delft master programmes

1. You will be capable of being analytical in his/her work on the basis of a broad and deep

scientific knowledge;

2. You are able synthesise knowledge and solve problems in a creative way dealing with

complex issues;

3. You have the qualities needed for employment in circ*mstances requiring sound

judgement, personal responsibility and initiative in complex and unpredictable

professional environments;

4. You are able to assume leading roles, including management roles, in companies and

research organisations, and to contribute to innovation;

5. You are able to work in an international environment, helped by your social and

cultural sensitivity and language and communication abilities, partly acquired through

experience of team work and any study periods abroad;

6. You are aware of possible ethical, social, environmental, aesthetic and economic

implications of your work and to act accordingly;

7. You are aware of your need to update their knowledge and skills.

II. In addition, as an Integrated Product Design graduate

1. You are capable of developing innovative products and product-service combinations to satisfy

the needs of the stakeholders, based on balancing the interests of users, business and societal

challenges and with due regard to international ethical issues;

2. You will have a thorough knowledge and understanding of, and are proficient in, the execution

of the total product design process with a focus on conceptualization and embodiment design;

3. You are able to perform and manage the design process independently or as a member or the

leader of a team, often in an international setting;

4. You have a thorough knowledge of the aesthetical, ergonomic, technical and environmental

issues involved and is acquainted with the organizational and economic aspects of products;

5. You have the skills to use integrative approaches to these (aesthetical, ergonomic, engineering-

related and environmental) issues into the product development;

6. You are capable of generating new knowledge, based on research performed with scientific


III. In addition, as a Design for Interaction graduate

1. You are capable of gathering and communicating specialist knowledge from the humanities and

behavioural sciences, and (b) translating this knowledge into design parameters;

2. You can analyse product use and its various contexts and communicate the findings effectively

to other people involved in the design process;

3. You are able to Conceptualise the above into new products or services;

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4. You are able to gather and integrate knowledge on new technologies (e.g. materials,

sensors, ...) into design opportunities;

5. You can develop prototypes of experiential quality and test these with users;

6. You are capable of independently setting up and conducting research projects;

7. You can present and report design concepts and research findings in a

8. professional manner;

9. You can answer research questions by designing products/prototypes;

10. You can contribute effectively to design teams.

IV. In addition, as a Strategic Product Design graduate

1. You can apply tools and techniques to collect information on customer behaviour, competitive

behaviour, market trends and technological developments;

2. You can translate product-related firm strategies into conceptualized and visualize product

(line) directions;

3. You can synthesize data on the firm and its external international environment, including the

firm-related strategic value of design into realistic strategic product concepts and its business


4. You can translate product line strategies, mission statements, brand identities and information

on the firm and its external network of strategic partners into design and engineering


5. You are capable of independently setting up and conducting a complex multidisciplinary

strategic product design, design consulting or research project;

6. You can present and report design concepts and (strategic and/or scientific) research findings

in a professional manner;

7. You can lead a product innovation team and deliver strategic input to the team.

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APPENDIX C: The Midterm Evaluation Form >> Complete the form to prepare for the midterm evaluation, and send it to your supervisors, at least

3 days prior to your midterm evaluation session. <<

Name student Student number Name chair Name mentor

Interim/In-between results Short description of realised interim results: <to be filled in by the student>

Reaction on description interim results: <to be filled in by supervisory team>

Reflection18 <take the course’s learning objectives as starting point when reflecting on the topics below 19>

Reflection on quality <to be filled in by the student>

<to be filled in by supervisory team>

Reflection on planning

<to be filled in by the student>

<to be filled in by supervisory team>

Reflection on personal ambitions (if formulated in project brief)

<to be filled in by the student>

<to be filled in by supervisory team>

Reflection on supervision and/or project context

<to be filled in by the student>

<to be filled in by supervisory team>

Decision supervisory team concerning progress graduation project at this moment

Continue Adjust Discontinue

Substantiate the decision: <to be filled in by supervisory team>

Adjustment of Project Brief: new arrangements Proposal new arrangements based on this midterm evaluation: <to be filled in by the student, based on the above reflection. If applicable: add appendices>

Final arrangements <describe here the agreed on new arrangements, to be filled in during/after meeting>

18 A short indication of your thoughts and considerations with regard to the graduation project up till now. 19 Learning objectives are to be found in the Course Manual, and in the IDE Study guide.

