Daily News from New York, New York (2024)

1 1 Airline Talks Resume! And Results Are Nil Washington, July 24 (UPI)- -Negotiators in the 17- day-old airline strike, apparently unmoved by a threat of Congressional action to break hours today and reported "no Assistant Labor Secretary James Reynolds succeeded in bringing the two sides together for the first time in three days for what he called an "opportunity for a very thorough presentation of their "Still Far Apart" At the end of the session Reynolds said: "Both parties are still far apart. There was no progress whatsoever." Talks will resume tomorrow. The stalemate in the walkout of the International Association of Machinists against Eastern, Northwest, United, National and Trans World Airlines prompted Sen. Wayne Morse to introduce bill last week to resolve the strike. A hearing before subcommittee of the Senate Labor Committee was tentatively set for tomorrow.

The Morse bill would permit President Johnson to ask a federal court to end the strike by placing the carriers in receivership and resuming operations under terms of the old contract. Body Is Found In Death Valley Barstow, July 24 (AP)- A California Army reservist has been found dead of dehydration and exposure at the edge of Death Valley. About 700 searchers pressed the hunt for his companion. The body of 2nd Lt. Arthur Rowland 25, Monrovia, was found last night in mountains at the edge of the valley, Army spokesmen reported.

No traces were found of Specialist 4th Cl. Jeffrey Cullimore, 24, Bountiful, Utah, missing with Rowland since last Sunday on rock-hunting expedition from their summer training camp at Fort Irwin. ARTHUR B. LANGLIE Seattle, July 24 -Former Gov. Arthur B.

Langlie, 65, died in a hospital here today after: a prolonged illness. Death resulted from a heart ailment, leukemia and complications. Langlie, the only man ever to serve three terms as governor of Washington, returned here last year from New York after eight years as president and then board chairman of the McCall Publishing Co. He had been in failing health since a heart attack in 1961. A lifelong Republican, Langlie was governor from 1940 to 1944 and from 1948 to 1956.

SAMUEL LUSTBADER Services for Samuel Lustbader, 91, a retired builder who constructed two high schools and many other buildings for the city in the 1920s and 1930s, will be held at Congregation B'nai Jeshuron, 257 W. 88th at 11 A.M. today. Lustbader died Friday at his home, 445 E. 86th St.

THOMAS J. McELHANY A Requiem Mass for Thomas J. McElhany, 75, retired Broadway character actor, will be offered at 10 A.M. tomorrow at Epiphany Church, 518 E. 20th St.

McElhany, who played the sheriff in the Broadway production of "Finian's Rainbow," died Friday at his home, 152 E. 22d St. MEMORIAL CHALICES CIBORIA-OSTENSORIA COMMUNION PATENS VESTMENTS MISSALS wide Choice Prices EDWARD O'TOOLE CO. Part Place. New York 7 Tel: BArclay Death Notices 1966 JULY MONDAY, NEWS, DAILY CAN Willian antil 1 at 232nd CAVE -Lena July 1986.

Beloved wife of Calogera. Loving mother of Charles. Anthony SalTatore. Also survived ba children Funeral from Cooke Home. 9:30 Christ King Church, Interment St.

Raymonds Cemetery. CECALA- -Beftha G. Shore rite of Benedict Devoted moth of Benedict Jr. daughter of Joseph. Cherished sister of Richard Marriotta Helen Chapels.

1401 until Interment (Peppine) roted father Chartoff husband late Fannie. Lightman. Nina Chartoff Cherished grandfather Dear brother of Helen Smith. today, at "The 76th -Dora Beloved of Devote Joseph. posing at Farenga Bros.

(Br. Branch) 920 Allerton Tues. Mass of Requiem St. Martin Tours Church. 10 CONNORS- George On July 23.

1966. Suddenly aboard S.S. United States. brother of Joseph. the Thom Martin and Bro.

Benjamin Reposing the Chapel of Joseph G. Duffy. 9th between 4th and 5th after P.M.. Tuesday. July 26th.

