Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (2024)


  • Dragon Isles introduces unique new pets like Faultline for Hunters, each with special abilities for different situations.
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  • In Dragonflight, Hunters can tame iconic pets like Fenryr, Soulseeker, or Primal Thunder Lizard for combat advantages.

While the Dragon Isles offers up brand-new factions, landscapes, and villains to defeat, for Hunters, there are a variety of interesting new pets just waiting to be tamed. As can be expected, the pets found in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight appear primitive and ancient, just like the continent adventurers find themselves on.

The Dragon Isles will allow hunters to fill their stable with unique species, as well as run dungeons and raids with an incredibly cool elemental-themed companion by their side. It’s not all about looks, however, as many of the best hunter pets in Dragonflight mentioned below belong to families that provide useful skills for different situations.

Updated August 10, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With The War Within releasing in August 2024, fans of World of Warcraft might be curious as to just what new threat plans on besieging Azeroth from “within,” especially now that the Harbinger of the Void has been revealed to be plotting the fall of Azeroth in this first part of the Worldsoul Saga. In turn, Hunters among players may want to gather only the best Pets the game has to offer to prepare for these new dangers.

While Hunters are free to choose Pets based on their appeal, some Pets stand out among the rest when it comes to both aesthetics and their skillsets. Among must-tries for Hunters include a dinosaur-like creature, a skeletal hound, a tusked animal dressed for the Iron Horde, and an iconic wolf sporting battle scars.

1 Faultline

A Representative Of The Iron Horde’s New Technology

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (1)


Clefthoof, Ferocity

Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Smack
  • Thick Hide
  • Blood of the Rhino


  • Bread, Cheese, Fruit, Fungus

When Garrosh Hellscream went to a Draenor of a different timeline, he collaborated with his father Grommash to create an uncorrupted Horde free from Mannoroth’s corruption. This Iron Horde became the “successor” to the True Horde, complete with advanced machinery from modern-day Azeroth. Such an application to this huge leap in technology is Faultline, a spin on Rhinos and Draenor Clefthooves that have the Iron Horde’s signature take on smelting-inspired plating, complete with vents that shoot up hot orange flames.

Faultline is a Level 40 Elite Boss in Blackrock Foundry (Raid), specifically in the Breaking Grounds, as part of the fight against Beastlord Darmac. When tamed, Faultline retains its name alongside base abilities, such as +80% Movement Speed (Dash) and a natural threat generator (Growl) as well as a +4% Leech (Predator’s Thirst) and +30% Haste to all party members (Primal Rage). As a Clefthoof, Faultline has a default attack (Smack), a 15-second 60% Damage Reduction at 40% Health (Thick Hide), and +10% Armor and +20% Healing Effectiveness (Blood of the Rhino).

2 Fenryr

An Edgy Wolf For The Stylish Hunter

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (2)


Wolf, Ferocity

Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Furious Bite


  • Meat

The Wolf is among the most common types of Pets for Hunters in World of Warcraft, which also explains the abundance of their sub-types. However, despite their commonality, some Wolves stand out among the rest - such as Fenryr, whose appearance as a Worg changes drastically with the sticks (presumably arrows or spears) protruding from his body, a scar across an eye that glows a furious yellow, and scratch marks on his flank that glow upon running - revealing themselves to be runes.

Fenryr can only be tamed after defeating him and Hymdall in a solo instance of Halls of Valor (Dungeon) in Mythic Mode. Upon acquisition, Fenryr is revealed to be a Ferocity Pet capable of getting +80% Movement Speed (Dash) and natural threat generation (Growl), as well as +4% Leech (Predator’s Thirst) and +30% party-wide Haste for 40 seconds (Primal Rage). When on the offensive, Fenryr can unleash a fierce attack (Bite) and a debilitating bite on the enemy’s feet that inflicts -50% Movement Speed for 6 seconds (Furious Bite).