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Signatures (name, date and signature of student, chair and mentor)

Name student: Date:

Name chair: Date:

Name mentor: Date:

At the end of the Midterm Evaluation meeting: Please hand-in the filled-in form on Brightspace, upload

to the ‘IDE Master Graduation Project’ organisation.

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APPENDIX D: Instructions for uploading documents to

Brightspace organisation

D.1. Manual for uploading Midterm form to Brightspace

An organization named ‘IDE Master Graduation Project’ has been created. Once your project

brief has been approved by the Board of Examiners you are automatically enrolled in this


During the meeting the form has to be signed by you and your supervisory team. After signing,

the form must be uploaded to this Brightspace organization, but at the latest a week after the

midterm meeting.

Under ‘content’ you can find the assignment where you can upload the Midterm form.

‘Midterm form’.

The Assignment Submission area will open. Drag-and-drop your assignment, or click

on ‘upload’ to select the assignment from your computer. The comments text box will expand

and any comments related to the assignment can be added there, if needed.

Please upload the form as a PDF with the following name ‘Midterm form – name student –

student number’.

D.2. Manual for pre-checking your graduation report on plagiarism

Your final thesis will be checked on plagiarism by the faculty. If you would like to pre-check

your report (80%) on plagiarism, this is facilitated by the “IDE Master Graduation Project’

organisation in Brightspace. Here, you can use Turnitin to check your work.


Turnitin will compare the document with sources published on the Internet and highlight any

similarities. Based on this similarity report, you can improve your academic writing and

referencing techniques.

Note: Checking your report on plagiarism can only be done once.


Go to the same organisation on Brightspace where you’ve uploaded your Midterm form before.

There’s another assignment available under ‘content’ where you can submit your report.

‘Graduation report’.

The Assignment Submission area will open. Drag-and-drop your report, or click on ‘upload’ to

select the report from your computer. The comments text box will expand, and any comments

related to the report can be added there, if needed.

Please upload the report as a PDF with the following name: ‘Graduation report – name student

– student number’.

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To complete your submission, make sure to click ‘Submit’. Then you will receive a confirmation

email saying that the submission was successful. Please keep this receipt as proof of your

assignment submission.

Viewing your similarity report, grade and


To view your similarity report in Turnitin, you

have to first log into Brightspace, enter the

organisation, and under your profile click

on ‘Progress’.

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Within the progress area, you then select the report.

Note, that if it’s the first time you are logging into Turnitin, you first have to click to ‘agree’ to

the Turnitin User Agreement.

Turnitin similarity is shown in a percentage – the percentage of similarities matching your


If you click on the ‘percentage’, you enter Turnitin Feedback

Studio, where you can see the similarity report (with the

matching sources).

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APPENDIX E: The Dutch Patents Act

The Dutch Patents Act

In general, the right to use the results of the Graduation Project will, by means of a graduation

contract, be transferred to the commissioning party (Client or TU Delft). It is possible to make

alternative arrangements on the basis of a written agreement between involved parties. If no

commissioning party is involved, you will be the owner of the result.

A result can be eligible to Intellectual Property (IP) protection by IP rights, such as

drawing/model rights (by registering) or a patent (invention).

When the work, as executed in a graduation project, results in an invention, the owner of the

IP can decide to start a patent application on it. The Dutch Patents Act (Rijksoctrooiwet 1995)

stipulates that the inventors’ name should be mentioned in the application, and that the

inventor is entitled to a financial compensation for the loss of the right to patent the invention,

unless otherwise agreed on.

This implies that if a patent is applied for on the basis of the work done by a graduating

student during execution of a graduation project, the application should always include the

name of the graduating student. When employees of TU Delft, like the chair and/or mentor,

claim to have had a significant part in the invention, the owner of the result shall enter into an

agreement with TU Delft.

