Freeport Journal-Standard from Freeport, Illinois (2024)

PAfcfc TWO THE FREEPORT PHONE 3100 FRIDAY, MARCH Talk On Missions To Be Given In Lanark Church Lanark, March J. Kllngensmlth, general secretary of the missionary board of the Brethren church, will present an Illustrated lecture on missionary work in Central and Smith America at 8 p. m. Monday In tho First, Brethren church. Rr.v.

Kllngcnsmtth has recently visited the mission stations In Central America and the Argentine and will show moving pictures which he look on this tour. The public is invited. Advanced In Rank James R. Chlsolm, U.S.N.R., son of Mi-, and Mrs. Donald Chlsolm, of Id, and the only grandson of Mr.

and Mrs. Rhoderick Chisolm, of Lanark, has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant (j.g.). He has been stationed in the Pacific for the past 15 months aboard an LCI. where he has been engaged in several important Invasions. Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Hoague have moved to O. John Speers, who has been stationed in Missouri, lias been enjoying a short furlough with relatives AVAILABLE NOW FOR LAWN, FLOWERS Regular feeding should be Bomber one on your seasonal lawn care If you feed your lawn in early spring and again in early fall reseed bare spots as they develop with good grass seed you'll have a lawn to admire one that gives pride and comfort For lawns, and for flowers, raJbs and trees, too, Use iVIGOBO.

It's the complete plant food made by Swift Company. supplies all of the many plant food elements all plants require from the soil. fORO COMPLETE PLANT FOOD For sale by all Garden Supply Dealers HAIGHT SCRAPE Distributors 114 E. Stephcnson St. here before being transferred to another camp, Wounded In Action Mrs.

A. Fox received word recently that her' son, Chief Petty Officer Earl Shldler, hnd been wounded and was a patient In a Navy hospital In New York. Forrest Holtarook, who received a mecllcad discharge from the army, will assist his father In operating his farm. Mrs. Etta, Packard is leaving this week to visit her son, Capt.

Harold Packard, at San Francisco, Calif. Captain Packard has recently been commissioned new commanding officer of a hospital ship. Mrs. Earl Lego was hostess to the Woman's club Monday evening. Mrs.

Erna Garner was hostess to the Sun-Dial Sunday school class of Trinity Lutheran church Tuesday evening. Rev. W. E. West was in charge of tho.

lesson, "Building a Better Church," A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wallace Monday St. Francis hospital, Frceport. Henry Rister submitted to major surgery Tuesday in the Deaconess hospital. Freeport.

Beginning on Wednesday evening of Holy Week, and continuing over Easter Sunday, Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of Manchester college, North Manchester, will present a series of sermons in the Church of the Brethren. The public is invited.

Adam Erbsen has purchased the Alva Myers property on North Broad street. The 20th birthday of Charles Burkholder was observed Sunday In the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burkholder. Guests were present from Polo, Shannon and Lanark.

Mrs. George Wix has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Harlan Diehl, and children, in Phoenix, and son, Russell, and family, in Denver, Colo. 25,000 acres of peas is the goal To Celebrate Golden Wedding HtltrfM I'hotci Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Brady, who will observe their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday, the 25th, nt their home near Pearl City. Open house for relatives, friends and neighbors will he held In the afternoon and Lena. Sunday school will be held at 1:30 o'clock. set for the Puhremann Canning company this year. George Geison has resigned his position as janitor at the high school, effective April 1.

Mrs. Lester Kuhlemeier Is recovering from a recent leg fracture in her home, the Mrs. Lucille Sargent property. Church Services In Nearby Towns Salem Lutheran, McConnell McCoruiell, 111., March C. F.

Broecker will be Installed as pastor of the Salem Lutheran church at McConnell at divine services to be held in the church Sunday afternoon, starting at 2 o'clock. The installation ceremony will be conducted by the Rev. C. Pieper, of St. Paul's Lutheran, Nora Nora, 111., March school at 9:3 a.

m. Rev. C. F. Boecker will be installed as pastor of the church at a service to be held at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, The Installation will be conducted by the Rev.

C. Pieper, of Lena. Afolkey Evangelical Congregational Sunday school, morning worship, 10:30. The time and place of the next meeting of the Teachers' Training class will be announced Sunday A. E.

Anderson, pastor. St. Paul's Evangelical And Reformed, Davis Worship service at 10:30 a. m. The Young People's League meets Tuesday evening, March 27.

