July Paper - [PDF Document] (2024)

July Paper - [PDF Document] (1)


Phone: 918-968-3526 • 920883 S Hwy 99 Bldg A • Stroud, OK 74079 • Vol.36 No. 7 • July 2015

Sac and Fox NationAnnual 52nd Pow wow

July 9 - 12

Chief’s Address To The Nation

U p c o m i n g E v e n t s

July 9Sac and Fox Nation

Veterans MeetingCultural Center

July 22Sac and Fox Elders

Meeting StroudJune 18

Sac and Fox NationWomens Auxillary

July 9-12Sac &Fox Nation

PowwowJuly 25

Sac & Fox NationPrimary Election

(Continued on Page 3)

Nemîshâtênemo êhthâkîwiyâni

Greetings, It’s a very exciting and re-

warding era for our Sac & Fox Nation as we move forward in this 2015 year. That my article this month is filled with infor-mation of many new projects, departments, and expansion of departments is a reflection that our Nation is advancing, thus providing for so many of our tribal members.

Housing. Our Sac & Fox Na-tion Housing Authority is imple-menting plans to build a 23 unit 2-3 bedroom Kimberly Street Apartments project and 3 new homes to be located on West-ech Rd, all to be constructed in Shawnee, OK. Groundbreaking for the new Apartment Complex project is anticipated for late summer or early fall 2015!

A tribal police officer will be employed by our tribal police department, salary to be provid-ed by Housing, to be utilized for Housing related matters.

I want to commend our Hous-ing Authority Board of Com-missioners: Shanarae Boyd, Cheryl McClellan, George Har-jo Jr., Forrest Walker, and Curtis Wakolee; Director Billy Kohm-acheet and staff for the outstand-ing planning and development of housing for our tribal mem-bers and other Native Ameri-cans served in our jurisdiction.

Housing / Tribal Transpor-tation Program. A report by Truman Carter, Tribal Trans-portation Department: “I have been working closely with Chief Thurman, Housing Di-rector Komahcheet, and Lin-coln County Commissioner Ted O’Donnell on the South Kelly Road Improvement project in Agra, OK. Lincoln County Commissioner O’Donnell has agreed to purchase the tinhorns at the county’s discounted costs as well as the chip and seal ma-terials at the county’s discounted costs. Housing officials will re-imburse the county for the costs of the tinhorn. The Sac and Fox Nation will reimburse the coun-

ty for the costs of the chip and seal materials. The county will bill the tribe for the chip and seal material. The costs of the chip and seal will be paid from the tribal transportation pro-gram budget maintenance line item. Simply stated, the county pays for the materials and will be reimbursed by Housing and the Tribe. Completion of this project is scheduled by the end of August.”

Historic Preservation / Tower Construction Notification Sys-tem. The Business Committee is contemplating an expansion of our Historic Preservation Department with a Tower Con-struction Notification System di-vision. TCNS stands for Tower Construction Notification Sys-tem. It is offered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and provides a means for early notification from consult-ing companies/entities to Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian Or-ganizations (NHOs) and State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) on tower construction projects.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires that Fed-eral agencies take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties. This act is what gives the tribe the au-thority to require companies to submit certain documentation before any tower or antenna can be built/installed.

The Goal of a Tribes’ TCNS Program is to protect and pre-serve the Tribes’ historic prop-erties, which include former as well as present tribal religious and cultural sites. The program does this in conjunction with the communications industry or the FCC in the tribes areas of geo-graphic concern in the United States. In all, this program/system provides a means for the tribe to respond directly to con-sulting companies/entities about the concerns they have about proposed tower construction.

Media Relations. The Business Committee and

governmental staff are moving forward to establish a Media Relations division. This posi-tion will work with the Business Committee, committees, boards, departments, and individuals to help promote and advertise up-coming events of our Nation; to communicate with the media: radio, television, newspapers/magazines, and other forms of social media – Twitter, Face-book, etc.; update and help keep current our website; and to help work on our Sac & Fox News. This has been needed for quite some time now since our Nation is growing in so many areas.

National Institute of Justice. The NIJ (National Institute of Justice) is doing a baseline study on Violence Against Indigenous Women in light of the new Vio-lence Against Women Law of 2014. Out of all the tribes in the US, they have selected the Sac and Fox Nation as one of

the sites for the study, which is a great honor. Human Services Director Terrie Anderson and Policy Analyst Melissa Peros have prepared the proposal for our first Business Committee meeting in July, for this meeting the Ladies from the NIJ will be coming to tell us about the Study and our participation. They will also be ready to answer any questions that we may have so we are fully briefed before vot-ing on the issue.

Economic Development. The completed feasibility study for best use of the Cushing 25,000 sq. ft. building has indicated that Gaming is the area that we may be concentrating our efforts to-ward for the use of the property. We will have an announcement forthcoming very soon.

Short Notes* July 9th-12th / Sac & Fox

Nation Celebration 52nd An-nual Pow-Wow, JOM Fun Day, Veteran’s Meal, Health Fair and other activities and events.

* July 21st / Oklahoma Cow-girls Association (OCA) Barrel Racing 6:00 p.m. at the Rodeo arena. Free admission!

* The Central Oklahoma Little Britches Rodeo Associa-tion (COLBRA) will be coming back to our rodeo facilities later this year for another event, this time to be dual-sanctioned with Kansas Little Britches Rodeo Association.

* June 16th / Oklahoma Sec-retary of State Chris Benge, ap-pointed by Governor Fallin as the Secretary of Native Ameri-can Affairs, visited our Nation to discuss our concerns. This was a step to bridge the gap between the 39 tribes in Oklahoma and the Governor.

* June 18th / Seminole Na-tion of Oklahoma Representa-tives toured our Juvenile Deten-tion Center, the forth group of visitors to tour our facility in the last 2 months.

* June 29th / Meeting with Indian Health Service (IHS) of-ficials for clarification of fund-ing; results are we’re moving forward with plans for your new Health Clinic!

* Completion of 2 county-tribal road improvement proj-ects: Norfolk Road (NS3530) - Payne County County Road EW 910 (also known as SE 15th Street, Chandler) - Lincoln County

I want to once again thank our tribal members for the privi-lege to serve as your Chief; it’s most gratifying to be able to work with so many board mem-bers, commissioners, committee members, individuals, and tribal government employees as each person strives in their respective areas of servitude to provide ser-vices and benefits for our Sac & Fox people. There is no limit to our abilities to help each other as long as we keep our commu-nication open, pray for one an-other, and let God lead us to His desire for our Nation.

Sincerely, George ThurmanPrincipal Chief

Principal Chief George Thurman (Left) and John Echohawk, Paw-nee, Executive Director of the Native American Rights Fund, dur-ing the sovereignty symposium 2015 (Photo by Stella Nullake)

Fifteen candidates have filed for the upcoming elections of the Sac and Fox Nation.

Those filing for Principal Chief are: Orvena Gregory, Dino Ray Riley, Elizabeth Kay Rhoads and incumbent Princi-pal Chief George Thurman.

Those filing for Second Chief are: Don W. Abney, Ange-la Standing Gasper, Stella Nul-lake, Jamie Barse and Beverly

15 Candidates On Ballot For The Sac and Fox Nation Primary Election

Brown Jackson.Those filing for Committee

Member are: April Franklin, Dee Ann Manatowa, Robert Williams, Robyn Harms and Tina Morris.

Those filing for Grievance Committee are; Dora Young.

The Primary election will be held July 25, 2015 and the Gen-eral Elections will follow on Au-gust 29, 2015.

A Stroud native who lost his life in Vietnam in 1967 was honored on Memorial Day by a surviving member of the 589th Engineer Battalion Association.

U.S. Army veteran John Ryan, of Columbia, Illinois, traveled to Stroud and conduct-ed an ‘Honor Our Fallen’ cere-mony at the grave of fallen com-rade Edward Morris at Stroud Cemetery. Morris was killed in Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam on June 16, 1967 at the age of 37. Morris served with D Company of the 589th Engineer Battalion.

In cemeteries across the na-tion, surviving members of the 589th Engineer Battalion Asso-ciation- Vietnam conducted Me-morial flower-placing ceremo-nies to honor those individuals who died while serving with the

unit in Vietnam. Perry Blanch-field, who serves as chairman of the association, said, “These flower-placing ceremonies have been in the making for over 45 years. It is time we put aside the stigma of having fought in Viet-nam to honor those who hon-ored us by making the supreme sacrifice.”

The association was formed six years ago by 45 individuals who met for a reunion at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Most of the individuals had not com-municated with or seen those they served with since leaving Vietnam 40 years prior.

Blanchfield noted, “That may seem strange to most people, but we have to remember what the times were like during the 1960s and early 1970s. Vietnam was a

“Honor Our Fallen”

Pictured from left at the grave of former Stroud resident and U.S. Army veteran Edward Morris who died in Vietnam in 1967 are: John Ryan of Columbia, Illinois, George Harjo of Stroud, Jellene and Terry Morehead, of Paden. Edward Morris was a Sac and Fox Tribal member. (Stroud American Photo)

A featured article that was published in the Stroud American for Memorial Day (reprinted by permission)

By Mike Brown

July Paper - [PDF Document] (2)

The Sac & Fox News is the monthly publication of the Sac & Fox Nation, located on SH 99, six miles south of Stroud, OK.

Mailing address: Sac and Fox Nation Administration Building 920883 S Hwy 99 Bldg A Stroud, OK 74079 Phone: 918-968-3526 Fax: 918-968-4837The Sac & Fox News is the official

publication of the Sac and Fox Nation. Our mission is to meet all tribal members information needs concerning the Nation.

The Sac & Fox News is mailed free, one per address, to enrolled Sac and Fox tribal members. Paid subscriptions are available for $12.00 annually.

Editorial statements, guest columns, and letters to the editor published in this newspaper contain the opinions of the writers. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Sac and Fox News staff or any elected official or department of tribal government or administration.

The Sac and Fox News reserves the right to refuse publication of letters to the editor. All editorials and letters to the editor become the property of the Sac and Fox News.

Submissions for publication must be signed by the author and include an address and contact phone number. They are limited to 300 words. The staff will not edit editorials or letters to the editor to fit the 300-word limit.

Deadline for the August issue is Monday, July 20, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Reprint permision is granted, with proper credit to the Sac and Fox News, unless other copyrights are shown. Articles and letters may be submitted to the newspaper either by mail or Fax to the address provided above, - or by e-mail:[emailprotected].

Address corrections & changes are accepted by The Business Committee at the address listed below.