3 Soulseeker

A Soul Automaton From The Maw

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (3)


Hound, Cunning

Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Pathfinding
  • Master’s Call

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Lock Jaw


  • Bread, Cheese, Fish, Fruit, Fungus, Meat

With the Shadowlands known as the Plane of Death, it’s unsurprising for World of Warcraft creatures in the region to feature strange designs that outmatch even Azeroth’s share of unique aesthetics such as that of the Undead. Compared to the visual imagery of “edgy” Hounds that are often made of bones or blaze with hellfire, a Soulseeker is instead a spectral Hound encased within what appears to be an automaton plating.

Being native to the Shadowlands, these Soulseekers are found in various areas such as the Planes of Torment, the Desmotaeron, and even Ruin’s Cradle. As a Cunning Pet, Hounds can get 80% Movement Speed (Dash) with an additional 8% given to them and their Hunter (Pathfinder). When needed, they can cancel all CCs on them (Master’s Call) and even generate threat (Growl). In combat, they have a standard attack (Bite) and an attack that comes with -50% Movement Speed debuff to the opponent (Lock Jaw).

4 Primal Thunder Lizard

An Electrifying Lizard Protector

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (4)


Scalehide, Ferocity

Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Smack
  • Scale Shield


  • Bread, Cheese, Fruit, Fungus

While lizards as Hunter Pets seem to have been popularized by adventurous Troll Hunters, fans who want to level up their Hunter’s look with an exotic-looking companion should consider the Primal Thunder Lizard. Introduced in the Dragonflight expansion as part of the Scalehide family, Primal Thunder Lizards separate themselves from their cousins with unique features such as tail spikes, back plates, and electrified horns that crackle across their spine. They are commonly found in the Forbidden Reach.

As Hunter Pets, Primal Thunder Lizards have access to threat generation (Growl) and an 80% Movement Speed boost (Dash). Being Ferocity Pets, they can provide 4% Leech to themselves and their Hunter (Predator’s Thirst) as well as give 30% Haste for 40 seconds for their party (Primal Rage). Due to their nature as Scalehides, they have a traditional attack (Smack) and a 50% Damage Reduction buff (Scale Shield).

5 Sprite Dreamer

A Fairy Dragon That Adds Vibrance To A Fantasy Hunter

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (5)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator's Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Claw
  • Shimmering Scales


  • Fish
  • Raw Fish
  • Meat
  • Raw Meat

Introduced in Dragonflight, players who venture into the Emerald Dream of the Green Dragonflight have the opportunity to tame a Sprite Dreamer. Taking the form of a cross between a dragon and a salamander with ornate butterfly wings, the Sprite Dreamer are Lesser Dragonkin that demonstrates the sheer spectacle of this location. Players who are enamored by their appearance still need to get the special Lesser Dragonkin Taming Skill to Tame the Sprite Dreamer.


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As Ferocity Pets, Sprite Dreamers can remain aggressive partners for Hunters. In turn, their Common Skills naturally boost their movement speed and even generate aggro to get the enemy's attention. This suits Sprite Dreamers well, as Predator's Thirst gives them and the Hunter 10% Leech while Prima Rage grants 30% Haste, allowing them to attack faster. As Lesser Dragonkin, Sprite Dreamers can enjoy a ferocious Claw attack and use Shimmering Scales for 70% Magic Damage reduction.

6 Armored Direhorn

An Armored Rhinoceros For An Exotic Look

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (7)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Endurance Training
  • Fortitude of the Bear

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Gore


  • Fruit
  • Fungus

It's not all the time that players can get a sleek-looking Pet while enjoying their World of Warcraft gameplay, and this is exactly what the Armored Direhorn embodies. Belonging to the Direhorn class of Tenacity creatures, these Pets indeed display an intimidating appearance. Direhorns essentially take the form of a large rhinoceros with multiple spikes protruding from different parts of their body, with their appearance drastically enhanced with armor all over their person. The addition of spiky protrusions on the side with skull ornaments gives them a specific ferocity unique to them.