Good Friday service at 10 a. m. The union Good Friday service will be held In Calvary Evangelical church at Davis, from 12 o'clock noon to 3 p. R. E.

Schwarze, pastor. Get Helpful Relief From Sore, Painful Piles II you suffer nagRlng, painful soreness and ItchinR, burning torment of simple Dlles and nre constipated so that every rowel movement seems like torture go to Emmert Drug Co. Moogk Drug Co. or any drug store and get a package of the lew Hcn-Rolb Combination. This splendid 2-wny treatment helps to ease paln- 'ul soreness, helps relieve the nagslng tchlng and burning, tends to promote ree and comfortable bowel movements find aids In healing the sore tender It seems tho height of folly for myone to continue to suffer tho dls- and annoyance of the painful condition of simple piles when so fine a may be had nt such a reason- ible cost.

If you are not pleased you may have your money back. Be sure nnd get the Hen-Rolb Combination because It Is this package that la offered to you on a "money back promise" If you are not pleased with what It does for you In your own case. only as directed. "The First Spiritualist Church of Freeport" Freeport, Illinois On Sunday, March 25th, 1945, will hold services In the W. R.

C. Hall, 9li N. Chicago Avenue. Mrs. Mary E.

Struever of Chicago, Illinois, will be the speaker of the evening. Services start at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Struever is Missionary for the Illinois State Spiritualist Association of Chicago.

PUBLIC INVITED Cedarville Evangelical Congregational Church Sunday school, young people's service, 7 p. evening preaching service, 7:45. Wednesday evening prayer service Is being cancelled this week, so that all who care to may attend the pre-Easter services being held In the Methodist church in Cedarville. An open air sunrise service will be held on Easter Sunday morning on Pine Hill, with Rev. Mr.

Hartman of Rock Grove as the speaker; time will be announced next week. The Young People's Missionary society is to meet at the parsonage on Monday evening at 7:45. All single young people 12 years of age or over are invited. Revival services begin at 8 p. m.

on April 4, with Rev. Paul D. Gordon A. E. Anderson, pastor.

Orangeville Churches Orangeville, 111., March churches of Orangeville will unite in a week of pre-Easter services to be held in the United Brethren church, with the following schedule of events: On Sunday night, at 8 o'clock, Rev. Avery Felts, of the Reformed church, will begin the series, to be followed on Monday evening, by Rev. Charles Hall, of the Methodist church, who will show pictures of famous paintings portraying the Easter season. On Tuesday evening, Rev. F.

J. Kissinger will bring the message, and on Wednesday evening the host pastor, Rev. Fink, will speak. On Thursday evening ft union Communion service OLD JUDGE "Adding another War Bond to your collection, eh, Judge?" "Yes, Josh, I've always looked upon buying Bonda as one of the best ways older folks like me here at home can help our fighting men overseas. For the past couple of years I've put every estra cent I had into them not only during the War Bond on 9.

regular basis. Of course, when there's a drive on I always try to buy an extra or two." ''We've done the same in our family, too, Judge. We figure the more we the better we equip our the quicker they'll finish their big job and come marching home again." That's the spirit, Josh. And let's be sure of one more thing. Let's be sure that they coma back to the same kind of place they lef t.

While they are away and can't express their opinions, let's not make any decisions on things that are going to concern them in years to come." Catijatnce ef AUohflie litieiatt iruiuslria, Int- will be held with all the churches participating; and on Friday, beginning at noon, a three-hour devotional period commemorating Good Friday will be observed. The union youth choir, made up of young people from all the churches, will sing throughout the week, adding their special numbers to the others from the various churches to complete the ministry In music. Orangeville United Brethren Combined Sunday school and worship service beginning at 9:30, with the morning message at 10 o'clock, followed by the study of the lesson. The Union Youth choir will meet here on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. All young people interested in singing are urged to attend.

The cholf will sing for the pre-Easter services. The pre-Easter services will begin on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock with VRev. Avery Felts, of the Orangeville Reformed church bringing the message. On Monday evening, Rev. Charles Hall, of the Methodist church, will show a series of religious pictures of famous paintings portraying the Easter story; on Tuesday night, Rev.

J. Kissinger will speak, a.nd on Wednesday evening, Rev, Mr. Fink. On Thursday night a union Communion service will be held, and on Friday beginning nt 12 noon, the three-hour worship period for Good Friday will begin. The complete program is to be announced Rev.