The requirements to protect IP are diverse, but in the first place require the work to be new. In

other words, it cannot have been made public or be published before applying for protection.

Since part of the graduation ceremony is open to the public, any registration must be done

before the public presentation. An IP registration is simple, and not very expensive, so

registration can and must be done before the public presentation.

A patent application on the other hand, is very expensive, and needs a lot of preparation. As

part of the graduation ceremony is open to the public, and when a patent application cannot

be filed prior to the graduation date, an embargo can be requested for. If an embargo applies,

the audience present at the public presentation can be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure

Agreement (NDA) which will be provided by TU Delft.

You can get in contact with IDE’s Valorisation team to get more information on the TU Delft

NDA. See Chapter 11.

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APPENDIX F: Embargo request

Your thesis will be published shortly after uploading it to the TU Delft repository. When there

are grounded reasons for the client to wish to delay this publication, an embargo can be

requested. Such grounded reason might e.g. be because your work leads to a patent

application, and the patent cannot be submitted before you are required to upload your thesis.

At the green light meeting, when the results of the project have shape, the decision on

whether or not to request an embargo has to be made. In most cases, the commissioning party

requests an embargo. In the situation TU Delft commissioned the project, or when you work

on a self-initiated project without external client involved, the chair has to make the motivated

embargo request.

The IDE Faculty asks clients a fee for an embargo on the publication of a thesis, as is explained

in Chapter 10. The fee for a one-year embargo is 3.000 Euros, and for a two-year embargo

5.000 Euros, both exclusive of VAT. A fee will not be asked for when TU Delft is the

commissioning party, or when you work on a self-initiated project without any external party


In the situation the client is not willing to pay the fee this should be motivated in the embargo

request. TU Delft decides whether or not the fee will be charged.

In order to arrange the embargo, the requesting party has to write, and send, a motivated

embargo request, signed by the client, by an authorised person, to the IDE Director of

Education: [emailprotected]

attn. Mrs M.M. Borgstijn.

The request should include the following information:

- The reason for requesting an embargo

- The requested embargo period

- The billing address

Before uploading your thesis, you have to check with the commissioning party whether or not

the embargo is granted, and when it is, for what period. With uploading your thesis, you can

indicate an embargo applies, and you have to submit the end-date of this embargo.

In the situation a patent is requested for, you should make sure the client confirms that the

project’s summary (included in your thesis, and also asked for to provide when uploading your

thesis) does not include any information that can endanger the patent, before uploading the



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APPENDIX G: Requirements video and poster showcase

i. Requirements for video showcase

If you choose to prepare a video, take into account the following conditions:

- The video should be maximally 3 minutes long;

- Resolution to use: 1080p (1920 x 1080);

- Make sure to save it as an .mp4 file, using H.264 as the compression format.

In general, uploads to the Repository have a maximum file size of 400 MB, but try

to make it as small as possible.

ii. Requirements for poster showcase

If you choose to prepare a poster, the following, general information on making

poster presentations is available:

In this left column you can find the implication of this general info for the ide-graduation poster

Of all presentation forms, a poster is one of the hardest to make, because you are forced to make drastic decisions hence the limitations. Actually, the name ‘poster’ is somewhat misleading. A real poster usually consist of limited information: ‘Buy this product’, ‘Vote for me!’ or ‘This interesting performance will take place there, at that time’. A large, catchy image is often used to attract attention from a distance. However, a poster presentation should consist of much more (complex) information. Usually, you would prefer to convey this information by means of a paper, report or lecture, but for any reason, that is not a possibility. Therefore, your ‘message’ has to be summarised to fit just one page. This is not all bad, because, when it’s right, the viewer can grasp the idea at a glance.