Managing EditorKen Johnson

For information:918-968-3526 x1060

[emailprotected]: Sac and Fox Nation

Member of Native American Journalists

Assn - Since 1988Member OPA

~~~~~~~Tribal Officers:

918-968-3526 or 800-259-3970

Principal Chief:George Thurman

Telephone (918) 968-3526 Ext. 1004


Second Chief:Orvena (Twiggy) GregoryTelephone (918) 968-3526

Ext. [emailprotected]

Secretary:Mary F. McCormick

Telephone (918) 968-3526 Ext. 1007


Treasurer:Jared King

Telephone (918) 968-3526 Ext. 1006


Committee Member:Stella Nullake

Telephone (918) 968-3526 Ext. 1011


Business Committee Mailing Address:

Sac and Fox NationAdministration Building920883 S Hwy 99 Bldg A

Stroud, OK 74079Visit us on the webb @sacandfoxnation.com

click news

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 2


Gerald Dean BushyheadSac and Fox News

Gerald Dean Bushyhead

Emma Grace Harjo

Emma Grace Harjo

Wendell H. Pappan

Samuel “Sam” Grass

Samuel “Sam” Grass

Wendell H. Pappan

Gerald Dean Bushyhead, 74, an Elder with the Sac and Fox Nation, passed away Thursday, June 18, at his home in Tulsa.

Graveside services were held Monday, June 22, in Jay, Oklahoma. Internment was at the Duffield Cemetery. Gerald’s grandson, the Reverend Matthew D. Franks, pastor of the Locust Grove First United Methodist Church presided over the service.

Gerald was born on April 13, 1941 in Jay, Oklahoma, the son of the late Gordon Bushyhead and Fannie Harris. Gerald attended Stanley Schools, Allison Junior High and West High School in Wichita, Kansas. Gerald married Patricia Doramus on Au-gust 15, 1958 in Wichita, Kansas. Gerald retired from Aerospace Industry after 44 years of service.

He was preceded in death by his parents, and brother Norman Bushyhead. Gerald is survived by his wife Patricia of the home. one daughter Pam Bushyhead of Miami, Oklahoma and her husband Monty Franks; three sons: Dennis Bushyhead and his wife Debbie of Chouteau, Oklahoma, Dave Bushyhead and his wife Robin of Skiatook, Oklahoma and Mike Bushyhead and his wife Kendra of Tulsa; two sisters Barbara Harshberger of Wichita, Kansas and Marilyn Kindsvatter and her husband Kent of Wichita, Kansas; 10 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren.

In lue of flowers the family ask that you donate in memory of Gerald to Wounded Warrior or First United Methodist Church of Locust Grove or the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America at alzfdn.org.

Emma Grace Harjo, 72 of Sapulpa went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa, OK. She was born on February 3, 1943 in Oklahoma City, OK to Carl and Laura (Ceasar) Butler. She was a homemaker. She was of the Baptist faith. She loved going to the casino, fishing, and enjoyed spending time with family.

She is survived by 5 children and 4 step-children, Billie Lugo, Wilber Lunsford, Donald Lunsford, Edmon Jacob Alexander, Jr., Sandra Harjo, Wynona Harjo, Gary Harjo, Reuben Harjo, Jr., and Scotty Harjo; sister, Oresa Wilson.

She is preceded in death by her parents, Carl and Laura Butler. Wake service was Friday, May 29, 2015. Funeral services were Saturday, May 30, 2015. Both services were held at Oakhurst Indian Fellowship, 6130 S 58th W Ave, Tulsa, OK. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Smith Funeral Home, 1208 S Main St, Sapulpa, OK.

Samuel “Sam” Grass was born December 5, 1955 and passed away on June 14, 2015

Viewing was at Walker Funeral on Tuesday, June 16, 2015. Wake Services were Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at the Sac and Fox Community Building in Stroud. Fu-neral Services were held Thursday, June 18, 2015 with Rev. Rick Deer officiating. Burial followed at the Sac and Fox Cemetery.

He enjoyed basketball, softball, bowling, and most of all watching his grandchil-dren play ball.

He was preceded in death by his parents, a granddaughter: Dream LeeAnn Grass, 1 brother, and 2 sisters.

He is survived by his Wife: Billie (Larney) Grass; 6 Children: Jason Grass, Solo-mon Grass, Amanda Grass, Jacob Grass, Justin Grass, and Amelia Grass; 17 Grand-children; 5 Sisters and 3 Brothers.

Wendell H. Pappan passed from this life to the next on Friday, May 22, 2015 at Hillcrest Medical Center in Tulsa following a short illness. He was 52 years of age and would have turned 53 on the 25th of May this year.

He was a member of the Ponca and Sac & Fox Tribes. Wendell was cared for and loved by his daughters Kelly Yvonne and Sarah Elizabeth Delodge and Margaret Bur-gess. Wendell loved spending time with his children and grandchildren.

He grew up in the Ponca City area most of his life and attended McKinley grade school and East Jr. High. His enjoyments included his weight lifting workouts and his walking.

Wendell is survived by three brothers, Clifton Pappan, Jeffrey Pappan and Gar-land Pappan Jr.; his daughters, Kelly Yvonne Delodge, Sarah Elizabeth Delodge and Margaret Burgess. Paternal aunts Ernestine Pappan Overland of Texas, Harriet Lee Pappan Raven, also of Texas, Clara Jane Pappan Columbus of Oklahoma City; uncles Thomas Roy and Thomas Pappan, Jessie Pappan and family of Tonkawa, Oklahoma.

Wendell has a large extended family that he cared deeply for including numerous nieces and nephews. He will be greatly missed by them all. His parents, Lowellia Jean Wakolee and Frances Pappan Jr. preceded him in death, also two brothers, Gabriel Q. Pappan and Stephen R. Pappan; two sisters, Mary Lou Pappan Rhodd and Loretta Lynne Pappan.

Prayer services were held each evening at the Ponca Indian Baptist Church. A traditional noon meal was held at the church Wednesday. The meal was served at the Ponca Tribal Cultural Center. The funeral service was held Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at the Ponca Indian Baptist Church with Pastor Gordon Lack leading the service with Doug Eagle presiding. Burial followed in the Ponca Indian Tribal Cemetery under the direction of Grace Memorial Chapel.

Casket bearers were Benji Rhodd, Frances Rhodd, William Karty Jr. “Blue”, Thomas Blue Roy, Turner Delodge and Fermin Hernandez. Honorary casket bearers were Joshua Allen, Danny Lee Page, Jessie LeClair Jr., Parrish Roy, Thomas Pappan and Thomas Roy.

The family would like to express their gratitude to Grace Memorial Chapel, Sac & Fox and Ponca Tribes for all their help and consideration. Friends and family are greatly appreciated. Happy Birthday Wendell!

NOTICE: Principal Chief George Thurman AnnouncesSac and Fox Nation Annual Governing Council

August 29, 2015 10:00 AM

Sac and Fox Nation Community Building

Norma Kathleen Thorpe, 89, of Morro Bay, passed away at a local care center on May 24, 2015. Norma was born October 1925 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She was a graduate of the Sherman Institute in Riverside, with awards in band, orchestra, music and art. Norma worked at Norton AFB on sheet metal projects. She was an enrolled member of Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma and was a proud descendent of Olympian, Jim Thorpe. Her family tree dates back to Chief Black Hawk (Sauk Leader). Her mother, Mary Thorpe was of the Potawatomi Nation and French. Norma is survived by her daughter, Coleen Thorpe Beck (Turner) of Paso Robles; grandsons, Jack and James; granddaughters: Michelle, Tonya, Jamie and great-granddaughters: Mazy, Lilly, and Caitlyn, and sister, Joan Thorpe of Lawton, Okla. She was preceded in death by great-grandson Jorge in 2009. A Me-morial Service was held at 2:00pm, Saturday, June 20, at the Kingdom Hall of Paso Robles. Arrangements were by Coast Family Cremation Service of San Luis Obispo.

Norma Kathleen Thorpe

July Paper - [PDF Document] (3)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 3

very unpopular war, and as a result, the public confused the warrior with the war.

“When veterans came home, it was uncommon to talk much about where they had been, or what they had been do-ing. For their part, they isolated, tried to forget about the war and their experi-ences, and dealt with their feelings and emotions on their own.

“It has only been during the past de-cade that many Vietnam veterans have grown to believe the negative stigma associated with serving in Vietnam is fi-nally gone.”

This Memorial Day weekend, mem-bers of the association honored 26 men who lost their lives while in Vietnam.

Those 26 men are buried in cemeter-ies in 20 different states, from Maine to Washington. “Being able to place these flowers is a great honor for us as individ-uals,” said Dennie Pendergrass, who was a platoon leader with the 589th in Vietnam, and serves as historian for the association.

“When the ‘Honor Our Fallen’ pro-gram was announced, volunteers came in immediately. For some, the honoree is in a cemetery close to their home, while others will travel over 4,000 miles round-trip to conduct the ceremonies.”

The veterans placing the flowers on

the graves are each volunteers who un-derstand the significance of honoring their fallen brothers. “Most of us are reminded of our casualties nearly every day,” Pen-dergrass commented. “So, Memorial Day isn’t just another day we remember those we lost. It is a day we stop and pay trib-ute to honor them for the sacrifice they made.”

At the graveside ceremony on Mon-day, John Ryan said, “Edward Morris was a personal friend, and I was probably his best army buddy. He was a good welder and was very well liked. He was very qui-et, but also a joker. I was with him when he got sick, and two days later he passed away.

“There was a lot of sickness in that val-ley. We were building an airstrip, and at one time twenty percent of us were down sick. His death was listed as due to ma-laria, but I’m not sure that was the exact cause of death.”

Edward Morris was one of 12 children, the son of Grover and Clara Morris. At-tending the Monday ceremony at Stroud Cemetery were a nephew, George Harjo of Stroud, a niece Jellene Morehead and her husband, Terry Morehead of Paden.

“Every year from now on that I’m alive, I’ll be here to decorate his grave,” said Ryan.

“Honor Our Fallen” A special thanks to the Stroud American for permission to reprint

By Mike Brown

Portraying the Thorpe brothers in the play My Father’s Bones are Zack Morris (left) as Bill and Richard Ray Whitman as Jack. (Photo by Sandra Massey NAGPRA)

Hello,Thank you for supporting me as Second Chief for the Sac and Fox Na-

tion. At this time, I am asking for your vote for Principal Chief.My name is Orvena “Twiggy” Gregory. My parents are Sac and Fox

tribal members Oresa and AC Wilson of Cushing. My maternal grand-parents are the late Carl and Laura Belle Butler of Cushing. My paternal grandparents are the late Lee and Phyllis Wilson of Shawnee.

I graduated from Cushing High School with honors, and then attended OSU for a year before going to work for the Sac and Fox Nation. Later I returned to college and graduated with honors earning an Associate in Science degree from Seminole State College and a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

Working for the Sac and Fox Nation for over seven years in different areas before serving as Second Chief the last four years, I’ve gained ex-perience in tribal affairs and tribal government. I have obtained valuable information about Indian Country’s issues that all tribes are facing daily. I’ve also learned of the complexities involved regarding other tribe’s suc-cesses and apply this knowledge for the benefit of the Sac and Fox Nation.

It is time we move forward by pursuing the many opportunities in Eco-nomic Development that have been presented to the Business Committee so that we can expand tribal services for the Sac and Fox people.

I am the liaison to Housing and believe that with the right people, the Business Committee and our Housing Authority can do great things such as: obtaining funding for building an exercise/activity center with offices and an assisted living facility for our elders, which is something we are working at presently. Studies have proven that when elders and youth so-cialize, it benefits both groups.

It is vital that we appoint people to our various boards and commissions. Inactive committees such as the tax commission, health board, and the law and order committee need to be re-instated because they are valuable resources.

Increasing the number of Council meetings will accurately inform the tribal members, and hold Business Committee accountable and decrease misinformation and rumors. We need to all work together to strengthen our Nation. It is necessary to properly document our ordinances, by-laws, and policies and procedures and update the ones that are ineffective. We must do this in a professional and appropriate manner.

Orvena Gregory“Twiggy”


Principal ChiefVOTE


The Sac and Fox Nation Indian Child Welfare continue the quest for foster parents. For more information, please contact: 918-968-3526 ext. 1713

The Sac and Fox Nation Indian Child Welfare continue the quest for foster parents.


For more information, please contact: 405-275-1262

Gerald Cournoyer Shan Goshorn Holly Wilson

Brent Greenwood Thomas Poolaw

Sac & Fox Nation Behavior Health Serviceand Lowdown Entertainment


I Said I Would Never Paint This Way Again

a documentary about the Urban Indian 5 and their goal to inspire wellness among Native people through art

directed by Matt Barsewith an introduction by Harold Barse

Friday, July 10th, 20152 -3:30 PM - Sac & Fox Learning Center

Refreshmentscontact Jamie Barse - 918-968-9531 ext. 3022

[emailprotected] orElizabeth Burgess - 918-968-9531 ext.3042


July Paper - [PDF Document] (4)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 4

B l a c k H a w k H e a l t h C e n t e r M e r l e B o y d C e n t e r

Summer Soccer National Salad Week! By Elizabeth Burgess MS, RD/LD

Elizabeth Burgess MS, RD/LD

July 2015

Weight Management: The Hunger Games

Join us for a 6-week program focused on teach-

ing you about weight management and making

healthy choices! Have fun learning about nutri-

tion while competing with others for a chance

to be the Sac and Fox Hunger Games Cham-


Led By: Elizabeth Burgess, MS/Registered Dietitian Phone: 918-968-9531 ext. 3042 Email: [emailprotected]

Tentative Meeting Times: Mondays, June 22-July 27 at 11am Location: Sac and Fox Nation Learning Center Please contact Elizabeth by phone or email by June 15th if interested in participating.

by Anthony Ramirez Exercise Specialist MBC

ATTENTION: SAC and FOX TRIBAL MEMBERSPOWWOW TIME IS APPROACHING. If you plan on attending any of the events, and an unforeseen medical need should arise, Black Hawk Health Center is available for your use. The Black Hawk Health Center is located east of the tribal complex/headquarters, across the highway. If you do not have a medical record established, we will need the following documents to establish a medical record: CDIB (Certified Degree of Indian Blood); Photo ID (preferably a Driver’s License); and a Social Security Card.If you have any Insurance coverage (Insurance cards); Medicare card; and Medicaid or Sooner Care information, we would appreciate this information; but it is not needed to establish a medical record. The Health Fair will be on Thursday, July 9, 2015 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Blackhawk Health Center

The fourth week in July is National Salad Week. Salads are an easy, nutri-tious meal that can help provide hydra-tion on a hot summer day. Follow these tips to add flavor and spice to your sal-ads this summer!

* Consider growing your own salad greens in a home garden. Dark green leaves provide vitamins A and C, iron,

folic acid, and calcium. Try tasting spin-ach, arugula, or romaine.

* Ditch the bacon bits! There are many nutritious ways to top a salad. Make your plate colorful by adding your favorite fruits or vegetables. Keep the salad light by limiting salad dress-ing to about 1 tablespoon. Foods such as artichoke hearts, dried fruits, and nuts/seeds make great additions to any salad.

* To keep your cut fruits from turn-ing brown, coat them with an acidic juice like lemon or orange juice. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

* Add herbs. Tossing chopped ba-sil or rosemary into your greens gives great flavor without adding calories. Try adding chopped dill, minced chives, or parsley.

* Add protein to any salad to sustain your hunger. Kabobs with grilled chick-en, beef, or pork are an easy way to turn a salad into a main course.