Fred T. Fink, pastor, Rock City and Davis Evangelical Rock City: Worship service at 9:30, Sunday school following. Davis: Sunday school at 9:45, worship service following. Theme for both churches will oe, 'The Kingship of Bible pictures will be shown at Calvary church Friday evening at 8 o'clocK. Holy Week services will be as follows: Worship service at Hock City Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.

"The Life of Christ in Story and Song. Methodist and Calvary churches joint service Wednesday evening at Calvary church, 8 o'clock. Rev. Gene Van Kranenburgh will bring message. Union Communion service Thursday evening at the Methodist church.

Friends in other churches will be cordially welcome to Ur.s service. Union Good Friday service at Calvary church from 12 noon to 3 o'clock. The Seven Words of Jesu.i from the Cross will form the basis of meditation by ministers representing 12 churches participating. The last of the series of Bible pictures will be given at Calvary on Good Friday evening Rev. tor.

J. E. Widmer, pas- Waste Paper Collection To Be Made In Davis On Saturday, March 31 Davis, 111., March following are assisting with the Red Cross roll call now being conducted here: Mrs. E. R.

Ditzler, chairman, Mrs. Emerson Runte, Mrs. Florence DeGunther, Miss Dorothy Fosler, Mrs. Elsie Afflerbaugh, Mrs, E. H.

Hofmelater, George Horton, Ralph Meier, Clement Spelman and Ev- ernttc Anderson. It Is announced by the local quarters that contributions are still short of the quota which has been established for Davis although there have been some generous donations, It is hoped that others will double their gifts. Waste Paper Collection Saturday, March 31, is the deadline for the. next collection of waste paper, which should be tied In bundles and taken to DcGunther's barber shop, open every 'day nnd also Wednesday nnd Saturday nights. Persons not able to bring it to the shop may call the post- office and the school brigade will pick It up.

Proceeds of the sale of waste paper will be used to purchase a memorial honor roll. Cleaned and flattened tin cans also are needed, and may be deposited at De Gunther's. OIL FURNACES While Green Co. lonlal Oil Fired Furnaces are not availnVo yel, the demand for thesa famous healing units will be tremendous, that's why we Huggest you place your order NOW, Stokars and Gas Furnaces Green Colonial domestic Stokers may be available later this year. Place your order NOW.

If gas Is available In your community place your order for a Green Colonial Gas Fumaco now; a limited number will be available in 1945. RAY C. PASH 21 WEPT DOUGLAS ST. PHONE MAIN 3U4 FllREE SERVICE Mr, Morris Farmer Is Killed When Team Of Horses Bolts Mt. Morris, 111., March H.

Grover, 30, residing on a farm near 'Mt. Morris, was Instantly killed Thursday morning when team of horses hitched to a farm Wagon bolted, knocking him to the ground and dragging him a distance of about ten feet. A coroner's Jury, which conducted inquest fit the Pinch funeral home, returned a verdict that Drover's death was accidental and was due to multiple fractures of the skull, The Inquest was conducted by Fred Homer, Ogle county coroner. Funeral services for Greyer will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday nftorhoon In the Mt. Morris Churcji of the Brethren, Burial will be mado at Dlxon, Italy has an area about the same as that of New Mexico.

Sure-Its War Work! Northwestern Telephone Co. Fewer "Hands" Make Heavier Work! PRING brings a new lamb crop to the western a new crop of wartime problems. For instance, experienced lambing crews are increasingly hard to find. But in spite of fewer hands and other difficulties, millions of-lambs are being dropped and raised to provide the nation's wool and meat. Beyond the "romance" of sheep ranching lies a great deal of hard work.

When early lambs arrive in wintry weather, there's no time to be lost in moving them from the "drop corrals" to the lambing shed. Chilled lambs often must be revived in heated incubators. It's not unusual for a good "night man" to "lamb out" 125 ewes in a that is work. There's the feeding and, later on, trimming, docking, bunch herding, shearing, and finally the trailing of the bands to the summer ranges in the high mountain country. And always herders must be on the alert to BUY BONDS protect their bands from coyotes and other predatory animals.

Yanks are the best-fed, best-clothed fighting force in the world. They know the comfort of warm wool uniforms. And nutritious lamb has helped prevent meat shortages at home. Sheep ranchers, like other livestock producers of the nation, deserve the thanks of a grateful America. '5 FOR YOUR GOOD IDEAS! Ideas, special tools or gadgets which have helped you in your farm or ranch work can help others.