-Rose. Beloved wife of Luigi. Devoted mother of Theresa Marie Siroskey. Paul and Susan comers. Reposing Branch) 920 Allerton Funeral, A.M.

Requiem Church. 9:45 A.M. CONSIGLI Beloved wife of deniamino. Devoted mother of Columbia Bombardi. Louis.

Settimo, Pierina Agnetti. Gina Pioli. and Richard. Also survived by 9 grandchildren, posing at Greenpoint Chapels. 78 Kingland Ave.

Requiem Mass, St. Cecilia R.C. Church, Tuesday. 9:30 tation 2-5. 7-10 P.M.

Papavero's Funeral Home. Director. CUNNINGHAM- -Michael. On July 23. 1966.

Native of Killonena, Co. Clare, Ireland. Beloved son of William and the late Margaret. Dear brother of Mary. Thomas.

Betty McNamara and Ann Maher and the late Patrick. In Ireland. brother of Francis. Daniel. Kathleen Murray and Peter.

Solemn Bequiem Mass. Wednesday. 9:45 A.M.. St. Theresa R.

C. Church. Reposing at the Chapel of Joseph G. Duffy, 9th between 4th and 5th Bklyn. CURRAN -Laabelle G.

Suddenly on July 22. 1966. Sister of the late Charlotte strack. Beloved aunt of Isabelle D. A.

Caranagh and Alice E. Seismann. Beloved grand-aunt of Brian. Kerry. James.

Alice and Isabelle Caranach. Reposing at the Martin A. Gleason Funeral Home, 149-20 Northern Flushing. N.Y.. until Wednesday.

July 27th at 8:15 A.M. Solemn Requiem Mass. St. Andrew of Avellino R.C. Church, 9:30 A.M.

Interment. St. John's Cemetery. DE BLASIO John. Beloved son of Albert and Antoinette (nee Ribustello).

Devoted brother of Joseph and Mary Ann. Reposing at The New Chapel of A. Ribustello Son, 811 Morris Park Bronx, Funeral Wednesday. Mass St. Anastasia Church, Teaneck.

10 A.M. DE MORO- Reposing Williams Funeral Home. on B' way at 232nd until Wedneaday, 10 DEV L.IN Margaret. -Richard. Loving Beloved father of husband Mary of Stroell.

Dorothy Caval and Richard. Reposing Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home. 2135 Westchester Bronx. until Wednesday.

9:30 A.M. Requiem Mass. St. Benedict's Church. 10 A.M.

Interment. St. Raymond's Cemetery. (Omit Flowers. Mass Cards Preferred.

DI -Vincenzo. Devoted father of Josephine Guerra. Anna Troise. Marco. Antoinette Russo.

Viola Mazzara. Martha Monti and Catherine. Reposing at Piro Funeral Home. 251 DeKalb B'klyn, until Wednesdas. DI PASQUALE Joseph.

On July 23d. Beloved husband of Theresa. Loving father of Grace Marini. Dear grandfather of Joseph and Steven Marini. Reposing Andrew Torregrosea Funeral Home.

1305 79th until Tuesday. Solemn Requiem Mass Regina Pacis. 9:30 A. M. Interment St.

Charles Cemetery. DONDIEGO- Bernardino Benny) Beloved husband of Fay. Father of Marie Newman and Daniel. Reposing at the Morisco Funeral Home, 30-12 Astoria Astoria, until Wednesday. 9 A.M.

DUFFY- -John Thomas Jr. Beloved hugband of Joan (nee Kennedy). Loving father of John T. E. Reposing at the McGrath Funeral Home.

1112 Ave. 0. B'klyn. Requiem Mass. 9:30 A.M..

St. Catherine of Genoa Church. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. In lieu of flowers.

donations to Parkinson Disease Foundation. ESCHRAC August. On July 22. 1966. Husband of Anna.