* Rinse vegetables and leafy greens under running water before eating to re-duce the risk of foodborne illness.

Basketball Camp

Soccer Camp

July Paper - [PDF Document] (5)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 5

My name is April Franklin, My roll number is 1193 and my Sac and Fox blood quantum is 1/2 degree. My Indian name is Ke-wash- a-na-qua and I belong to the Thunder Clan.

I am a candidate for the Office of Business Committee Member in this year’s Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Elections.

• My Mission: is to have Quarterly General Counsel Meetings so that the General Counsel will be up to date with the current Business Committee actions, and give the General Counsel cur-rent financial reports regarding our Investments, if conducted quarterly I believe we would have a better turnout of tribal members. In regards to the Revenue Allocation Program: We need to implement RAP workshops with our various Commit-tees to improve their spending regarding carryover and their unused expenditures. These types of workshops need to be held with the Business Committee, Budget Task Force, Finance department, and the Contracts department.

• My goal is to raise our Educational Department Services. I am enthusiastic and I am diligent to see better time frames and accurate services of the available programs and getting more information out to our tribal members of these programs that live within and out of our jurisdiction.

• I have a long history of Indian education leadership, and I would like to encourage our youth to learn their tribal heritage, and learn their traditional ways because some day they (our youth) will be the ones taking care of our ceremonies. I would like to implement cultural enrichment programs, youth activi-ties and summer camps. I am a former Historical Researcher for our tribe and I am interested in helping one find out infor-mation regarding their genealogy.

• I would like to see a Mentorship for our youth to promote leadership and government understanding, which would in-clude our Language Department, Finance Department, Tribal Laws, Court House Rules and Regulations, etc……. I feel this mentorship would help lead our children down the right path, and that path would ultimately bring them integrity, respect, success, and prosperity.

• I feel that I am a responsible, passionate, and committed lead-er and I am very active in the community. I am very creative and dedicated when it comes to our youth. I express my en-thusiasm and advocacy for the young, and my desire is to in-crease our tribal student achievement levels. Our children are our future!!

• I have my Associates Degree of Science in Business Admin-istration and currently I am the JOM (Johnson O’Malley) and Title VII Indian Education Director for the Chickasaw Nation for the Sulphur Public Schools. I believe I will bring a great deal of wealth to our tribe with the knowledge I have learned over the years.

• If elected I would be very grateful to have the opportunity to represent our tribe in a proper and respectful manner. I would be honored to fill the Business Committee Member position.

• All in all, let’s strive for greater success and raise the bar for all of our programs within our tribe.Thank you

Candidate for



April Franklin

My name is April Franklin, My roll number is 1193 and my Sac and Fox blood quantum is 1/2 degree. My Indian name is Ke-wash- a-na-qua and I belong to the Thunder Clan.

I am a candidate for the Office of Business Committee Member in this year’s Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Elections.

• My Mission: is to have Quarterly General Counsel Meetings so that the General Counsel will be up to date with the current Business Committee actions, and give the General Counsel cur-rent financial reports regarding our Investments, if conducted quarterly I believe we would have a better turnout of tribal members. In regards to the Revenue Allocation Program: We need to implement RAP workshops with our various Commit-tees to improve their spending regarding carryover and their unused expenditures. These types of workshops need to be held with the Business Committee, Budget Task Force, Finance department, and the Contracts department.

• My goal is to raise our Educational Department Services. I am enthusiastic and I am diligent to see better time frames and accurate services of the available programs and getting more information out to our tribal members of these programs that live within and out of our jurisdiction.

• I have a long history of Indian education leadership, and I would like to encourage our youth to learn their tribal heritage, and learn their traditional ways because some day they (our youth) will be the ones taking care of our ceremonies. I would like to implement cultural enrichment programs, youth activi-ties and summer camps. I am a former Historical Researcher for our tribe and I am interested in helping one find out infor-mation regarding their genealogy.

• I would like to see a Mentorship for our youth to promote leadership and government understanding, which would in-clude our Language Department, Finance Department, Tribal Laws, Court House Rules and Regulations, etc……. I feel this mentorship would help lead our children down the right path, and that path would ultimately bring them integrity, respect, success, and prosperity.

• I feel that I am a responsible, passionate, and committed lead-er and I am very active in the community. I am very creative and dedicated when it comes to our youth. I express my en-thusiasm and advocacy for the young, and my desire is to in-crease our tribal student achievement levels. Our children are our future!!

• I have my Associates Degree of Science in Business Admin-istration and currently I am the JOM (Johnson O’Malley) and Title VII Indian Education Director for the Chickasaw Nation for the Sulphur Public Schools. I believe I will bring a great deal of wealth to our tribe with the knowledge I have learned over the years.

• If elected I would be very grateful to have the opportunity to represent our tribe in a proper and respectful manner. I would be honored to fill the Business Committee Member position.

• All in all, let’s strive for greater success and raise the bar for all of our programs within our tribe.Thank you

Candidate for



April Franklin

EldersJuly BirthdayHappyGeorgia Ann Lester Daryl Wayne WalkerSharon Kay PoodryLinda Sue StandingShirley Ann Hoskins Shirley Marie McCormickCharles Alan EldredgeBruce E. Long Maureen Keo Rose Ann VeachMarvin Clair StevensCarole P. NaveAlden Randall RhoddMona Mae GibbsLinda Lee WallerThomas Darrell ReubenSally Ann Louise GoniwichaBarbara L. PoodryJoe Paul FeltonTheodore Gordon McCoyRobert Marvine BoswellRonnie E. VeachDarrell Lee GrayBenjamin FranklinPaul C.HockerRonald Dean FixicoJoy Lynn KingJeanie LovelandConnie Len WhiteAnna Joyce WalkerLoretta Dean CanslerRoy PriceMary Emma LoganSue SanchezJerald Edward JonesLee Johnson ButlerJimmie Lea BlanchardSharron D. MauriceSherry Jean MacyDan W. YarbroughHattie Francine WhitebreastLoretta Mae PonkillaKirby Lee GrantJanet Zorina Patterson

Saginaw M. Grant Corrine Hines Hull Sherry L. BearMichael Gene Tully Francena Little Diana Jean Hopkins Mary Catherine Pleacher Sheryl Ann McClellan George Thomas Anderson Charlotte Ann Everett Stella Louise Wilson Debra Theresa SordBeverly Y. SpringerLawrence Haney Connie Lee Schraeder Carolyn Baron James Edward Galloway Rema Jean Kaseca Kathleen Marie Cardenas Grace Nama Springer Michael Ray Pequano Maudella Renee Whitebead Leland J. LongVickie Ann Dupuis Delores Jean Barada Peggy Sue Rimando Oma L. Leyba Janice R. Speers Ellen Milagros Ortega Ronald Eugene Rushing Ruth Ann GarvinSteven Lee HarshbergerJohn Edward Gibbs Frank E. McClellan Joseph Thomas Morris Vivian Sheets Frederick A. McAllister Esther Louise Armitage Freida Marie Taylor Lowell Eugene WakolePatricia Lee WardLana Jo Butler Michael Woodard Hackbarth Rilla Marie Maxwell Donald Ulrey

Sac and Fox Tribal Member Anastashia Kaelene George Graduated June 6th from Kaiserslautern High School, Germany: Charles and Roxanne George, parents of Anastashia (above), proudly announce her graduation from Kaiserslautern High School, Germany on June 6th, 2015.

On May 20, 2015 their daughter Cadence Renee George (bottom) was also inducted into the Kaiserslautern (Germany) Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Cadence was a 6th grader with a GPA of 3.8.

Both Anastashia and Cadence are the Granddaughters of Berdina George and the Great Granddaughter of deceased Sac and Fox Tribal Member Charlie Smith.

Cadence Renee George inducted into the Kaiserslautern (Germany) Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society

July Paper - [PDF Document] (6)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 6


The Sac and Fox Nation’s Business Committee will be appointing people to fill vacancies, as they occur, on various Committees, Commissions, and Boards. If you are a tribal member 18 years of age or older, and wish to serve, please complete the information form below and return the completed form and a resume to the Tribal Secretary

Sac and Fox Enrollment Department is trying to locate the following Tribal Members:

Victor James Barnes Bridgette Jean-Marie (Harkins) DOB: 1902 DOB: 7/27/1980

Clyde Benjamin Davis Arthur H. LaBelleDOB: 12/06/1933 DOB: 1917

Anthony Myron Mack Glen Kenneth MortonDOB: 12/25/1940 DOB: 1927

Donald L. Tyner DOB: 12/08/1938

If you have any information on them, please inform the Enrollment Department at 1-800-259-3970, extension 1040 or 1041. If they have passed away, send us a Copy, of their Death Certificate or Obituary.

The Sac and Fox Nation Women’s Auxiliary meet the 3rd Thursday every month at 6:00 p.m. We have a pot luck dinner at every meeting. Our meeting locations alternate from the Stroud-Elder’s Building to the Shawnee-Multi Purpose Building. If anyone needs information, they can contact Shawna Spoon by phone at 405-275-2581 or by e-mail at [emailprotected].

Sac and Fox Nation Women’s Auxiliary

Saturday, August 8, 20159:00am - 3:00pm

Sac and Fox Community Building


April 2015

Beer and Liquor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$207.18 State Tobacco Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $221,816.87 Motor Vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,658.00 Sales Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,765.71 Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $560.00 Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1448.69 Gaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $132,371.88

TOTAL . . . . . . . $372,828.33

Congratulations to Cesar Guerrero Jr., son of Cesar Guerrero Sr. and Anna Guerrero; grandparents, the late, Juan G. Marceleno and Mildred Marceleno; and the late great-grandparents, Edgar and Myrtle May Ellis. Cesar has graduated Southeast High School in Bradenton, Florida. He has enlisted in the Marines as a Marine Reservist and is currently in boot camp. Cesar plans to attend John-son & Wales University in North Miami, Florida for Business Administration. He was awarded two (2) scholarships, the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Scholarship and the Presidential Academic Scholarship.

Cesar was actively involved in high school and was voted as the “Most In-volved Male Student.” Additionally, he was nominated to be the Senior Class Secretary. He was a representative of

Cesar Guerrero Graduates Southeast High Scholl With Honors

Cesar Guerrero Jr.

the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) all four years of high school. He has held numerous officer positions; which include, President his Junior and Senior year, District Secretary his Junior year, and Parliamentarian his Sopho-more year. Cesar was very successful in each competition and always winning at district level, as well as competing at state level.

Furthermore, Cesar was also a mem-ber of the National Technical Honor So-ciety (NTHS), plus the Advanced Via Individual Determination (AVID) Pro-gram for two years. The AVID program motivates students to go to college, pre-pare them with challenging classes, and also serves as a resource to students in the future. He was also a member of the Student Government Association (SGA), and a volunteer on the yearbook commit-tee. We want to wish Cesar much success in his future endeavors!


S E C O N D C H I E F“ I t ’s A l l A b o u t T h e P e o p l e ”

Stella NullakeLye-mi-ski-ti

My Foundation


My guides




Physical endurance



July Paper - [PDF Document] (7)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 7

Office of Environmental Services

Phone: 918-968-0046Fax: 918-968-0049Email: phillip.mee@

sacandfoxnation-nsn.govEmail: jeremy.fincher@


Please mail or return form to the address below.

You may also contact us via email, phone, or fax.



920883 S. Hwy 99 Bldg. AStroud, OK 74079

SOURCE: oltrom.com/IAQ/index

What’s in your air?

Particulates:dirt, dust, pollen spores, pet dander, candle soot

Bioaerosois:viruses, mold, bacteria,living micro organisms

Volatile Organic Compounds:odor causing contaminants,chemical gases, solvents

We are seeking input from Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Members so we may address their concerns over Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). All respondents will be contacted individually to better understand their concerns, provide insight into future project development, and determine if an IAQ assessment is needed. All personal information provided is confidential.

by Phillip Mee, Air Quality Environmental Specialist

Phillip MeeAir Quality Environmental Specialist

*Testing is limited to Sac & Fox Nation members, or Trust Lands only.*



Free Private Well Water TestingPlease mail, email, or return form to the address below.

You may also contact OES via email, phone, or fax.

920883 S. Hwy 99 Bldg. A Stroud, OK 74079

Phone: 918-968-0046 Fax: 918-968-0049

Dale Miller (Water Quality Specialist) E-mail:




NAME:_______________________________________________ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________FINDING DIRECTIONS (IF RURAL): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PHONE: ______________________________________________E-MAIL: _____________________________________________Why is OES testing your well?If your drinking water does not come from a public water system, you alone are responsible for assuring that it is safe. The Office of Environmental Services understand that testing your own water can be difficult and expensive. It is with pleasure that OES offers this service, free of charge, as a courtesy to you!What is OES testing for?Testing for a few of the most common contaminants is highly recommended. Even if you have a safe, pure water supply, testing should be performed at least once a year to ensure that your water is safe to drink.

The Office of Environmental Services will be testing your well for the following contaminants:- pH - Alkalinity - Chloride - Fluoride - Nitrate - Nitrite - Sulfate - Arsenic - Manganese - Total Coliform - Conductivity - Iron - E. coli (signs of bad bacteria) - TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) - Turbidity (cloudiness of water)

Your water sample will be analyzed at Accurate Environmental Laboratory, a laboratory which is certified by the State of Oklahoma to test drinking water. Please allow a minimum of 15 work days to receive test results. The Office of Environmental Services will contact you approximately one month after testing to review the results of your well water.


Please understand that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency only regulates public water systems; EPA does not have the authority to regulate private wells. Sac and Fox Nation's Office of Environmental Services also does not have the authority to regulate private wells. Sac and Fox Nation's Office of Environmental Services is not responsible for, nor capable of, remediating wells containing high levels of contaminants.

Should your well water exceed safe drinking water standards, OES will assist in contacting the appropriate agency to assist you.

*Funding is available for a limited number of households.

So contact OES today to schedule sampling!

Sac and Fox Nation Member: ____ Yes or ____NoSac and Fox Nation Trust Land: ____Yes or ____No