We will pay you $6 for each one you send us which we publish on this page. Address Agricultural Good Idea Editor, Swift Company, Chicago 9, Illinois. We cannot return unused BARBECUED SPARERIBS (Yl.ldi about 6 3 Ibs. sparertbj 1 onion Vi cup vinegar 1 cup tomato juice 2 tbs. brown sugar 1 tsp.

talt cup homemade catsup 1 tsp. dry mustard Vi cup water 1 tbs. paprika Vi tip. chili powder tsp. cayenne pepper Cut spareribs in pieces, Brown lightly about 10 minutes.

Dice onion and combine with all other ingredients and simmer 15 minutes. Pour over browned spareribs. Cover. Simmer or bake in a moderate oven hours. Remove cover.

Baste ribs. Cook about 15 minutes uncovered. HOW THE DOLLAR IS DIVIDED There's an old proverb, "One picture is worth a thousand words." So I decided to draw this month's column instead of writing it. The picture is below, and it tells this story 75 cents (on the average) out of every Swift sales dollar goes to agricultural for their cattle, lambs, hogs, etc. And lie out of every dollar goes to the people who work in Swift plants, preparing those farm and ranch prod- ucta for market.

Transporting meat, an average of 1,100 miles from producer to consumer takes another 2c. But, after all, the picture tells the story better than words of mine. Few businesses operate on such a narrow margin few return such a large slice of their sales dollar to the suppliers of raw materials. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO THE MEAT SUPPLY are faced with a serious shortage of meat 'or the civilian population. The current is not peculiar to any local area.

The problem is national in scope. URGE DECREASE COMPARED WITH LAST YEAR Government figures indicate a decrease of of civilian meat supplies is expected during this quarter (January to March, inclusive), as compared with a year ago. The decrease will vary on the different types of meats. It is also estimated that during the second quarter of this year (April to June, inclusive) a decrease of expected. GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS Few people realize how much beef, pork, lamb and veal rniAt be set aside by meat packers operating under federal inspection to be purchased by the Government for the Armed Forces and for Lend-Lease.

As of February 20,1945, we are required to set aside: of choice, good, and commercial steers and heifers, except extremely light weights. of all utility steers, heifers and cows. of all cutters and canners. POBKi approximately, of dressed weight. lARDi approximately, of production in accordance with recent order.

The Government is also taking a large proportion of Swift Company's lamb and veal production: lAMIi 40 to of choice and good lambs. VIAU approximately, of choice, good and commercial veal produced within specifications. Whether these will continue at the same level throughout the year cannot be foretold. The above percentages aa of February 20, 1945. Consumer mis understanding dissa Usfaction also arises from Agricultural Research Dept.

HERE'S WHERE THE DOLLAR WENT livestock Raw I I.Oc 4.5e Taxvi 3.5e Transportation. 2.0c Other Exptnstl 3.9e Remaining as I.Oc What do you know! 1. Which ia the "beat-fed, best-clothed" fighting force in the world? 2. What share of the average Swift sales dollar did producers get in '44? 8. How are chilled lambs revived on a modern sheep ranch? Answers to these questions may be found in articles on this page.

Utah Sergeant Wins Silver Star Sgt. W. Standw, rancher from Promontory Point, Utah; admires the helmet that saved his life. He was wounded on the ill-fated USS Chicago by a strafing Jap plane. But he won the Silver Star for sticking to his gun without thought of personal safety.

another important factor that does not show up in these figures. The civilian population has more money now than in 1939 and fewer goods on which to spend it. Also, more peonle are working longer hours and need more food particularly meat. The demand for meat has, therefore, increased tremendously. The Government in a recent statement said that the average American, at present income levels, would consume 170 pounds of meat this year, if it were available.

In contrast, the Government estimates that there will he available during 1945 only about 127 pounds per capita. NON-FEDERALLY INSPECTED SUPPLIES The Government takes only federally-inspected meats. the shortage of meat available for civilians ia not so acute in the case of local packers who do not operate under federal inspection. Non-federally inspected processing plants have been able to supply a larger percentage of the product they produce during normal times as compared with federally inspected plants. ATPffWVARWWJECT Swift Company CHICAGO 9, IlLINOIS NUTRITION IS OUR 8USINSSS-AND YOURS Might Eating to Your Ywrt, Yean fa Your Lift.

Freeport Journal-Standard from Freeport, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.