Father of August and Nancy. Reposing at Frank E. Campbell, Madison Ave. at 81st St. Service, Tuesday.

11:30 A.M. ESPOSITO Michael. of On July (nee 23. 1966. Calandra).

Devoted father Mary Shilale. Anna, Antoinette. Jerry and Michael. Also survived by 2 grandchildren. Reposing at Chapel.

188th St. and Webster Bronx. until Tuesday. 10:30 A.M. Requiem Mass.

Philip Neri Church. 11 A.M. Interment. St. Raymond's Cemetery.

Cara Funeral Home. Director. FLANAGAN Bernard husband J. On July 24. Beloved of the late Anna E.

(nee Gribbon). Dear father of Elizabeth M. McLaskey. Bernard John J. and Gerard F.

Also survival by 8 grandchildren. Funeral. Wednesday. 9 A.M.. from McLaughlin Sons Colonial Home, Third Ave.

at 97th B'klyn. Solemn Requiem Mass. 9:30 A.M.. Our Lady of Angels Church. FORD- Father Thomas D.

Asst. Pastor of Sacred Heart R.C. Church. S.I. On July 22.

1966. Son of Emanuel John Ford and the late Catherine Ford. Brother of Edward and Francis. Grandson of Henrietta Donnelly. Nephew of the Rt.

Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Donnel13. Mrs.

John Heaton. Mrs. Bartholomew Maloney. Loretta Donnelly. Mr.

Mrs. Paul Ford, Mr. Mrs. Joe Reilly and the late Agnes Brundage. Reposing at Sacred Heart Rectory.

981 Castleton S.I. until Mon. evening. Thence to the church for the chanting of Divine office 8 P.M. Requiem Mass 10 A.M.

Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery. S.I. Jack. Joseph.

Mother A Norma of the 1 Richard. Sister Amdur 10 Rocka -William T. July 23. loved husband of Devoted father William Gerald Sister C.s.J.. Loving of Dear brother Hall.

quiem 9:30 Holy Name R.C. Reposing the Chapel of Joseph G. Duffy. 9th bet ween 4th and 5th Eklyn. HALPRIN- husband of Shirley.

Services July 26th Funeral Chapel. 52nd St. Lexington Ave. HANDLEY Barley) On July Beloved and Paul N. mother of Cooke 9:30 St.

Nicholas InterGate Cemetery. Lands Atop Matterhorn Zermatt, Switzerland, July 24 (UPI) Swiss pilot Bruno Bagnoud, 31, last night became the first flyer to land his craft atop the Matterhorn. Bruno, director of the Air Glacier Charter Flight set his helicopter down on the 60-footlong, five-foot-wide summit ridge for a "short moment" and then flew off. Death Notices Death, In May to THE NEWS by your funeral director to 2:30 P.M. for the day's Telephone calls ON Saturday before 2 2.

M. Phone MUrray Hill 2-1234 Therese. Formerly of Flushing Jackson N.Y. On July 23. 1966.

Beloved niece of Mrs. E. Berthold. Religious services at the Boyd Funeral Home, Deer Park. L.I..

Tuesday 8 P.M. Interment Pipelawn Memorial Park. Felix. of 749 Union St. Loving husband of Louisa.

Dear father of Sam, Joseph, Anthony. Raymond Ana Catapano. Reposing at Fishetti Funeral Home, 246 5th BElyn. Mass Our Lady of Peare Church. Wednesday.

9:45 A.M| ILterment GreenWood Cemetery. -Harold J. On July 24th 1966. Beloved husband of Maude. of James, Mrs.

Dolores Me Cormick, Mrs. Kathleen Plunkett Mrs. Barbara ReynoL Brother of William V. Also survived by 12 grandchildren 2 great grandchildren. Reposing 'Reilly Funeral Home 137-40 Brookville Rosedale, L.I.