New this year, is the Indoor Air Qual-ity (IAQ) project. This project is funded through an EPA grant under Clean Air Act; section 103, and is for Sac and Fox Tribal members. This project is new and we are still developing how to implement our ser-vices. So, we are seeking input from Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Members. This will allow investigations to be done to assess sites, gather information, and educate the home owner on indoor air pollutants. It is

important to become educated on the ben-efits of healthy indoor air so a conscience decision can be made to reduce or elimi-nate the health risk to yourself and your loved ones.

For anyone that is concerned about their indoor air quality, we are seeking your input and for you to share your concerns to help give us insight on how to best address IAQ issues expressed by Sac and Fox Nation tribal members. This input will help shape our new IAQ project and to help us better understand and meet people’s needs. In ad-dition, we will be conducting workshop/s and providing outreach materials and in-formation sheets on IAQ. Remember you are the one to insure that you and your loved ones are breathing healthy indoor air. Funding is limited, so if you are interested in addressing your concerns for indoor air, please fill out and mail or return the request for information form in this month’s news-letter to, OES or contact OES by phone (918-968-0046) or email and provide your concerns. I would also like to thank all of the people for showing interest in our new IAQ project.

New Indoor Air Quality Project Funded by EPA Grant


All Oklahomans know that warmer weather means two things will happen.

First, it’s time to go to our favorite lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds. Sec-ondly, the snakes know it’s time to go to their favorite watering hole also. So inevitably we all meet up at the same places.

Venomous snakes that are common to Oklahoma-Water Moccasin, Cop-perhead, Western Diamondback Rat-tlesnake, Western Massasauga, Prai-rie Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Western Pigmy Rattlesnake, and far southern Oklahoma the Texas Coral Snake.

How do you know whether a snake is dangerous or not?

There are several venous snakes in Oklahoma, and some non venomous snakes resemble the dangerous ones. The venomous snakes have some iden-tifying features common. First the eyes are slitted cat like pupils instead of round. Second the heads are large broad triangular shaped with a pro-nounced neck. Thirdly the bodies tend to be stockier and less elongated.

Water Moccasins are confused with Brown Water Snake, Red-Bellied Wa-ter Snake, and Northern Water Snake to name a few. Some distinctive fea-

tures on a Water Moccasin are the cat shaped pupils instead of round. Large triangular head with pronounced neck. Blocky short tail; not long tapering gently. Hourglass shaped stripes with the thinnest part at backbone. Water Moccasins also normally swim with entire body on top of the water; where-as water snakes tend to swim with head above the water. These are only gener-al information and should not be used to positively identify a snake.

Rattlesnakes as name describes tend to have a rattle or button on the tail that warns of danger. Some, although rare, do not possess this rattle for various reasons. Again they do have cat shaped pupils and large broad triangular heads with pronounced necks. Many people mistake the Pigmy Rattlesnake for a juvenile of the larger species. Little doesn’t mean harmless. Treat a small rattlesnake just as respectfully as a large one. These are only general in-formation and should not be used to positively identify a snake.

Copperheads have alternating bands of darker and lighter copper, reddish-brown or pinkish colors down their bodies. Again they do have cat shaped pupils and large broad triangular heads with pronounced necks. These are only general information and should not be used to positively identify a snake.

The Bite or Flight Reflex By Dale Miller

Texas Coral Snake

Prairie Rattlesnake

Water Moccasin

Copper Head

Water Moccasin(venomous)

Brown Watersnake (nonvenomous)

Texas Coral Snake (venomous)

Scarlet King Snake (nonvenomous)

Texas Corral Snakes have the ex-ception to the head shaped rule and the head is narrow. Often confused with the Scarlet Snake, and the Scarlet King Snake. There are several ways to tell the deadly Texas Coral Snake from the others; this one is:

“ Red touch black, friend to Jack; Red touch yellow, you’re a dead fellow ”.

Further confusing the issue is that some snakes have several common names:

Water Moccasin (Cottonmouth, Black Moccasin, Gaper, Mangrove Rattler, Stub-tail snake, Swamp Lion, Water Mamba, and Water Pilot) etc…

Copperhead (Chunk Head, Death Adder, Highland Moccasin, Dry-land Moccasin) etc…

Generally just be alert to what is going on around, and under your feet. Look before you step. If bitten seek medical help immediately. If possible identify the snake to the best of your ability. Remember to always watch out for the children, and be conscious of the beauty and dangers around us.

So, as you head to the cool waters remember you might not be alone…

Dale MillerOffice of Environmental Services

Water Quality Specialist

July Paper - [PDF Document] (8)


Indians are born speaking our languages. For some of us, they lie dormant within our bodies. They are looking for a way out. God gave us these beautiful languages. All of us hold them in a sacred manner within. There is no such thing as an Indian person who cannot speak Indian.

Our language programs find these languages within our bodies. They bring them out through our mouths and deliver them to their rightful resting places within our hearts.


Sac and Fox News • July 2015 Page 8

Kohkithahi Make a U-­‐turn


It’s turned off

Âhtêthahi Turn off the ignition

Wâkâshkêwa (S)he swerved

Nakahikênô! Hit the brakes!

Nakeshkêwa (S)he braked


(S)he picked him/her up

Pôthinô! Get in!

Nakithahi! Stop (the car)!


Make a right

Namachiwâkîno Make a left


Fill her up!

Word Match

Pôthihêwa Turn off the ignition

Ahkwâwishimi! Get in!

Âhtêwa (S)he braked

Mayâwiwâkîno It’s turned off

Kohkithahi Make a right

Wâkâshkêwa (S)he swerved

Namachiwâkîno Make a U-­‐turn

Pôthinô! Make a left

Nakithahi! Fill her up!

Nakahikênô! (S)he picked him/her up

Âhtêthahi Hit the brakes!

Nakeshkêwa Stop (the car)!

Word Scramble

iatÂhtêhh _________________________________________

weasNhêkka _________________________________________

!ôanihkêNka _________________________________________

Khtihoihka _________________________________________

ââhWswkêak _________________________________________

âniMwîaowkây _________________________________________

hêtaw _________________________________________

Phahêwôit _________________________________________

aâhimNwîcakno _________________________________________

aN!aktiihh _________________________________________

hôPtn!ôi _________________________________________

khisâwiwAmh!i _________________________________________


“Learning a language is not about learning a set of grammar rules, it is about communication one’s thoughts, one’s ideas and one’s passions.”

Linda Egnatz, ACTFL 2014 Teacher of the Year

“One word could have a thousand meanings. It is coming directly from the heart. When you do it in your own language there is a feeling you are

conveying that is much stronger than using the English language.” Muriel Scott, Hopi


“Losing a language is a major setback for everyone, because along with the language, you will also lose all of the poems, the stories, the songs. And those things are of immense importance to all of us as human

beings.” Anthony Aristar


“Among Native Americans, tribal family names are a big part of your identity. And the language is also important—It’s the glue that holds our

culture together.” Signaak, Chippewa


"Native American languages are in a major state of decline. The present and future language survival schools can turn this sad state of affairs around for at least some languages. Along with their languages are

being lost eloquent speech-­‐making and story-­‐telling skills, powerful oral literature, philosophical frameworks, environmental knowledge, and

diverse world views," Leanne Hinton UC Berkley


Kohkithahi Make a U-­‐turn


It’s turned off

Âhtêthahi Turn off the ignition

Wâkâshkêwa (S)he swerved

Nakahikênô! Hit the brakes!

Nakeshkêwa (S)he braked


(S)he picked him/her up

Pôthinô! Get in!

Nakithahi! Stop (the car)!


Make a right

Namachiwâkîno Make a left


Fill her up!

July Word List

The Sauk Language Department is very pleased to announce that an Online Sauk I and Sauk II language course will be available for the upcoming school year.

Both of these courses were designed to meet or exceed the World Languages PASS standards set by the Oklahoma State Department of Education, and can be substituted for other traditional for-eign languages for graduation credit.

Students must enroll in these courses through the local school districts. All of the Sac and Fox Nation jurisdictional high schools will have the opportunity to review and assess these courses to deter-mine if they meet local educational stan-dards. The school districts will make the final decision to add these courses, and a large part of their decision will depend on parent/student requests for these courses.

An Open Letter To all Sac and Fox Nation High School Students and Their Parents:

If your student wishes to enroll in these courses, please contact your school district superintendent to discuss adding these two courses to the 2015-2016 cur-riculum schedule. Please do NOT call the Sauk Language Department to enroll in these courses. Only the independent school districts have that authority.

The Sauk Language Department is only the monitor of the language classes, and has no decision-making capacity in whether or not each school district makes the decision to include these courses for World Language credit for their students. Each school district will make that deter-mination for their students.

We hope that eventually each student of the Sac and Fox Nation will soon have the opportunity to enroll in these courses, and begin their journey to learning the language of their people.

July Paper - [PDF Document] (9)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 9




July 30, 2015


All requests must be returned by mail (only) to the address below



PLEASE fill out EACH BLANK completely and return by deadline date.



ELECTION BOARD Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Assistant. Secretary Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member (Approved: 2010 SFNEB MINUTES-May 17, 2010 / Revised: March 8, 2011)

J u l y 2 0 1 5 W o r d s e a r c h

o o h a i ! m h ! o ! î i h

w n m ! w â w i i â i n h k

â i î k ô ê i n m î h h a h

k t â k i n k ! i i a ! h ê

â o o â â i ê h h î h w t w

s â h t ê w a k s k t n ê a

h n ô k m p i p i e i k t w

k ! w e i k ô w w h k o h h

ê p m â h t â a â a a a â ê

w i s k h k h k w y n k n a

a w ê i h a i a k h a i a a

o o n î k â w i h c a m a n

p ô t h i h ê w a i k ô w i

! h k a k w i h â â i a î ê

√ Vote July 25Robert Williamson

forCommittee Member

Sac and Fox Nation

Stay Alert for Anthrax in Livestock This Summer

Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. The dis-ease is most common in cattle and sheep, but can be seen in dogs, horses, pigs and other animals including humans. While hu-mans can become infected by handling car-casses or the body fluids of an infected ani-mal after its death, the disease causing agent in livestock is not as easily transmitted to humans as the modified anthrax spores that were used as bioterrorism agents after the World Trade Center bombings.

Cases of anthrax are seen yearly in states such as Texas, North and South Dakota, and other Midwestern states. Oklahoma has not had any known cases since 1996

Outbreaks have often been associated with floods that follow drought, and are slightly more apt to occur in alkaline soil. Oklahoma has a higher than normal poten-tial to experience cases of anthrax this sum-mer and livestock producers should be alert to the signs of the disease.

Most of the time, owners see no signs of illness with anthrax in their livestock and the animals are found suddenly dead. A carcass will typically bloat rapidly, dark tarry blood oozes from body openings, and rigor mortis does not set in. A live animal with anthrax will have a very high fever, be very listless, and will usually die within a few hours. If you suspect anthrax, please call your veterinarian immediately for an assessment.

Animals that die from anthrax should not be moved or have the carcass opened up. Opening the carcass releases the bac-teria which then can form spores and may infect the soil in the area. A veterinarian should be called to observe the carcass and take a blood sample which can be trans-ported by hand to an animal diagnostic laboratory for faster verification, or can be shipped normally which will result in an increased response time. Blood samples from suspected anthrax cases should be tri-ple bagged and cushioned well when ship-ping to prevent breakage.

Animals that have been diagnosed as having anthrax or are strongly suspected should be incinerated or buried deeply according to the carcass disposal guide-lines found at http://ag.ok.gov/aems/Car-cass%20disposal%20options.pdf .

If you have questions please call your local veterinarian or State Veterinarian Dr. Rod Hall at 405-522-0270.

July 22Sac and Fox EldersMonthly Meeting


July Paper - [PDF Document] (10)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 10

This summer the Sauk Language Department took it’s Summer Youth Language Program on the road…to Tama, Iowa. As a joint venture be-tween the Sauk Language Department and the Meskwaki Nation Youth De-velopment Program, Sac and Fox tribal youth joined with Meskwaki youth for the 3 week camp at the beautiful Pil-grim Heights Camp and Retreat, which is located across the highway from the Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel.

The youth spent their days learning traditional crafts such as beading, carv-ing wooden bowls, and making mocca-sins and Meskwaki twine bags.

Campers enjoyed swimming, canoe-ing, hiking, and playing basketball and stickball.

The youth and staff worked together on community service projects by plant-ing heritage corn seed in the community gardens, and cutting the branches and then building a wikiyâpi on the grounds

of the Meskwaki Nation. They took a field trip to the Living

History Farms, which features an inter-active outdoor museum and a replica-tion of a 1700 Ioway Indian farm.

Evenings were spent at bonfires learning traditional songs, or engaged by Meskwaki storytellers. Bowling and an outdoor movie night were popular activities with the youth as well.

All of the youth spent time with Meskwaki speakers every day, devel-oping their language skills, as well as reconnecting with different aspects of their cultural heritage. Everyone had a great time, and wants to go again next year.

For more pictures from this suc-cessful youth camp, log into Facebook and go to https://www.facebook.com/meskwakithakiyouth/photos_stream .

The Sauk/Meskwaki Summer Youth Program was funded by an Administra-tion for Native Americans grant.

Sauk/Meskwaki Summer Youth Program June 1-19, 2015

July Paper - [PDF Document] (11)

Sac and Fox News • March 2015 • Page 9 Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 11

Muscogee (Creek) Nation WIC ProgramIs All About

BREASTFEEDING!For more information about breastfeeding

and how to apply for WIC, please call:

1-800-648-2302 or 918-758-2722This institution is an equal

opportunity provider

The Sac and Fox Nation is more than a name, it is a corporation that manages millions of dollars daily through programs, grants and businesses; as a result, it is one of the largest employers in Lincoln County. The Tribal Nation holds a major impact within our jurisdictional counties and the State regarding community support, growth and economic impact. However, this strength is not limited to our state and jurisdictional areas only