Armored Direhorns are only available for taming with Direhorn Taming, a special skill already learned by Zandalari Hunters unless acquired from the rare Ancient Tome of Dinomanacy from Zandalari Dinomancers. The Armored Direhorn can give themselves and their players additional maximum health amounting from +5% (Endurance Training) to a limited +20% boost (Fortitude of the Bear).

7 Ravager

Give A Pet A StarCraft Spin

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (8)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator's Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Ravage


  • Meat

Players who want to break convention from the traditional appearances of Pets in their World of Warcraft gameplay should consider getting a Ravager from Blade's Edge Mountains. These insectoid-like beings resemble units from the Zerg of StarCraft, adding a unique terrifying flair to a Hunter's visual repertoire.

As Ferocity Pets, Ravagers can grant themselves and their owners 10% Leech (Predator's Thirst) and may even grant 30% Haste for the player and their party members for up to 40 Seconds. Their Ravage Skill can cause Mortal Wounds, reducing a target's capacity to get healed and therefore opening them up to more debilitating attacks on the part of the player and their Pet as well as other party members.

8 Teroclaw

A Traditional Bird Of Prey For Classic Fans

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (9)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator's Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Bloody Screech


  • Fish
  • Meat

Fans of World of Warcraft who want a more traditional take on their Hunter's Pet may opt for a Teroclaw, essentially a vulture-like giant bird that can attack targets from the sky. Considered a part of the Carrion Birds family, the Teroclaw can accompany the likes of Condors, Ravens, Vultures, Flightless Teroclaws, and even Peafowls as more classic-looking Pets for players to enjoy.


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Giant Teroclaws boast unfurled feathers and a grizzlier appearance, making them more ferocious-looking birds of prey. This visual quality makes them appropriate for their Ferocity classification, allowing them to get extra aggressive to foes without much consequences. A notable Skill from this classification comes with Bloody Screech, essentially an attack that inflicts Mortal Wounds and therefore weakens a target's healing capabilities. When combined with the extra Haste from Primal Rage and 10% Leech from Predator's Thirst, the Hunter and the Teroclaw may bring foes to a war of attrition.

9 N.U.T.Z.

Angry Mecha Squirrel for Oddity



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Pathfinding
  • Master’s Call

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Defense Matrix


  • Mechanical Bits

Unlike typical squirrels, N.U.T.Z. has a penchant for raining death on opponents at the behest of their owner. They can be tamed in Azhara’s Secret Lab by a Gnome, a Goblin, or a possessor of the Mecha-Bond Imprint Matrix. N.U.T.Z. is a Cunning pet within the Mechanicals family, possessing Pathfinding and Master’s Call that enhances their speed.

As a Mechanical, N.U.T.Z. also has special attacks. Bite deals twice as much damage for twice the cost at high Focus. Meanwhile, Defense Matrix gives the squirrel 50% Damage Reduction across 12 seconds, making them an adorable emergency tank.

10 Deadly Gloomstalker

Venomous, Exotic Appearance

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (12)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Pathfinding
  • Master’s Call

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Warp Time


  • Fish
  • Fruit

The epitome of a venomous creature, the Deadly Gloomstalker boasts purple skin with green details. As part of the Warp Stalker family of Cunning pets, the Deadly Gloomstalker has a 50% Movement Speed Reduction debuff to foes. This can make quick work of enemies with the right combos.

The Deadly Gloomstalker also gives players options to cancel out movement debuffs affecting them via Master’s Call, while Pathfinder gives an additional 8% Movement Speed. Compared to other pets, the Deadly Gloomstalker can become a reliable companion for players hoping to speedrun content before venturing into the endgame.

11 U’cha

Traditional Gorilla Gives a Menacing Vibe

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (13)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Smack
  • Silverback


  • Bread
  • Fruit
  • Fungus

A member of the Ferocity family of pets, U’cha has a predominantly red color and is found in the Un’Goro Crater. Unlike Pets that players may appreciate for their appearance, U’cha and other Gorillas are useful for their skills. Silverback boosts their survivability, as getting below 40% HP activates 60% damage mitigation for 15 seconds.