Solemn Requiem Mass St. Clares R.C. Church. Wednesday. 9:30 A.M.

Interment Calvary Cemetery. Visiting hours 2-5 7-10 P.M. -Anna. On July 23rd. Reat Joseph V.

Sessa Funeral Home. 6924 Fort Hamilton B'klyn. until Wednesday. 9 A.M. ROVE Anthony (Sam).

On July 23. 1966. of Operating Engineers Local 15A. Beloved husband of Rose. Devoted stepfather of Peter La Fata.

Loving brother of Filomena. Emelia. Mary. Jim, Patsy and Rose. Reposing Funeral Home.

201st St. and Grand Concourse. Bronx, until Tuesdas. 9:30 A.M. Requiem Mass.

St. Philip Neri. 10 A.M. Cava Funeral Home. Director.

BURG MEIER -Elizabeth (nee Wilders). Beloved wife of Walter. Loving sister of George, Carie Buratovich. Anna Koefig. Reposing Walter B.

Cooke Funeral Home. 6900 4th until Tuesday. 2 P.M. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Margaret.

On July 23rd. Loving wife of Pancrazio (Joe co*ke). Also survived by 2 brothers. William Irwin and Robert. Services.

Monday. 8:30 P.M. Interment. L.I. National Cemetery.

Tuesday. 12:30 P.M. Reposing, Howard Funeral Home. 6311 Ave. N.

B'klyn. CAMPBELL- -John J. Beloved husband of the late Kathleen D. (nee, Norris). Brother-in-law of Florence Milde.

Elizabeth B. Hallett. Uncle of Norma M. Milde and Charles J. Hallett Funeral from James C.

Nugent Funeral Home. Ave. and E. 28th Tuesday. R.

C. Requiem Mass Our Lady of Refuge Church. 9:30 A. Member of Columbus Council K. of and Bklyn.

Elks CAPOZZOLI-Rafaella. On July 22. 1966. Beloved mother of Agnes and Cono Capozzoli. Loving sister of Mary Cariello.

Anthony and Cono D'Atri. Reposing at the Leo F. Kearng Funeral Home. 61-40 Woodhaven (nr. Eliot Ave.) Rego Park.

Funeral. Tuesday. 8:45 A.M. Solem of Requiem. Queen of Peace Church, 9:30 Interment.

Mount St. Mary's Cemetery. CASCIO-Millie Beloved wife of Angelo. Devoted mother of Mario. Peter and Nicholas.

Reposing at Farenga Bros. Funeral Home. 204 E. 116th St. Funeral.

Tuesday. A.M. Solemn Requiem Mass. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. 9:45 A.M.

In Memoriam PORALE Leonone. In memory of my beloved daughter. VINCENT CAPORALE. FINN -Mary. In loving memory of our Havemother.

Second Anniversary in Loving SONS and DAUGHTERS. O'NEILL Annie. Our Dear Mother. First Anniversary in Heaven. Always in our hearts.

TERRENCE and EILEEN O'NEILL DIGNIFIED FUNERALS from $250 Finest service lowest cost 9 Modern funeral homes serving greater New York Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens Phone CY 5-0700 WALTER B. COOKE B. (nee On July 1906. Beloved Paul mother Peter Susan. sister of Elisabeth the late Mahon.

Funeral B. Cooke Funeral Home. Bronz. 9:30 A. Requiem St.

Nicholas of Tolentine Church, 10 Intermeat. Gate Heaven preferred. MANSON -Paul C. On July 23rd. loved husband of the late Anna.

ber Van at Club of Greeapoint, posing Creamer Funeral Home, derbert Solemn Requiem Mass. Wednesday. 9 A.M., St. Cecilia R.C. Church.

Inte Cypress Hills Cemetery. Chapel visiting hours. 2-5. 7-10 Thomas J. Creamer, Director.