but impacts the Federal Government and other Tribal Nations through the various ac-tions we take as we exert our tribal sovereignty. The leadership of our Nation has the capa-bility of influencing political change in the state and Federal government that can benefit our tribal members and Native people nationwide. This type of responsibility should not be overlooked when electing your next Principal Chief.

As a candidate for Principal Chief, I have over 20 years of strong leadership in man-agement and supervision, policy and procedure development, organization and budget oversight. Through my guidance and direction, I successfully developed, expanded, and implemented programs and departments which improved effectiveness, efficiency and delivered better service to program recipients. I have a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling, Bachelor of Science in Education with Science minor, and Advanced Studies in Business Administration and served as a College President, Dean of Students, Execu-tive Dean of Institutional Planning, Director of Housing, and Director of several programs and Affirmative Action Officer.

As your former Principal Chief, I had extensive contacts with local, state, tribal and federal officials and maintained a strong working relationship with each group. My work with other Indian Nations and Federal agencies allowed me the opportunity to learn more about the issues confronting Native communities and allowed me to serve on various National committees to insure the rights of Native people. I have experience with various federal programs and recognize the connection programs can have with each other. I encouraged our tribal programs in education, health, safety, social services, housing, gam-ing, economic development and administration to partner on their goals and activities to support and strengthen each other and reduce duplication of efforts, cost and increase efficiency.

At the National level, I have assisted the Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Interior, and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in presenting the Tribal Justice and Safety consultations on the issue of violence occurring on and off the Indian reservations and to introduce the Adam Walsh regulations. I also served on the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Board with both the Indian Health Services and Bureau of Indian Affairs to strengthen Indian Self-Governance and worked on the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Act.

At the State level I fought for to allow Class III gaming in Oklahoma to increase our gaming revenues and reauthorization of the tobacco compacts to continue keep our ex-isting business operational. I solicited the assistance of the Oklahoma State Legislature to secure free CLEET training for tribal officers to allow our officers to be better trained on State, County, Federal and Tribal laws. I partnered with the State of Oklahoma and counties on the development and improvement of roads and bridges within Sac and Fox Nation jurisdiction to improve access to our tribal members. The widening of Highway 99 between I-40 and Stroud ; the widening and reduction of hills on the Cushing Highway and Highway 18 leading to Meeker are a few of the projects that were completed .

To help strengthen our self-governance and sovereignty I lobbied many hours with the U. S. Secretary of Interior to successfully get a new tribal charter created that would allow the Nation to exercise its right to manage our tribal lands and make the determination of what lands can be placed into trust. The land we acquired from our Oil and Gas settle-ment over 30 years ago has never been placed in trust by the Interior Office. Through the passage of this charter, we have the power and right to place this settlement land and any new land acquisitions- specifically the Tanger Mall property into trust to use for gaming or whatever economic development we choose. This charter gives us the prerogative to exercise our sovereign rights to increase our economic development ability. However, the current tribal leadership has done nothing for the past eight years to exercise our sovereign rights.

Tribal members have voiced their concerns regarding the cuts in education and the lack of program support. As a former educator, I understand the need to educate our trib-al people. Through my development and organizational skill, I created Medicine Creek Tribal College for the Puyallup Tribe and successfully lobbied the U.S. Department of Indian Education for federal funding. While serving as your Chief, I began plans for a Sac and Fox College by partnering with Southwestern Oklahoma State University by develop-ing the Computer Center to bring college classes through distant learning remotely to our facilities. Since I left office, this program has gone unfunded and education funds overall have been reduced as well as the support for the education office. If elected I will work to restore and strengthen educational programs and promote education for our children.

As a Tribal Leader, my leadership and speaking ability prompted Congressman Frank Lucas to organize the Midwest Tribes so they would join forces to speak as one region on National Indian issues. As a result I was instrumental in reestablishing the United Indian Nations of Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas for which now has given Chief Thurman the opportunity to serve as the Vice President. My knowledge of regulations and policies in the areas of Indian Health and Education resulted in my being recruited to serve as a reader evaluating grant proposals for Indian Health Services and Office of Indian Educa-tion. I have coordinated several conferences at the local, state and national levels and my experience and skills allowed me to serve as a workshops presenter on leadership, cultural matters and political issues in addition to presenting numerous speeches to various orga-nizations.

Through the threat of the reduction of our Commodity Food Distribution Program, I spoke with the top official as the Department of Agriculture who challenged me to lead a national lobbing effort to change federal funding formula for the USDA Indian Food Dis-tribution Program. Through this successful effort the law was changed and brought equal funding to all Indian tribes throughout the United States and prevented funding reduc-tion to our Sac and Fox Commodity Food Distribution Program and allowed us to create another food distribution center in Shawnee to better accommodate tribal members.

I have directed housing programs and possess knowledge of the laws that govern this federal program. Our current housing needs are not being addressed. We are the only tribe that does not prioritize our own tribal members for housing. Many of our tribal homes are occupied by non-Sac and Fox members, leaving Sac and Fox members without homes. This is not acceptable.

For all the programs I managed, I established a strategy and vision to lead the pro-grams forward, avoid micromanagement while empowering staff to do their jobs. During my tribal administration I was able to get our first Sac and Fox casino opened, which in turn provided per capita issued to tribal members, established the RAP Program that supplements existing programs and provides new services to our tribal members, and established the Sauk Language Department.

I have heard the concerns of tribal members and recognize the need to focus on educa-tion, economic development, housing, health, employment and safety. These similar con-cerns have been voiced for many years. Every concern has problems that can be resolved with proper leadership, planning and implemented strategies to move toward resolution. During my term as Chief, I addressed many of these problems as is evidenced by my past performance. I have more than just a vision for the Nation; I have the values, determina-tion, integrity and experience to move our Nation forward. If elected as your Principal Chief, I will continue to be committed to addressing our tribal membership’s concerns, move toward resolution and bring us out the current government stagnation.

If the above experience in management, organization, leadership, foresight, and ac-tion are the qualities you expect of your tribal leaders and you want our Nation to move forward, please vote for me, Kay Rhoads, as your next Principal Chief. Your support and belief in my leadership is very much appreciated so exercise your voice and vote for Eliza-beth Kay Rhoads on July 25, 2015.


(From Left) Sac and Fox Principal Chief George Thurman, Secretary Mary F. McCor-mick, Second Chief Orvena Gregory, and Lincoln County District #2 Commissioner Ricky Taylor. (photo by Trruman Carter)

The County Road East-West 910 im-provement project has been completed by Lincoln County District #2 Commissioner Ricky Taylor. Officials of the Sac and Fox Nation partnered with Commissioner Tay-lor and the Lincoln County Board of Com-missioners to improve a 1.6-mile section of the county road in Commissioner Taylor’s

district. The Sac and Fox Nation contrib-uted $400,000.00 to help the county de-fray the costs of reconstruction.

Sac and Fox leaders and Commissioner Taylor gathered recently to celebrate the project’s completion.

For more information, please contact: George Thurman (918) 968-3526

The Norfolk Road improvement project has been completed by Payne County District #1 Commissioner Zack Cavett. Officials of the Sac and Fox Nation partnered with Commissioner Cavett and the Payne County Board of Commissioners to improve a 4.4-mile section of the project. The Sac and Fox


From Left: Sac and Fox Principal Chief George Thurman, Second Chief Orvena Gregory, Secretary Mary F. McCormick, and Payne County District #1 Commis-sioner Zack Cavett.

Nation contributed $750,000.00 to help the county defray the costs of recon-struction.

Sac and Fox leaders and Commis-sioner Cavett gathered recently to cel-ebrate the project’s completion. For more information, please contact: George Thurman (918) 968-3526

July Paper - [PDF Document] (12)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 12

FILING FOR OFFICE Whenever people file for the office of Principal Chief, they need to have experience in tribal government. One does not serve without experiencing a “learning curve” and, this office having so much demand on it, does not allow someone new to the position years to learn; thus our tribe becomes stagnated and Continuity of leadership is needed in Indian nations to allow those respective tribal governments to progress as our Sac & Fox Nation has while at the same time laying the foundation for future success. Elections bring about uncertainty among the tribal membership and governmental staff; candidates’ campaign promises are that they will “clean house” and many do which only hurts the tribal government as new people have to be hired and go through that “learning curve” and staff has to adjust to new leadership, thus slowing services to you as the beneficiaries. Every election candidates say we need change. What kind of change…. in Leadership? I’ve just mentioned how it (tribal leaders change) will affect tribal governments. Yes, you have seen positive change during my tenure(s) of office with Gaming, New Buildings and Facilities, Jobs Created, Land Expansion, Improved Communications, (to name just a few) and many more positive changes planned for the near future. These are the changes that we need and have developed, not just promises of change. A few candidates say we are stagnant, what do they mean? The word means: inactive or dormant. If you have been following my Sac & Fox News “Chief’s Address To The Nation” articles, I have kept communication open by reporting to you on the local, regional, state, and national levels on information that may affect you individually or our tribe as a whole. Our newspaper has kept you updated on news about our Nation and as you can read, we are not in a stagnant state! Groundwork is being laid; partnerships are being formed; communication channels are open; departments are being developed; key personnel are being hired; Federal, State, tribal, and local officials are visiting and coalitions are being discussed to benefit our tribal government; new buildings & facilities are being planned; so no tribal member, we are not stagnated! LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS One characteristic of a strong leader is to be able to listen to any concerns, ideas, problems, and dreams; then relate to those comments and work with an individual(s) to try and resolve the issue(s) or achieve those visions. Another characteristic, when-ever soliciting support and votes in an election, is refusing to make promises to create false hope on your part or conducting a negative campaign against opponents! One does not take credit for any endeavor(s), because a person cannot accomplish anything without help and support of those surrounding them, and without the guidance of our almighty Creator. I have demonstrated these characteristics during my term and this election. A “team” effort will continue with my ability to work with the elected officials of the Business Committee, but please note that I will vote my conscience and voice my opinion whenever issues arise that may be controversial among any members of our tribe and with daily prayer, asking for mercy and grace for my people. I have demonstrated proven leadership by working with your elected Business Committee; commissions/boards/committees; individuals; and governmental staff diplomatically and not “by demands of what the Chief wants.” I have compromised when needed to implement important decisions; dedication to my job by not leaving for vacation in fifteen years; sacrificing time with my family after the regular work schedule to attend meetings; and always putting my tribal people first in my decisions. Our people have told me that they appreciate me taking a positive stance on controversial decisions that benefit our tribe as a whole and not allowing the negative influence by some affect the way I make my decisions. Please do not listen to the “rumor mill”, contact me so we can sit down and discuss openly any concern that you may have in regards to my decision making. I do not mislead our membership by reading into our Constitution what I want it to mean; I read and understand our Constitution by studying how our tribal court interprets and makes decisions in relation to our tribal Code of Laws and Indian Law. Let’s continue moving forward collectively and not fall back; moving in the direction of my staff that I placed during my inauguration in 2007, forward!I have no hidden agenda; my continued effort to help our people will be at the forefront and all I ask of you is to let me lead our Nation with your help and support and to let the elected officials do their job to the best of their abilities.