Additionally, Primal Rage can give 30% Haste, while Predator’s Thirst gives U'cha 10% Leech. An ideal strategy is to use U’cha as a tank before healing them once their shield activates.

12 Black-Armored Black Horde Devilsaur

Armored T-Rex Secures a Unique Aesthetic

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (14)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Monstrous Bite
  • Feast


  • Meat

The only tameable Armored Devilsaur in the game, the Black-Armored Black Horde Devilsaur proves that a pet T-Rex is even more awesome when it’s armored with an assortment of spiked plates. As an Exotic Ferocity pet, the Armored Devilsaur is only tameable by Beast Masters.


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In terms of Special Abilities, the Armored Devilsaur's Monstrous Bite can debilitate healing on enemies for as long as 10 seconds. They also possess Feast, which can heal them for 20% Health, and 20 Focus over 6 seconds if they eat a Beast or Humanoid corpse.

13 Glacial Icemaw

Two-Headed Dragon Adds Twice the Impact

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (16)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Frost Breath
  • Froststorm Breath


  • Meat

The dual-headed Glacial Icemaw is an Exotic Ferocity pet, tameable only by Beast Master Hunters. As a Ferocity pet, this Chimaera possesses Primal Rage and Predator’s Thirst, which boosts their combat prowess.

However, the Glacial Icemaw also possesses special abilities. Frost Breath inflicts a 50% Movement Speed reduction to a target for as long as 6 seconds. Likewise, Froststorm Breath can deal channeled AOE damage within 12 yards for an 8-second duration.

14 Hydra

Multi-Headed, Threatening Pet

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (17)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Endurance Training
  • Fortitude of the Bear

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Acid Bite


  • Fish
  • Raw Fish
  • Meat
  • Raw Meat

Dragonflight players who want to engage in the intense PVP scene should know that most of their enemies will likely want to target their pets and try to kill them as fast as possible. To counter this, Beast Mastery Hunters should choose a Tenacity Pet for the added durability, and this is where the Hydra comes in. Their best asset is their Fortitude of the Bear, where not only do players and their pets get a bonus 20% health but also get an instant heal of that same amount.

Moreover, the Hydra has access to other debilitating attacks and status effects. Acid Bite special attack can inflict Mortal Wounds on the target, making healing less effective for 10 seconds. In PVP matches, Mortal Wounds can create an opening for the fighter. Moreover, Tenacity specializations such as Survival of the Fittest and Endurance Training add both damage reduction and maximum health boosts, further improving their survivability.

15 Scintillex

Rock Scorpion for Insect Lovers

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (18)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Pathfinding
  • Master’s Call

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Solid Shell
  • Shimmering Shale


  • Fish
  • Raw Fish
  • Meat
  • Raw Meat

Players who fancy spiders may want to consider a Shade Beast like Scintillex as a Pet. While players can encounter various Shade Beasts throughout the game’s taverns, Scintillex is one of the few Rare Shale Beasts that players can tame that retain their original name, immediately giving it an air of prestige. Players can encounter Scintillex along a ledge in Dustwallow Marsh.

Compared to other beasts in the game, Shade Beasts take the form of stone spiders with glowing insides, implying they are powered by magic. Hunters who prefer leveling and exploration companions may want to get a Scintillex in their team, as not only do they get a speed boost via Pathfinding, but they can also get themselves out of crowd control effects via Master’s Call.

16 Mana Saber

A Callback To Tyrande

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (19)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Endurance Training
  • Fortitude of the Bear

Family Abilities

  • Claw
  • Spirit Pulse
  • Spirit Mend
  • Spirit Walk


  • Fish
  • Meat

Present majorly in the Moon Guard Stronghold - the Mana Saber perfectly represents the hidden ferocity of the peaceful Night Elves in World of Warcraft. Resembling tigers with purple fur, Mana Sabers don’t have ordinary stripes but instead have glowing blue veins of magic surrounding their bodies. While mostly found at Level 45, a Mana Saber can accompany Beast Master Hunters in Raids due to their immense support potential.