-Alfred. On July 24th. Husband of the late Annie Devoted father Alfred E. Beloved brother of Mr. DelHarwood and Jeane Dutch.

Repos Ing Walter Cody Funeral Home, 1093 St. Nicholas 1 (165th until Tuesday. 4 P.M. Funeral Services Fort Washington Collegiate Church. W.

181st 8 P.M. -Frank J. On July 23. 1966. Beloved husband of Mary (nee Jacob).

Dear father of Dorothy Campion and Robert. Reposing, Walter B. Cooke Fuperal Home, 1 W. 190th St. Requiem Mass.

Our Lady of Angels Church. Wednesday, 9:30 Interment. L.I. National Cemetery. Preferred.

John. On July 23. 1986. Husband of the late Reposing. Walter B.

Cooke Funeral Home, 2135 Westchester Ave. Bronx. until Wednesday, 10:30 Requiem Mass. St. Helena's R.C.

Church, 11 A.M. JACOB- E. On July 23rd. Beloved grandmother of Constance Peterson. Mother of the late Olga J.

Pearsall. Reposing at David Lane Funeral Home. 39 Putnam Tuesday noch to Funeral Wednesday. 7 P.M. at First A.M.E..

Zion Church. 480 Tompkins Bklyn. Interment. Greenwood Crematory. JACKSON- -Joseph T.

On July 23. 1966. Beloved husband of Agnes (nee Me Quade) of 123 E. Beech wood Oakien. N.J.

Age 4 Relatives friends of family meet 9 A.M. at The Creran Funeral Hall. White Horce Pike, Oaklyn, Requiem High Mass 10 A.M. St. oysius Church.

Oaklyn. Interment New St. Mary' Cemetery. Friends may call Monday evening. KELLY- (nee Me Manus) of 161 Second St.

Bergenfield, NJ. Native of Barroe. County Mayo. Ireland. Beloved wife of AmDear sister of Patrick, James and brose.

Michael Mc Devoted Manus. mother Mrs. of Bridie Ambrose Caul- A field. and Mrs. Nora Gunning.

Funeral from The Thomas Kelly Funeral Hall. 37 Main Bergenfield. NJ. July 27. 9:30 Solemn Requiem Mass St.

John's Church 10 A.M. Visitation 2-10 P.M. KANE Patrick T. On July 23, 1966. Beloved husband of Frances May.

Reposing at the Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home. 165 East Tremont Bronx. Requiem Mass, St. Philip Neri Church.

Wednesday 10 A.M. Interment. L.I. National Cemetery. LANGER- -Erna (nee Wagner).

On July 23. 1966. Beloved wife of the late John. Devoted mother of William. Also survived by 2 granchildren.

Funeral Services Boyertown Funeral Chapels. 188th St. and Webster Ave. Tues. 8:30 P.M.

Interment Lutheran Cemetery. Wed. 10 A.M. Raymond R. McGlynn Dir.

LATELLA- -Antonino. Beloved husband of Santa. Devoted father of Ann Lagana. Frances Lagana, Mary Veltri. Mae Weaver and Frank.

Reposing Scotto Funeral Home. 106- 1st Place until Wednesday. Solemn Requiem Mass St. Stephen's Church, 10 A.M. LETTERESE Teresa On July 24.

1966. Reposing Joseph Botti Funeral Home. 805 E. 188th Bx. Solemn Requiem Mass St.

Mary Star of the Sea (City Island). Thursday. 10 A.M. -Vito. 01 59 Richardson St.

Beloved con of the late Vincent and Rose. Survived by 8. sisters and 3 brothers. Reposing at M.J. Calandrillo' Funeral Home.

691-99 Lorimer until Wednesday. Requiem Mass. Mount Carmel Church. 9:30 A.M. MONTEFINESE -Joseph.

01 1726 65th Bklyn. Reposing at Ralph Aieroli Son Funeral Home. cor. 65th St. and 13th until Tuesday.