PROVEN LEADERSHIP The Principal Chief will be summoned to appear before all levels of courts; state, local, county, national and other tribal officials; and even testify before Congress. The Chief will help negotiate state compacts, contracts, and agreements with many entities. This person needs to be knowledgeable of current national events affecting our Sac & Fox Nation; and self-governance issues whenever called upon to speak on behalf of our Nation to protect our sovereignty. Remember the earlier mentioned “learning curve”; the Principal Chief must be ready to lead as soon as the elections are completed. I have that proven leadership after being unanimously selected by the Business Committee to fulfill the remaining term of the Secretary position in 2000; elected to two terms as Secretary; and two terms as Principal Chief. You have allowed me to serve you since 2000 as Secretary and Principal Chief. I have served with many Business Committees’ over the years and I learned with as well as from them. Seven years spent fulfilling the Secre-tary’s position helped prepare me for the Principal Chief’s office; eight years of fulfilling this current office, more than all of my opponents combined, gives me valuable experience as Principal Chief; my Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership prepared me for the Principal Chief’s position; serving on various committees and boards before I ever filed for a tribal office, and my experience serving with other tribal leaders locally and nationally has broadened my perspective as a leader of a sovereign nation. The Sac and Fox Nation needs continuity of this leadership so we can continue moving forward as we have over the past fifteen years, not changing leaders every four years. Look at other tribes and see the prob-lems encountered during the transition of leadership.Our tribal membership has shown confidence that I possessed the leadership qualities needed for this office during the Elections in 2007 and 2011. On the national and local levels tribal and civic leaders had confidence that I possessed the required leadership skills needed in their organization(s); then nominated and elected, or appointed me to these positions:* Intertribal Monitoring Association (ITMA) Board Secretary, (2 terms) Albuquerque, NM* Self-Governance Communication & Education Tribal Consortium (SGCETC) Board Vice - Chairman / Secretary (2 terms), McAlester, OK * Self-Governance Advisory Committee (SGAC) Department of Interior (DOl) / Indian Health Service (IHS), Southern Plains Region Alternate(s) * Central Tribes Shawnee Area (CTSA) Board Chairman, Shawnee, OK* United Indian Nations of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas (UINOKT) Chairman* National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Area Vice-President Southern Plains Region* Department of Justice Indian Law and Order Commission Tribal Advisory Committee, Southern Plains Region* Gordon Cooper Technical School Advisory Committee, Shawnee, OK I have been asked to be a Moderator, Panelist/Presenter, Judge, Speaker, and to Testify at:* Reservation Economic Summit, Las Vegas, NV* Native Nation’s Event, Oklahoma City, OK* Self Governance Conference(s), Reno, NV, Orlando, FL* Sovereignty Symposium – Oklahoma City, OK* Society of Environmental Journalists 22nd Annual Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; * Repatriation Panel, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA* Miss Indian Oklahoma Pageant, Tulsa, OK* Kiwanis, Shawnee, OK* Chambers of Commerce, Cushing, Prague, Stroud, OK* City Commission, Shawnee, OK* U.S. Congressional Delegations, Sub-Committees, and Committees.* Many parades and school functions. Whenever I served in these positions, or spoke at an event on behalf of our Sac and Fox Nation you were represented and our Nation received recognition, and God the praise and glory. VISION(S) TO REALITY I have been a part of the planning and watched those plans become a reality from the visions for the Merle Boyd Center, Learning Center, Cultural Center, Gymnasium, Chapel, Gaming/Casinos, Veteran’s Memorial, Rodeo & Pow-Wow Grounds Improvements, Swim-ming Pool, Facility & Grounds Improvements, Roads Improvements & Bridge Replacements, Land Acquisition, Feasibility Studies, new Positions & Departments created and developed within our tribal government and more planned which will add more and improved Services for our people.I have been an integral part of this planning and development since I started working for our people 15 years ago as an elected official and years before while serving on various committees. Please allow me to continue with our visions until reality and elect me to another term as Principal Chief so our Sac & Fox Nation can continue prospering under proven / experienced leadership. We need a Principal Chief to keep our Nation moving forward and not look back, a Chief ready to lead as soon as the elections are over and installed into office.I state once again that it is an honor and privilege to serve you as your Chief. I am now asking you to allow me to continue leading our Sac & Fox Nation forward by casting your vote for me on July 25th.May God continue to Bless our Sac & Fox Nation and you as individuals. Amen!



July Paper - [PDF Document] (13)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 9 Sac and Fox News • July 2015 Page 13

Sac and Fox NationSac and Fox Nation Food Distribution ProgramFood Distribution Program

Call Today To See If You


STROUD OFFICE (800) 256-3398

SHAWNEE OFFICE (866) 622-2310

If at least one member of your

household is Native American, you

reside within our service area, and you

meet our income guidelines…

You May Qualify, Call Today!!!

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimi-nation, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

With our increased FY14 Net Monthly Income Standards, new income deduction rules were also approved in the CFR. Households that pay rent or utilities, regardless of amount, are now allowed a Standard $300 Deduction of their Net Monthly Income that is measured against the USDA Net Monthly Income Standards. For elderly or disabled household members there is now a Medical Expense Deduction that can be claimed for all out of pocket medical expenses with no limit regarding the amount. Also there is a new Meal Deduction that can be claimed should a household member require the full time services of a home health worker.

For more information on these deductions or to see if you qualify please call (866) 622-2310 Shawnee Office or (800) 256-3398 Stroud Office.

Food Distribution Program UpdatesFDPIR Income Guidelines:

New Deductions Expected to Boost Participation Nationwide

The Sac and Fox Nation Indian Child Welfare continue the quest for foster parents. For more information, please contact: 918-968-3526 ext. 1713

The Sac and Fox Nation Indian Child Welfare continue the quest for foster parents.


For more information, please contact: 405-275-1262

Dear Tribal Members:

I would like to introduce myself, my name: is Beverly Brown Jackson and I am running for Second Chief of the Sac and Fox Nation. I decided to seek this office because I realize our great Nation has come to a critical crossroad and like you I am upset with what is going on in our nation. Not receiving answers to our questions at the Council Meetings, not get-ting updated Financial Reports, where our investment monies are being spent, why is our per capita payments going down and not up, why tribal members are not getting hired within our tribal government (Tribal Head-quarters, Casino’s, Health Department and Housing), our tribal members medical bills not being paid for, our tribal members not receiving priority in health care and our RAP services being decreased. This is the Sac and Fox Nation and our Sac & Fox people should receive priority in all services.

Never has it been more important to elect a strong leader who has expe-rience in tribal government and who will represent your voice; someone who will act in the best interest of the tribal member and the future of the Sac and Fox Nation, I believe I am capable of meeting that challenge this time because when my dad died in that tragic accident five years ago I be-came a different person. What I went through has made me stronger and not afraid of any challenges. OUR TRIBAL MEMBERSHIP WANTS ACCOUNTABILITY AND LEADERSHIP THAT WORKS FOR THEM!!!

VOTE FOR:• Over 20 plus years experience in tribal government• A person who will work for the Sac and Fox People• A person who will be a strong advocate for the SF Elders and SF Veterans• I will implement some kind of training program for our Tribal Members• I will work closely with the Health and Housing Board to assure that SF Members are given priority in services• I will attend meetings of the Enterprise Board to keep abreast of what is going on with our Casinos• I will work to establish better Communication and Accountability between the Business Committee and the Council• I am a person who will work for her paycheck





Feral Hog Workshop


Tuesday July 7, 2015 9am-Noon

Lincoln County Conservation District

is partnering with

The Noble Foundation on a

Feral Hog Workshop

PLACE: Lincoln County Agri Civic Center (Fair Barn) Chandler, OK 74834

TIME: 9 am – Noon (Registration 8:30 am-9:00 am)

Contact: The Lincoln County Conservation District

for more information.

Lincoln County Conservation District 201 N Sandy Lane Chandler OK 74834

Phone: 405-258-5011 Email: [emailprotected]

��Laws regarding Feral Hogs

��Ecological Impacts of Feral Hogs

��Controlling Feral Hogs

��Trapping Techniques

��Boar Buster Demo

Are you a Sac and Fox artist?

Would you like to display some of your artwork in our Cultural Center?

We are limited in size, but we would love to help you show off your best

work! Items will be displayed inside the exhibit showcases.

For questions and queries, please visit or call the Sac and Fox National

Public Library at 918-968-3526, extension 2021.

Some restrictions will apply.

Are you a Sac and Fox artist?

Would you like to display some of your artwork in our Cultural Center?

We are limited in size, but we would love to help you show off your best

work! Items will be displayed inside the exhibit showcases.

For questions and queries, please visit or call the Sac and Fox National

Public Library at 918-968-3526, extension 2021.

Some restrictions will apply.

Chief - 1004 • Second Chief – 1005 • Treasurer 1006 • Secretary – 1007

Committee Member – 1010 • BC Front Desk – 1002 • Tax – 1043 - 1045

Accounting – 1030 - 1036 • Property and Procurement – 1020 – 1039 – 1022

Maintenance – 2063 • BHHC – 918-968-9531 • ICW – 1711 • Court – 2039

Library – 2020 - 2021 • Language - 918-968-0070 or ext. 2053 • JUVI – 4000

USDA – 2077 (WIC 2079) - 2080 – 2081 – 2082 (Warehouse USDA 2089)

Education – 2046 • IT – 2041 • Police – 2033 • Self-Governance – 1080

Capitol Security – 1090 • Realty – 1050 • Enrollment – 1040 – 1041 • RAP – 2000

Social Services – 2010 – 2011 • OES – 2091 – 2092 – 2094 • Veterans – 1065

Newspaper - 1060 • NAGPRA/Historic Preservation – 1070 • Chief of Staff - 1001

Sac and Fox Nation ExtensionsMain Number 918-968-3526

Tina Morrisfor


Sac and FoxNation

VOTE: July 25

July Paper - [PDF Document] (14)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 14

Business Committee Meeting Minutes Special Business Committee Meeting Mini-Minutes May, 7 2015

Business Committee Meeting Minutes

Please be advised that the following are official actions taken by the Business Committee in a Regular Business Com-mittee Meeting held on May 7, 2015. These actions are to be followed up by the appropriate departments.

(1) Stella Nullake motion to ap-prove the Minutes of the April 9, 2015 Regular Business Committee Meeting as presented. Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary F. McCormick-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion carried.

(2) Resolution SF-15-94, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving the Fis-cal Year 2015 Revenue Allocation Plan Tribal Court Budget. Stella Nullake-mo-tion, Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stel-la-Yes, George-Yes. Motion carried.

(3) Resolution SF-15-95, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving Ratify Straw Poll approving Nutrition Services Incentives Program Budget. Stella Nul-lake-motion, Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-

Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes. Motion carried.

(4) Resolution SF-15-96, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving Ratify Straw Poll approving Title VI Part-A, El-ders Program Budget Program Budget. Stella Nullake-motion, Orvena Grego-ry-2nd. VOTE: Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes. Mo-tion carried

(5) Resolution SF-15-97, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving Ratify Straw Poll approving Title VI Part-C, Elders Program Budget. Mary F. McCormick-motion, Jared King-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary F. McCormick-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion carried.

Break at 10:21 a.m.Back from Break at 10:31 a.m.

Break at 10:35 a.m.Back from Break at 11:09 a.m.

(6) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the Addition of Updated Com-munity Building and Cook Shack Fa-cility Rental. Jared King-2nd. VOTE:

George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary F. Mc-Cormick-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion carried.

(7) Stella Nullake motion to ap-prove New Position-Physical Therapist II. Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Absent, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes. Motion carried.

(8) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the Title Change from Distri-bution Clerk/Outreach Driver to Dis-tribution Clerk. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes. Motion carried

(9) Resolution SF-15-98, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving the Juve-nile Detention Service Agreement with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Contract #2015-04-06. Stella Nullake-motion, May F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary F. McCormick-Yes. Motion carried

(10) Stella Nullake motion to ap-prove the Renewal of Sac and Fox Na-

tion Juvenile Detention Service Agree-ments with 40 counties of Oklahoma. Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes. Motion carried

(11) Stella Nullake motion to approve the Renewal with Sharon Emmons to serve as designated teacher for the sum-mer school program at the Sac and Fox Nation Juvenile Detention Center. Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary F. McCormick-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion car-ried.

(12) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the proposal and agreement for Oklahoma Highway Patrol to use the Tanger Parking lot on June 11, 2015 and waive the rental fee. Orvena Gregory-2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes. Mo-tion carried.

ADJOURNMENT:It is the consensus of the Business

Committee to adjourn at 11:20 a.m.

Special Business Committee Meeting Mini-Minutes June, 11 2015

Please be advised that the following are official actions taken by the Business Committee in a Regular Business Com-mittee Meeting held on June 11, 2015. These actions are to be followed up by the appropriate departments.

(1) Sauk Business Enterprise Board Expenditures Discussion only with Jac-quelyn Southern.

(2) Open Records Act Discussion only with Peggy Big Eagle.

Lunch Break at 11:24 a.m.Back from lunch at 12:43 p.m.

(3) Stella Nullake motion to approve the Minutes of the May 21, 2015 Spe-cial Business Committee Meeting with corrections. Mary F. McCormick-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion car-ried.

(4) Stella Nullake motion to ap-prove the Minutes of the May 22, 2015 Recessed Special Business Committee Meeting as presented. Mary F. McCor-mick-2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes. Motion carried.

(5) Resolution SF-15-113, a reso-lution approving the Fiscal Year 2015 Revenue Allocation Plan Women’s Aux-iliary Budget Modification #2. Stella Nullake-motion, Jared A. King-2nd. VOTE: Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes. Motion car-ried.

(6) Resolution SF-15-114, a resolu-tion approving the Fiscal Year 2015 ap-proving Revenue Allocation Plan Food Distribution Program Budget. Mary F. McCormick-motion, Stella Nullake -2nd. VOTE: Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes. Motion carried.

Break at 1:50 p.m.Back from break at 2:16 p.m.

(7) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the Rodeo Ground Usage Agreement. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes. Motion carried

(8) Resolution SF-15-115, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving an agree-ment and amendment between the Sac and Fox Nation and the City of Daven-port for ambulance rental. Mary F. Mc-Cormick-motion, Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary F. McCormick-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion carried.

(9) Resolution SF-15-116, a resolu-tion authorizing and approving an agree-ment and amendment between the Sac and Fox Nation and the Davenport am-bulance service. Mary F. McCormick-motion, Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stel-la-Yes, George-Yes. Motion carried.

(10) Orvena Gregory motion to ap-prove Agreement between Sac and Fox Nation and Friction Motor Sports to use the Tanger Parking Lot July 6, August 31, October 5, and November 9, 2015.

Jared A. King-2nd. VOTE: Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-No, George-Yes, Orve-na-Absent. Motion carried.

(11) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve Additions of New Agreements, Notices, and Policies and Regulations for the Sac and Fox Nation RV Park. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes. Motion carried