AIDA Is a formula developed for the marketing industry but is also applicable to poster presentations. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. To be effective, the first thing a poster has to achieve is to stand out, be noticed = Attention. Once that is accomplished, the poster must be so attractive that the viewer becomes curious about it = Interest. As a result, the viewer is drawn closer and wants to know more about what is presented = Desire. Now the observer can access the (more detailed) information and hopefully wants to engage into contact with the author, designer of it = Action. How to go about this? Here are some practical guidelines that can help you.

TU Delft corporate design applies. For more information on this design, see: https://www.tudelft.nl/en/tu-delft-corporate-design/

Content Because of the limitation in space, it is most important to decide what really has to be part of the poster. Which text and images represent the essence of the project you are presenting. Be conscious about your choices, and be aware that a poster cluttered with facts is inaccessible and definitively not attractive at all. Be aware that blank spaces are an integral part of the content and are equally important as the other elements in a successful poster presentation, because they provide tranquillity.

TU Delft corporate design applies; The typography is based on Arial (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic). Georgia is used for quotes and

Text Legibility is a key factor to a successful poster presentation. Therefore, choose a ‘common’ font for the running text. There has to be a reason to go for an extravagant or special font. From a distance of about 2 meters the running text should be readable, which has

(PDF) The IDE Master Graduation Project...· The Graduation Project is the concluding course for all IDEs master programmes. Two courses have a direct relation with the graduation project, - PDFSLIDE.NET (53)


columns. Body text is always rendered in black or white, while a colour from the colour system or palette may be used for headings and subheadings. These guidelines are only meant for offline use.

When using the InDesign template, text over 2 columns is preferred to 3 columns

Aim for approximately 1/3 text, 1/3 illustrations and 1/3 blank space

implication for the font size to be use. Font size is not the only factor that influences legibility, leading and line length are also important. Fact is, when lines become too long, legibility becomes difficult. Rule of thumb is that 60 - 70 characters per line (including spaces) is ideal. Leading can partly compensate for longer lines; the longer the lines, the larger the leading should be. Hierarchy improves ‘access’ to your content. This can be accomplished by using headers/sub-headers that are distinctive by using different font sizes and/or bold/italic. Color is not a good means to achieve hierarchy, but can - considerately - be put to use in distinguishing parts of text. Avoid the use of frames and/or colored block around/behind text unless to a specific purpose. Using to many visual elements can result in an inconsistent/ cluttered, and therefore unattractive poster. The goal is a clear, serene look. Leaving enough space between the elements leads up to a clear lay-out and makes the ‘need’ for visible items like frames superfluous.

Getting people interested in your project should be because of the clear way of presenting, and its content, rather than embellishing your presentation with irrelevant (visual) items.

The project title is not automatically the poster titel!

Title Each poster should have a title, preferably a strong, catching one. An explanatory sub-title is often added to put the title into perspective to the project. The title must be readable from a distance to fulfil the role of drawing attention (A in AIDA).

Structure The use of a (lay-out) grid is very helpful when placing elements on the poster plane. Starting point for determining such a grid is the (paper) size of the poster. Divide the plane into columns (preferably an uneven number), gutters and margins. The column width also determines the size of all other elements on the poster; text over 2 columns or a one column picture. The same way, you can make a horizontal division to support alignment. Text leading should be adapted to this measurement (base line grid). When all elements are aligned using the grid, the result will be a balanced, eye pleasing design.

Illustrations When selecting illustrations derived from your project for use on the poster, be aware that it must be inviting and ‘accessible’ material. One large picture is preferred over several small ones, or, with AIDA in mind, a large one, and some smaller ones in addition to it. Once you have the viewers’ attention, the smaller ones will also be noticed. In some cases, it is better to limit yourself to just text, especially when the image material at hand is poor. Hierarchy may also apply to illustrations. Size and position on the plane attain that.

(PDF) The IDE Master Graduation Project...· The Graduation Project is the concluding course for all IDEs master programmes. Two courses have a direct relation with the graduation project, - PDFSLIDE.NET (54)


(PDF) The IDE Master Graduation Project... · The Graduation Project is the concluding course for all IDEs master programmes. Two courses have a direct relation with the graduation project, - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.