9:30 A. M. Me -James J. On July 23rd 1966. Member.

of Amalgamated Lithographers Local No. 1 Beloved husband of Elizabeth (nee St. George). Devoted father Eugene. Elizabeth Stumpf and James Jr.

Dear brother of Helen Holland. Charles Anne Brakstad and Philip Elizabeth Brimlow and John Solemn Requiem Mass. Holy Name R.C. Church, 10:15 A.M. Wednesday.

Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Reposing Smith Sons. 248 Prospect Park West. Brooklyn. M- -Joan R.

On July 23. 1966. Beloved wife of Joseph. Dear daughter of Nellie and the late Joseph Twomey. Sister of Patricia Daley, Daniel and Reposing at Chapel.

38 Lafayette Ave. Brooklyn. Solemn Requiem Mass St. Xavier Church, Tuesday. 10:15 A.M.

Interment. U.S. National Cemetery. MIGLINO- -Michael D. Sr.

On July 23. 1966. Beloved husband of Dorothy. Dear father of Michael D. Jr.

and Marie Calvin. Brother of Lucy Bookman. Reposing at The McManus Funeral Home. 2001 Flatbush B'klyn, until Wednesday. 8:30 A.M.

Please omit flowers. MOLNAR Augustine. Suddenly July 1906. Loving husband of Gisella. anie Dobina.

Louis and 8:30 Krtil Funeral Home 1297 Sarah. Brother of Ethel Malcolm, Sallly Beloved father of and StephBerono Clancy. and Stephen Molnar. Funeral First Ave. Mass 9:30 A.M.

91. of Siena Church. Intern St. mond's Cemetery. prefer armey) John 22.

County Derry. ausband of Mildred Devoted father of Jean Caules and Nancy and 2 brothers in Reposins. (cor. Church and Solemn Requiem 9t. Cathe Genoa R.C.

Church, 10:10 July 1960. Beloved husband Loving lather of of Michael and My posing, Glenn 45th Funeral Ave. (cor. 1 until Tuesday 1 of St Catherine Interment. John's 2-5.

7-10 P.M MUTHA- -Thomas Beloved from Chapel, 320-05 Queens Village. Re 10 Mart MUBPHY- On July 23. tive of County Ireland. Beloved mother of Scanlon. Moran Funeral Home B'klyn.

Solemn Church of St. Francis day. 9:30 Inter John's Cemetery. -Harry T. Of 6825 race, B'klyn.

Husband Brotner of Edward Fred derbet 5th Ave at 75th 8 P.M. Interment, NEWBERGER On July 22. 1900. Harry. Devoted sister of Edward Also survived by 3 ligious service Tuesdar.

10 Walker Funeral Hom Merrick Merrick, Greenfield Cemetery. O'NEILL -Cathenne. (Nee Mahoney). July 23. 1906.

Native of County Cork. Ireland. Beloved wife of the late d. Devo.eu mother of Sr. Labowre S.C..

Kathleen. Eileen Marion 0 Carroll. Timothy and the late John. 9 grandchildren. Funeral from The Keane Funeral Home, 248 E.

188th St. (Briges Ave.) Tues July 26. 9:30 A.M. Solemn Requiem Our Lady of Refuge Church 10 A.M. PACELLA- Giuseppe, Reposing at Lucia Bros.

Funeral Home 569 E. 184 Bronx. Funeral Wednesdar. 9: Visiting 1-5. 7-10 P.M.

PACELLA- -Maria Antonia. Beloved wife of Anthony. Dear mother of Louis. Tillie Cuomo and Frances. Also ourvived by 5 grandchildren.

Reposing Joseph Parenca and Sons Funeral Home 343 E. 116th St. until Tuesday 10 A.M. Solemn Requiem Mass Mount Carmel Church 10:30 A.M. Interment Calvary A in PERILLO -Angelo.