(12) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the Renewal of Sac and Fox Nation Juvenile Detention service agree-ments with 8 counties of Oklahoma list-ed as Beckham County #2013-04-09b, Custer County #2013-04-12b, Grady County #2013-04-16b, Grant County #2013-06-06b, Johnson County #2013-04-21b, Pittsburg County #2013-04-21b, Sequoyah County #2013-04-32b, and Woodward County #2013-04-36b. Stella Nullake -2nd. VOTE: Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes. Motion carried

Second Chief has left the meeting at 3:22 p.m.

(13) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve Audio/Visual Production Spe-cialist agreement contract #2009-03-05i Amendment Revision Request. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Orve-na-Absent, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes. Motion carried

(14) Stella Nullake motion to approve Fiscal Year 2015 Consultant agreement Revised Christine Williamson Con-tract #200-03-08D. Jared A. King-2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Absent, Mary-Yes, Jar-ed-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes. Motion carried.

(15) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve new position – BHHC Re-ception Clerk III. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Absent. Mo-tion carried.

Second Chief returned to the meeting at 3:29 p.m.

(16) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve new positions and job descrip-tions for Sauk Language Department listed as Sauk Language Department Office Manager, Internship Program Manager, Tribal Linguist, Language In-structor #3, Language Instructor #4, and Material Production Specialist. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes. Motion carried

(17) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the updated job descriptions for Sauk Language Department Director, Sauk Language Department Program Coordinator, Language Instructor #1, Language Instructor #2, and Adminis-trative Assistant. Stella Nullake-2nd. VOTE: Stella-Yes, George-Yes, Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes. Motion car-ried

(18) Mary F. McCormick motion to approve the contract amendment #2014-

07-03a with Sac and Fox Nation and Midwest Professionals PLLC. Stella Nullake2-2nd. VOTE: George-Yes, Or-vena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes Stella-Yes. Motion carried

(19) Jared A. King motion to ap-prove the IDC Rate Proposal with the

Falmouth Institute. Stella Nullake -2nd. VOTE: Orvena-Yes, Mary-Yes, Jared-Yes, Stella-Yes, George-Yes. Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT:It is by the consensus of the Business

Committee to adjourn at 4:05 p.m.

Don Abneyfor

Second Chief

OFFERS EXPERIENCE• Started Working for Sac and Fox Nation 1985• Former Chief of Sac and Fox Nation 6 Years

• Served in Maintenance Department as Maintenance Tech, Tribal Foreman and Director

GOALS• Seeking Economic Development

• Seeking to Re-establish Constitution Revision Committee


What Does

opelook like to you?

The cameras and instructions will be handed out Friday, July 10th to the first 10 in each division to sign up. Sign up will be during the JOM Fun Day.Divisions are as followsElementary School grades 1st-5thMiddle School grades 6th 8thHigh School grades 9th-12th

sponsored by Behavioral Health – Bright PathSpecial Diabetes Program

July Paper - [PDF Document] (15)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 15

The Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Court is pleased to announce that paralegal services are now being offered at the Sac and Fox Nation Justice Center. This service is to help alleviate the pressure placed on the prose litigants, litigants who may not be able to afford the luxury to hire legal assistance. Without the aid of legal expertise, litigants often enter the judicial system unprepared for the com-plicated process and may leave dismayed by the results. In recognition of this prob-lem, the Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Court and Oklahoma Indian Legal Services have been in collaboration to provide the tribal members with a paralegal to offer

assistance to prose litigants in preparing their legal documents and understanding the judicial process.

The paralegal provided through Okla-homa Indian Legal Services is on-site three (3) times a month to assist enrolled tribal members with preparation of legal documents, help in understanding the judicial process, assisting court admin-istration in issuing Orders and Decrees, directing litigants to outside organiza-tions for further assistance, preparation of wills and referrals for further legal advice.

Contact the Court Clerk’s Office at 918-968-2031for dates and times.







Approved by BC October 2014



**NOTE** You must receive an award letter PRIOR to receiving any Health services requested above. If you receive

services prior to an award letter being issued, you are responsible for the charges.

Tribal Energy Hardship

Elders Lawn Care Emergency Appliance _____ Vision

Dental Dentures _____ Orthodontic _____ Hearing Aid

Type of Assistance Requested (Please Check All That Apply)

FAX:918-968-4207 PH: 918-968-3526 EXT: 2000 & 2001

RAP APP Form#2011-01

Please Provide the Following: The bill you are requesting assistance with & proof of residence if the bill is not in your name.


I hereby authorize the Sac and Fox Nation RAP Department to make any necessary inquiries relating to my account’s which the RAP Department may be considering making payment on my behalf. I understand that I have the r ight to a hear ing of any action of the Sac and Fox Nation, which I consider improper, and also any unreasonable delay in decision. (Request for fair hearings may be made in writing to the Business Committee of the Sac and Fox Nation, 920883 S. Hwy. 99 Bldg. A, Stroud, OK 74079) I understand that any person who knowingly, willfully and fraudulently provides false information for the purpose of obtaining benefits which he/she is otherwise ineligible to receive; may be subject to prosecution to the fullest extent to the appropriate Tribal statutes.





Sac and Fox Nation tribal membership will be verified by the Sac and Fox Nation RAP Department

Please List Statement of Need:

URGENT NOTICE TO VETERANSMen and Women especially WW1, WW2 and Korean

The Sac and Fox National Public Libraryis asking for your

DD 214’s for their records and Memorial Monument Purposes

See Cathrine Walker 1-918-968-3526 Ext. 2022

Located at Shawnee Multi Purpose Building

215 North Harrison Ave405-275-1262

Indian Child Welfare Department


Sac and Fox Transportation ProgramCriteria You Must Meet Before Being Eligible for Transportation:

• You must have an established chart at BHHC

• You must have no other means of transportation • You must have an active referral from a BHHC provider to the facility where being transported

If you have Medicaid, please utilize SoonerRide SoonerRide’s toll free phone number is

(877) 404-4500


The law states the findings of the Sac and Fox Nation relative to the Removal of elected officials of the Business Committee.

The law enacts due process removal procedures, providing for informal answers of the disputes between Tribal members and members of the Business Committee.

The Law provides formal procedures required for hearings to consider charges of misconduct against elected Business Committee officials.

This law provides notice of traditional Governing Council to Consider the removal of elected of-ficials of the Business Committee. Their Decision is final.

This Law provides the Grievance Committee the right to hire an attorney should the Governing Councils decision be challenged in Court.

There are two (2) Constitutional Committees, the Grievance Committee (Article IV, Sec. 2) and the Election Committee (Article V, Sec. 5). All modifications or changes on these two (2) Com-mittees must be approved by the Governing Council.

At Council’s request in 2008,the past and present Grievance Committees with the guidance of law firms have produced this new SAC AND FOX NATION GRIEVANCE COMMITIEE PROCE-DURE OF 2015.

History tells that the current procedure was drafted by an attorney who was on theBusiness Committee. The current procedure is in legal terms and was ratified May 3,1997.

Members of Grievance Committee are not required to have legal experience and are at a disad-vantage with the present procedure.

You will be asked to vote on the SAC AND FOX NATION GRIEVANCE COMMITIEE PROCE-DURE OF 2015 at the August Governing Council, which gives the Governing Council complete authority on all actions of the Grievance Committee, and the Governing Council vote on all griev-ances will be final, and a copy will be filed with the Court.

Two Copies of the SAC AND FOX NATION GRIEVANCE COMMITIEE PROCEDURE OF 2015 will be located in the Library, Shawnee Multi-Purpose Building, and in the Tribal Secre-tary’s office for review by all tribal members. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated and can be mailed to the Grievance Secretary, at 13140 Big Sky Dr. Edmond, Oklahoma73025.

We are asking the Business Committee to put the SAC AND FOX NATION GRIEVANCE COM-MITIEE PROCEDURE OF 2015 on the Nation’s website for tribal members conveniences.


Hello Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Members!My name is Robyn Harms and I am running for Committee Member. I currently reside in Shawnee, OK where I hold the position of Human Resources Manager at the Black Hawk Casino. I have worked at the casino since 2009 and I have held different positions throughout my tenure. I have recently com-pleted my Associate’s Degree and am cur-

Robyn HarmsCandidate for

Committee Member

rently working on my Bachelor’s. I would love the opportunity to serve as Committee Member to advocate on behalf of all tribal members. I believe the experience and knowledge I have gained working at the casino will help in making informed decisions for the Sac and Fox Nation.

Baby Yunnin Donna Bangstein arrived on May 5, 2015 at 10:10PM. She weighed 8lbs. and 6oz and was 21in long. Yunnin was born at West Houston Medical Center in Houston, TX.

Proud parents are Bjornar Bangstein and, tribal member, Angela (Butler) Bang-stein. Maternal grandmother, Deanna (Butler) Bates, and maternal great-grandpar-ents are the late Donna (Edge) Butler and the late Edward “Hambone” Butler. Yunnin is named after her great-great-great grandmother on her Caddo side.




July Paper - [PDF Document] (16)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 16


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITESThe following is a list of job vacancies with

the Sac & Fox Nation:

Chief Financial Officer(Finance)Seeking Immediate Placement

Education Director (Stroud)Seeking Immediate Placement

Resident Advisor (Juvenile Detention Center/Stroud)Open Continuously

Certified Lifeguards (Stroud)May 23, 2015 - September 6, 2015

Cashier (Finance/Stroud)Seeking Immediate Placement

Elders Program Coordinator (Stroud) Seeking Immediate Placement

Surveillance Observer (Shawnee/Gaming) Seeking Immediate Placement

Administrative Assistant (Economic/Stroud) Seeking Immediate Placement

Administrative Assistant (BHHC) Seeking Immediate Placement

Applicants must successfully pass an OSBI/National background check and drug screen. Preference in hiring is given to qualified Native Americans.

Applicants claiming Indian Preference must provide a copy of their CDIB. For more information and to learn how to apply please visit our website at:

www.sacandfoxnation.comor contact Human Resources, Sac and Fox Nation, 920883 S Hwy 99,

Bldg. A Stroud, OK 74079 or by phone (918) 968- 3526

NEW YEAR. NEW YOU.Call 1-800-QUIT NOW and quit tobacco today. Free patches, gum or lozenges are available.

Grantee Tag

Upgrade your health by quitting tobacco.And experience the new and improved you.

ENHANCEDFEATURES- Better appearance- Cleaner teeth- Fresher breath- Better mood

EXPANDEDWALLET- More cash on hand- Lower insurance costs- Lower medical expenses

LONGER LIFE- Lower heart rate- Lower blood pressure- Reduced risk of cancer - Reduced risk of disease

The most anticipated release of 2015?


ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE The Indian Health Service, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, offers programs to install water and sewer facilities to qualified Indian Homeowners. Funding and construction of sanitation facilities, such as wells, water service lines, septic tanks and drain fields, wastewater lagoons and sewer service lines, are available. Minimum eligibility requirements include:

• Property must be located within the local Indian Health Service jurisdiction: The greater portion of Oklahoma County; Pottawatomie County north of the North Canadian River; Cleveland County west of the Indian Meridian; Lincoln County; Logan County, and a portion of southern Payne County.

• You must be a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe, band or


• If renting, you must obtain a lease agreement (minimum of five years) and a copy of the landowner’s deed/title and CDIB. Property owner must possess a Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB).

• HUD homes must be paid in full before services can be provided.

Documentation of tribal affiliation and home ownership or long-term lease will be required with the application for services. Mobile homes must be tied down, skirted and wheels removed prior to service. Absentee Shawnee and Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal members must apply for services through their tribal OEH offices. Please note that applying for service does not guarantee you will receive service. Service depends on the availability of funding. Please call (405) 214-4200, or stop by our office at 14106 Highway 177, Shawnee, Oklahoma, for more information.


ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE The Indian Health Service, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, offers programs to install water and sewer facilities to qualified Indian Homeowners. Funding and construction of sanitation facilities, such as wells, water service lines, septic tanks and drain fields, wastewater lagoons and sewer service lines, are available. Minimum eligibility requirements include:

• Property must be located within the local Indian Health Service jurisdiction: The greater portion of Oklahoma County; Pottawatomie County north of the North Canadian River; Cleveland County west of the Indian Meridian; Lincoln County; Logan County, and a portion of southern Payne County.

• You must be a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe, band or


• If renting, you must obtain a lease agreement (minimum of five years) and a copy of the landowner’s deed/title and CDIB. Property owner must possess a Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB).

• HUD homes must be paid in full before services can be provided.

Documentation of tribal affiliation and home ownership or long-term lease will be required with the application for services. Mobile homes must be tied down, skirted and wheels removed prior to service. Absentee Shawnee and Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal members must apply for services through their tribal OEH offices. Please note that applying for service does not guarantee you will receive service. Service depends on the availability of funding. Please call (405) 214-4200, or stop by our office at 14106 Highway 177, Shawnee, Oklahoma, for more information.

Business Committee Meeting Minutes are now accessible on the Website and Facebook


July Paper - [PDF Document] (17)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 17

Election Board 2015 Dates to Remember

Muscogee (Creek) NationWIC Program

Stroud ClinicUSDA Building 920883 S. HWY 99Open 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each Month

Hours: 9:30am - 3:30pmClosed for Lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm

1-800-648-2302 or 918-968-1784 for informationClosed last business day of each month for staff training.

Standards for participation are the same regardless of age, race, sex, color, national origin or handicap.

Pool hours are: 12:00pm to 6pm Tuesday through Sunday

Closed on Mondays

Admission prices are $2.00 for the general public, $1.00 for the Sac and Fox Nation tribal members