At its core, the Mana Saber being a Tenacity Pet means Hunters can get much-needed healing and buffs during tough DPS sessions in dungeons. Self-healing courtesy of Spirit Mend can serve as a neat boost when paired with other defensive spells, such as the healing from Exhilaration and damage mitigation via Survival of the Fittest.

17 Oondasta

Unique Armor Fits Colorful Gear

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (20)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Bite
  • Monstrous Bite
  • Feast


  • Meat

As if Devilsaurs that resemble the T-Rex aren’t enough for players, Hunters of World of Warcraft can crank up the scary meter by taming Oondasta. This time around, players can secure themselves an Armored Devilsaur, with Oondasta boasting an ornate headdress with tusks and a ceremonial skull-themed armor that puts necromancers to shame. Adding to Oondasta’s aggressive appeal is its nature as a Ferocity Pet capable of boosting its owner's combat prowess courtesy of continuous attack buffs.


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Key to Oodasta’s efficiency is its nature as a Devilsaur. It has immediate access to speed-buffing Primal Rage and Leech-boosting Predator’s Thirst, immediately adding to the Hunter’s DPS. Moreover, its Monstrous Bite can trigger healing reduction via Mortal Wounds, further boosting the efficiency of some of the Hunter’s damage-over-time skills.

18 Magmammoth

Fiery Elephant Makes an Imposing Bodyguard

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (22)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Endurance Training
  • Fortitude of the Bear

Family Abilities

  • Smack
  • Trample


  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Fruit
  • Fungus

While World of Warcraft: Dragonflight injects several new mammoths into the game, the most impressive of the debuting creatures is the selection of Magmammoths. Some of these fiery beasts have different combinations when it comes to appearance, including longer horns, shorter horns, spikes on their back, broken horns, or spikes on their head.

Magmammoths can be found in The Waking Shores, around Scalecracker Keep and Burning Ascent: Emberflow. Many of these beasts are level 60 to level 70 Elites, so they can pack a punch when taming them. Magmammoths are part of the Tenacity family specialization, which makes them ideal for solo content, with the Trample skill slowing down enemies by 50%.

19 Veilwing

Sleek Drake Companion for Stylish Hunters

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (23)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Claw
  • Shimmering Scales


  • Fish
  • Raw Fish
  • Meat
  • Raw Meat

Veilwings are just one of the new Lesser Dragonkin added to World of Warcraft. These creatures can be tamed after the Hunter reaches Renown level 23 with the Valdrakken Accord. There are currently four different color variations of Veilwings, which include blue and green, orange, red, and violet.

Those who thought Shadowlands was behind them may be in for a surprise, as Veilwings can only be found in Mistveil Tangle in Ardenweald. These Dragonkin have the Ferocity family specialization, making them great for DPS and solo content.

20 Thundering Black Cloud Serpent

A Change from the Medieval Look

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (24)



Common Abilities

  • Dash
  • Growl

Specialization Abilities

  • Predator’s Thirst
  • Primal Rage

Family Abilities

  • Claw
  • Shimmering Scales


  • Fish
  • Raw Fish
  • Meat
  • Raw Meat

Hunters who dreamed of taming a Cloud Serpent back in Mists of Pandaria have finally got their wish. While Pandaren Hunters will automatically be able to tame Cloud Serpents, other races will have to speak to San Redscale at The Arboretum in The Jade Forest. Once the player purchases the How to School Your Serpent tome, they can begin taming the mystical creatures.

While there are several fantastic designs to choose from, spread all across Pandaria, one that certainly sticks out is the Thundering Black Cloud Serpent. This Dragonkin can be found during Island Expeditions or on the Timeless Isle.

Best Hunter Pets In World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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