Reposing at Edward Pracenti Funeral Home, E. 149 until Wednesday 8:30 REENIL -Francis E. (Ret. N.Y.P.D.. Det.

Div.) On July 23, 1966. Beloved husband of Florence Deroted father of Edward. Also survived by 3 crandchildren. Brother Reposing. Seneca Chapels, 494 Seneca Ave.

(cor. Greene Ridge wood. Solemn Requiem Wednesday 9:30 A.M.. St. Rita's R.C.

Church. Interment. St. John's Cemetery. KEMI- On July 21.

1966. Beloved wife or Nick. Devoted mother Charles (Buddy) Grace Ann. Dear aster of Peter Benedetto. Reposing.

race acarna Funeral Home. Oliver until Tuesday. 9:30 BESKO-Louis. On July 23. 1806.

Son of the late James and Wilhelmina. Brother of Charles. George. Albert. Emma.

Irene. Olga and Elizabeth. Services at Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home. 2135 Westchester Bronx, Tuesday.

8 P.M. Funeral. 11 Interment, L.I. National Cemetery. RESTAINO- On July 23.

Beloved wife of Joseph. Dear mother of Mary Reposito. Charles and James Restaino. Friends may call at the Fairchild Chapel, 951 Atlantic B'klyn. through Tuesday evening, Service at the Greenwood Baptist Church.

7th Ave. and 6th B'klyn. Wednesday. 10 Devoted mother of Elizabeth Morano. Mary.

Paul. Josephine Gioe. Rose Liparto. Anthony and Peter. Reposing at Raiph Arevoli Son.

Funeral Home (Cor. 65th 13th B'klyn.) Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Agatha's Chur.h, on Wednesdas. 9:30 A.M. RUSE C.

(nee Riley) On July 1966. Beloved wife of the late William F. Dear sister of Helen Brien, John. Joseph. Francis and Charles.

Funeral. Wednesday, July 27th at 9:30 A.M.. from The Horne-Dannecker Funeral Home 336 N.Y.C. Solemn Requiem Mass, 10 A.M.. St.

Michaels Church (W. 34th Interment. Gate of Heaven Cemetery. SARDELLO- Thomas D. Beloved husband of Marie.

Dear father of Grace and Kathleen. Beloved Grandfather of Dennis Jr. Funeral. Tuesday. 9 A.M..

from Joseph Farenga Sons Queens Chapels. Ditmars B'lvd. Solemn Requiem Mass. St. Francis of Assisi Church 9:30 A.M.

TURCK- Ruth. On July 22. 1966. Wife of the late Harry Turck. Mother of David and Robert Veree.

Daughter of Harry and the late Irene Rubencamp. Sister of Irene. Harry, William. David and Vincent. Also vived by A grandchildren.

Reposing at Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home 1 W. 190 St. Requiem Mass St. Thomas Church.

Wednesday 10 A.M. Interment L.I. National Cemetery. WALL -James J. On July 24.

1966 of County Kilkenny. Ireland. Beloved husband of the late Lucilla. Devoted father of James and Helen Lavelle. Reposing at Albert R.

Conner Funeral Home. 4955 Broadway (207 Requiem Mass St. John's Church Wednesday 9 A.M. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. WHITNEY- Cleveland -Mary.

On July 21. 1966. 732 Harrison N. J. Sister of Michael.

James and Thomas Whitney in Ireland. Mrs. Catherine Gorman of Hackensack. N. J.

Devoted aunt of Mary Gorman and Kathleen Whitney. Reposing at Condon Memorial Home, 210 Davis Harrison. N. until Monday A. M.

Solemn Requiem Mass. Holy Cross Church. Harrison. 9:30 A.M. Visitation.

Sunday. 2 to 10 P.M. ZACCAGNINO Giovanni. On July 24th. husband of Maria.

Also survived by 13 children. 24 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Reposing. Cusimano W. 6th until Wednesday, 9:30 A.M..

Daily News from New York, New York (2024)
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