Private Parties are in the evenings from 6:00pm until 8pmParties are required to fill out proper paperwork for rental agreements as well as for scheduling 24 hrs in advance

Arrangements will be administered through the Maintenance Department

918-968-4271 Pool rental prohibited during the week of the

Nation’s annual celebration

Rental prices are $75.00 (2 hour) for general public, $50.00 for Sac and Fox Nation tribal members

Certified Lifeguards with CPR/First aid training will be on dutyNo waiving of fees. No exceptions.

Sac and Fox Nation Swimming Pool Rules and Hours

July Paper - [PDF Document] (18)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 18

Aho! My name is Dino Riley, son of the late Sarah Franklin, and your candidate for Principal Chief of the Sac and Fox Nation. Many members of the Sac and Fox Nation, myself included, have expressed the need for strong leadership and change within our Business Committee. We believe in and stand up for the Constitution, the People, and the Governing Coun-cil of the Sac and Fox Nation. Many of our people have seen me fight for these at our Governing Councils. We need leaders who understand the Constitution and the oath they take to uphold it.

We need a Business Committee who will work for the people of the Sac and Fox Nation. When has any of the other candidates spoken on the Council floor for the people and not against the Governing Council?

We need to give the people, Governing Council, the power to govern that it once had. Why hasn’t the Business Committee put the Governing Coun-cil resolution to repeal the 2004 amendment on a ballot to be voted on by the whole Sac and Fox Nation as stated in the Constitution?

We need to know how our money is being spent. Why does Chief Thur-man only state that the Nation’s audits are good and yet refuse to provide the Governing council with copies of these “good” audits?

We need a change in direction and leadership. If we are not stagnant and have good leadership, take a good look at your annual per capita pay-ments. Have they not been decreasing yearly?

Remember, there is no “I” in team. Let us all come together and work for the needed changes for the people.

(X) DINO RAY RILEY FOR PRINCIPAL CHIEF OF THE SAC AND FOX NATION. “A LEADER FOR A CHANGE”Any questions, comments, or need more information on tribal matters, visit my “Campaign for Principal Chief of the Sac and Fox Nation” page on Facebook.

Vote Dino RileyPrincipal Chief

Sac and Fox Nation JOM FUN DAY

FRIDAY JULY 10, 201510:00 AM UNTIL 2:00 PM
















APPLICATION DUE BY SEPTEMBER 11th, 2015 Student Information

Please Print Clearly ************PROVIDE A COPY OF C.D.I.B.************

Application No.: _______ Application Date: ___________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Last Name First Name Middle _____/______/____________________/____/_________________________________________________ Social Security Number Date of Birth Sac and Fox Nation Roll # PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State ZIP Phone No.: ______________________ Email Address.: _______________________________ I REQUEST THE SCHOOL TO VERIFY ENROLLMENT AND/OR ATTENDANCE FOR THE ABOVE NAMED STUDENT. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent /Legal Guardian Signature Date

Admissions Office This section to be completed by school official

Student Name: _________________________________ Grade: _________ School Year: 2015-2016 I certify the above student is currently enrolled and attending ____________________________________ Name of school Address ___________________________________________ Telephone No. _______________________

(School Stamp/Seal) Signature of School Official: ______________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________Date: _________________________________

*****Tribal Office Use Only*****

Date Approved:__________________ Education Dept:____________________________________


Tribal School Clothing/School Supply Grant Application 920883 S. Highway 99

Stroud, Oklahoma 74079

Education: 918.968.3526 Ext. 2043



____TM ____CDIB Incomplete □

________ Initial

Statement of Acknowledgment

Applicant: Please read this carefully and sign below

I hereby certify that the information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I declare that I will use any funds I receive from the Sac and Fox Nation School Clothing and/or School Supplies Grant solely for their intended purpose and solely for the benefit of the student named on this application. I understand that I must turn in all receipts or copies of the receipts from the purchases made with grant funds before the deadline in March, 2016. I also understand that misuse of the funds or failure to turn in the receipts may jeopardize the funding for all the children of that parent or guardian.



2015 RAP Clothing Supply Grant ApplicationRaises the bar on quality, expands pro-

gram to full school day, full school year, reduces regulatory burden by one-thirdThe Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today impor-tant steps to improve the quality of ser-vices at Head Start programs across the country. HHS Secretary Sylvia M. Bur-well unveiled the first comprehensive revision of the Head Start Performance Standards since they were originally published in 1975. Improving these per-formance standards, which provide the foundation for practices and policies in every Head Start program, builds upon past efforts from the administration to im-prove and strengthen Head Start in order to deliver on the President’s call to pro-vide children with access to high-quality early childhood experiences. The revised standards reflect a vision for how to raise the bar on quality for all Head Start pro-grams and build on the programs’ history of success to help more children onto a path to school success.

Head Start performance standards are the foundation for Head Start’s mission to deliver comprehensive, high-quality indi-vidualized services to support the school readiness and healthy development of children from low-income families. The proposed regulation will update standards to reflect best practices and the latest re-search on what works in early education to foster healthy child development and school readiness.

The proposed rule sets an expectation that all programs operate for a full school day and full school year; raises education standards to reflect current research on brain development, early learning, and ef-fective practice; and builds teacher skills and improves classroom performance through a system of evidence-based, in-dividualized professional development.

The new proposal that programs serve Head Start preschoolers for a full school day and a full school year is based on re-search and evidence that shows that stu-dents who spend more time in high qual-ity early learning programs learn more and better prepared for kindergarten.

The revisions significantly reduce the current 1,400 Head Start regulatory standards, by eliminating unnecessary

HHS Proposes Vision for the Future of Head Start, Releases New Performance Standards

and duplicative rules while setting high standards that will drive program per-formance. By bringing the regulations into the 21st century, program directors around the country can focus on out-comes for children and families instead of spending time and resources on unnec-essary requirements that do not improve or ensure the quality of the program.

Speaking today in Chicago at the Nia Family Center, which offers Early Head Start and childcare services, HHS Sec-retary Sylvia M. Burwell said: “These proposed standards provide the building blocks for the success of future genera-tions of Head Start kids. As a Head Start kid myself, I know firsthand the power Head Start has to instill a lifelong love of learning. By reducing the unnecessary bureaucratic burdens and applying the latest research and best practices in our Head Start programs, we will help more children onto the path of success.”

The proposed standards maintain and strengthen Head Start’s commitment to comprehensive services, including health and family engagement, which are cen-tral to helping children succeed and are a hallmark of Head Start. The proposal also maintains and strengthens Head Start’s high standards on child safety.

“The proposed standards build on past efforts from our administration to strengthen the Head Start, and put for-ward a blueprint for building programs that help children to learn, grow and flourish,” said Blanca Enriquez, director of the Office of Head Start, “We con-sulted extensively with experts, practi-tioners, and the Head Start community in the development of this proposal so that the proposed regulation would be based on the latest research and best practices in early education. We look forward to using the feedback we will receive dur-ing the public comment process to make these standards even stronger.”

The public is invited to submit com-ments on these proposed standards, which are due 60 days after publication on August 18, 2015.

The proposed regulation may be viewed at https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/06/19/2015-14379/head-start-performance-standards

The Sac & Fox Veterans Women’s Auxiliary is in the planning stages of creating a yearly calendar honoring all of our tribal Veterans, and the men and women currently serving in the military. We are requesting photographs of your veteran(s) along with any commendations they received (i.e., Silver Star, Distinguished Service Cross, Medal of Honor Wounded in Action, Bronze Star with V(Valor) etc.). We are asking that you also provide the date of birth for each so that it may be denoted on the calendar. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in our endeavor. All correspondence may be sent to the following address: Sac and Fox Nation, ATTN: Sac & Fox Veterans Women’s Auxiliary, 920883 S. Hwy 99, Building A, Stroud, OK 74079.


July Paper - [PDF Document] (19)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 17 Sac and Fox News •July 2015 • Page 19

Native Employment Works Funds Available Now

The Sac and Fox Nation Human Services Department is currently tak-ing applications for Native Employ-ment Works. NEW is a federally fund-ed program that helps low-income households with expenses while at-tending school or if underemployed. We encourage you to apply at our of-fice in Stroud or at the Shawnee Multi-Purpose Center. Please call us at the number on the bottom of this article, if you have any questions.

To qualify for NEW, you must be an enrolled member of the Sac and Fox Nation and reside within the Sac and Fox Nation jurisdictional boundaries.

The NEW program eligibility in-cludes teen parents, unemployed parent(s) if attending school, under-employed parent(s), and other tribal members if they have one or more Sac and Fox children.

PLEASE BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING:• Tribal enrollment cards for all house-

hold members • (Birth certificates for those without

a tribal enrollment card)• Driver’s license if over 18 and not

enrolled.• Driver’s license or photo ID for ap-

plicant.• Social Security cards for all house-

hold members.• School enrollment verification or

employment verification.• Proof of income – including pay-

check stubs, Social Security or disability benefits, unemployment compensation, pension or retirement funds, etc. for all household members 18 years of age or older.

Other documents may be required based on your situation.

Sac and Fox Nation Human Services920883 S. Hwy 99 Building A Stroud, Oklahoma 74079

Phone: 918-968-3526 • Extensions 2010 & 2011Toll Free: 800-259-3970 • Fax: 918-968-0142

Sac and Fox Nation Police DepartmentFrom Sac and Fox Tribal Police Chief Bob Roberts








May 11

earn FREE college tuitionit’s Oklahoma’s Promise

With Oklahoma’s Promise, the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade

students whose family income is $50,000 or less can earn FREE COLLEGE TUITION

Apply online at www.okpromise.org orContact the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education by e-mail [emailprotected] or by phone at 1-8-858-1840 (225-9152 in OKC)

Get an application from your counselor


Native Employment Works (NEW)

Safety TipsIt is summer time and outdoor

activities begin. With all the rain and flooding we have experienced here in Oklahoma I believe it would be well to talk about “Safety Precautions With Snakes”. After a flood or storms, snakes are forced into places where they usually are not found. Take the following precautions if you live in an area where poisonous snakes are common.

(1) Know how to identify poisonous snakes common to your area.

(2) Be alert for snakes in unusual places. They may be found in or around homes, barns, outbuildings, driftwood, levees, dikes, dams, old automobiles, piles of debris, building materials, trash, or any type of protective cover.

(3) Keep a heavy stick or some other weapon handy.

(4) Search the premises thoroughly for snakes before beginning any cleanup operations. Snakes may be under or near any type of protective cover.

(5) In cleanup operations, wear heavy leather or rubber high-topped boots, and heavy gloves. Wear trouser legs outside boots. Be extremely careful around debris. Use rakes, pry bars, or

other long-handled tools when removing debris. Never expose your hands, feet, or other parts of your body in a place where a snake might hide.

(6) Carry a strong light after dark.(7) Explain to children the dangers of

snakes under storm or flood conditions, and the precautions they should follow. Do not allow children to play around debris.

(8) If you kill a poisonous snake, use a stick rake, or other long-handled tool to carry the snake away for disposal. Snakes may bite even when they appear dead.

(9) If you realize you are near a snake, avoid sudden movement, which may cause the snake to strike. If you remain still the snake may leave. If the snake doesn’t move away from you slowly back away from it.

(10) If someone is bitten by a poisonous snake, seek medical help right away.

In conclusion, snake anti-venom is very expensive and can cost as much as $30,000 dollars. So be aware and enjoy the outdoors safety.

Best wishes for a safe and happy summer from your Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Police Department.

Greetings Fellow Tribal Members,

My name is Jamie Barse and I am seeking your vote for Second Chief of our great Sac & Fox Nation in the primary elections this July 25, 2015. My educational/professional history is as follows:


• Graduate of Northwest Classen High School 1989 • Graduate of Metro Tech certificate in Fashion Merchandising 1989 • Attended Oklahoma City Community College and Rose State College • Currently a Senior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in Administrative Leadership


• JC Penny Co.-­‐ Sales Associate • Izod -­‐ Floor Supervisor • Sac & Fox Nation -­‐ 1997-­‐Grant Writer’s Assistant, 2000-­‐Administrative Assistant BHHC, 2012-­‐Staff Accountant. • Allegra Print & Imaging-­‐ Accounts Receivable • Leader Communication Government Contractor for TSA (Transportation Security Admin.) -­‐ TSA Payroll Tech • Firelake Grand Casino -­‐ Gaming Auditor • Sonic Corp. -­‐ Brand Accounting Clerk • Eaton Corp -­‐ Quality Administrative Clerk

If elected, I will aggressively pursue

• More funding for education, more youth programs (mentorship/job shadowing) • Better economic development • Better/improved health care for our members. Our members need quality health care and the health of our

members is the upmost importance

I will also

• Keep you informed of what is going on with our programs, with an open line of communication we all can be aware of what is going on and what needs to be done

• Be transparent when it comes to tribal programs • Be an advocate for our youth • As your Second Chief, I will do complete research on matters at hand and will make decisions based on the

findings of that research

Respectfully, Jamie Barse

Jamie BarseFor

Second Chief

July Paper - [PDF Document] (20)

Sac and Fox News • July 2015 • Page 20

July Paper - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Article information

Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 6171

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.